If You Need Evidence For God, Listen To This.

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I believe Jews invented drip irrigation in Israel. Innovative. Plus this invention helped thousands in the world. This was one of the ways we made the desert bloom and spread our light to others.


I completely agree! One of the greatest and obvious witnesses of the Lord's very existence and His love for his children is the covenant children of Israel, their story, excile, return, blessings to the world, etc.! 🎉


A visitor to a farm remarked to the farmer, " God has certainly blessed you with a beautiful farm." "Yes He most certainly has, " remarked the farmer, and added, .... "....but you should have seen this place when He had it all to Himself." ---Well done Israel for making the desert blossom, fulfilling the prophecy. I pray to the Mashiach, the Saviour, that you don't set the world on fire fulfilling others.


Thank you very much. ISRAEL is God's miracle 💯👑🔥😇🙏🇮🇱


The proof for me is that G-d made a covenant to the smallest of the nations to protect and preserve us that we may perform his mitzvot, and that we would be scorned, abused, killed, and punished by the other nations, but that he would not forget his covenant.

We’ve been massacred, exiled, beaten, enslaved, women defiled, and forced into digging our own mass graves, and yet we live, in fact we thrive and praise Hashem still, just as prophesied. We’ve outlived our executioners, from the Greeks, to the Romans, to the Nazis and soviets and it’s nothing short of a miracle, and to me, proof positive of
G-d’s existence and faithfulness.


Irreducible complexity! The systems of the human body that CANNOT function without all the other systems. Intelligence! Taste! Laws of science! A huge universe that is set up as a clock. And yes, prophesies (GODs Word) and their fulfillment! God's protection of His people Israel in spite of the antisemitism.


Luv your stuff though pal I'm an small minority an Irish man who is with Jews I see so much of our own struggle in the Jewish one


God is an interpretation of the divine however you want to conceive God or the divine. Whether it be philosophically, mystically, conceptually, metaphorically, psychologically, symbolically, physically, emotionally, spiritually, unrealistically or whateverlly.
But our Lord Jesus Christ says in his gospels: “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” John 4:24 ❤️✝️


I'm an atheist, but I do admire and respect the culture the Jews have produced.


Very good explanation! One other point is that there were speculators who went to the land before the First World War but they couldn't find any oil! So the land was not of interest to investors and was left fallow.


Look at the photographs that were taken before the state of Israel was created and afterwords. You will see it as a desert before and what it looks like today. Before there was no rain and since the State was made it's with farms and gardens that did not exist. Today you have rain every year.


One of the Israeli fruits I admire most is called pomegranate which is God’s miracle creation. My first taste was in Tesco, UK. It’s so juicy and sweet and it’s very good to our health too. The Jewish farmers are so intelligent to grow such a wonderful fruit- pomegranates for the human beings. How can I not like the Jewish people?


Targum Jerusalem, Deuteronomy 26:17 - You have chosen the Word of the Lord to be King over you this day, that He may be your God.


Fourteen USA states have recently adopted measures allowing voters to register without presenting identification. My 18-year-old daughter successfully registered to vote online without needing any ID. This was particularly notable as it marked her very first experience casting a ballot. However, it raises a pressing question: what prevents individuals from outside our country from registering to vote online in the same manner? Ironically, while concerns about security persist, we are constantly assured that there has been no evidence of voter fraud.


To be honest, I enjoy your lesson, Ollie. Thanks for that.

Would appreciate if you would do one lesson on ‘Science’ as nowadays, many young students whom I come across believe in science. Can you share your views with us on the topic from the Holy Bible. Thank you.


Even though I fully agree with the rationalist approach, it should be pointed out that even Rambam, in one of his letters, says there is a limit to rational belief! He wrote that IF someone would present him with a seemingly iron clad rational argument disproving God and Sinai, he would reject it OUT OF HAND, and assume that his inability to disprove it, was simply due to his limited intellect!


Along with the historical evidence there is also the archeological evidence and prophetic evidence unfolding around the dead sea right now in our lifetime.


I agree, the Jews are the original chosen people of God. The main issue here is whether the Jews have been truthful and righteous enough for


The irony of evidence is the more you have the less you faith.


I don’t believe in God but I have faith in the Jewish people.
