3 Ground Fighting Defense Techniques | MMA Fighting

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All right, guys, sometimes you're caught in the guard. How do you stand back up? This is what you're going to do.
First, I'm in the guard. What I want to do is get my elbow here, like this. See how my head is tight to his? Chad, punch me in the face as hard as you can. Come on. See how I'm going that? Don't do this. Chad, don't punch me hard. Thank you. Here, leg out. Right here. Here, head close. This is the basic. Here, head close. Step out this way, or this way. Come up. You can come to your knee if you can't stand all the way up. No problem. One more time.
Here. Alternatives. Whizzer. Same thing. Whizzer. Grab your thigh. Grabbing your thigh, stand up. Here, now instantly attack.
Last one. Underhook is huge. Come up. Stand up.
Three situations, elbow and head tight, whizzer, underhook. Same thing. One, or two.
That's how you stand up out of the guard.
All right, guys, sometimes you're caught in the guard. How do you stand back up? This is what you're going to do.
First, I'm in the guard. What I want to do is get my elbow here, like this. See how my head is tight to his? Chad, punch me in the face as hard as you can. Come on. See how I'm going that? Don't do this. Chad, don't punch me hard. Thank you. Here, leg out. Right here. Here, head close. This is the basic. Here, head close. Step out this way, or this way. Come up. You can come to your knee if you can't stand all the way up. No problem. One more time.
Here. Alternatives. Whizzer. Same thing. Whizzer. Grab your thigh. Grabbing your thigh, stand up. Here, now instantly attack.
Last one. Underhook is huge. Come up. Stand up.
Three situations, elbow and head tight, whizzer, underhook. Same thing. One, or two.
That's how you stand up out of the guard.
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