The Loneliness of Schizophrenia

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Hi. My name is Stephen. I'm confronting loneliness in schizophrenia. This is an ongoing struggle, but I know brighter days are ahead. However, I don't know when and how that will happen. In this post, I describe the schizophrenia-loneliness connection and discuss two research articles on the subject and possible solutions. The title of my post is "Confronting Loneliness in Schizophrenia: The Friendship Void."


Schizophrenia is a complex mental health disorder that affects approximately 1% of the world's population. A range of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and social withdrawal, characterizes it. While much has been studied about the disorder, the connection between schizophrenia and loneliness has not received the same attention. This post aims to explore the link between schizophrenia and loneliness, understand the underlying factors contributing to this connection, and discuss potential solutions to alleviate loneliness in those with schizophrenia.

The Schizophrenia-Loneliness Connection

The relationship between schizophrenia and loneliness is multifaceted. People with schizophrenia often experience social isolation and loneliness due to the stigma surrounding mental health disorders, the negative symptoms of the illness, and the challenges in forming and maintaining relationships.

Stigma: The stigma associated with schizophrenia leads to discrimination and exclusion from social activities. As a result, individuals with the disorder may become increasingly isolated and feel a sense of loneliness.

Negative Symptoms: Schizophrenia often presents with negative symptoms such as anhedonia (loss of pleasure in activities), avolition (lack of motivation), and alogia (reduced speech). These symptoms can make it difficult for individuals to engage in social situations, leading to increased loneliness.

Relationship Challenges: The cognitive and emotional disturbances that come with schizophrenia can create challenges in forming and maintaining relationships. For example, individuals may have difficulty interpreting social cues, expressing emotions, and maintaining conversations, leading to isolation and loneliness.

Research Findings

Several studies have highlighted the connection between schizophrenia and loneliness. For example, a study conducted by Badcock et al. (2020) found that individuals with schizophrenia reported significantly higher loneliness levels than the general population. The researchers also noted that loneliness was associated with increased symptom severity, poorer functioning, and reduced quality of life.

Another study by Wang et al. (2018) found that loneliness significantly predicted psychotic symptoms, particularly negative symptoms such as social withdrawal and anhedonia. Moreover, the researchers observed that social support was crucial in reducing loneliness and alleviating negative symptoms in people with schizophrenia.

Potential Solutions

Addressing loneliness in individuals with schizophrenia is essential for improving their overall well-being and quality of life. The following are some potential solutions:

Psychoeducation: Educating individuals with schizophrenia, their families, and the general public about the disorder can help reduce stigma and promote understanding. This could lead to increased social support and decreased feelings of loneliness.

Social Skills Training: Social skills training programs can help individuals with schizophrenia develop essential communication and interpersonal skills for building and maintaining relationships.

Peer Support: Peer support groups can provide individuals with schizophrenia the opportunity to connect with others who share similar experiences. This can help reduce feelings of loneliness and foster a sense of belonging.

Family Involvement: Encouraging family members to be actively involved in the care and support of individuals with schizophrenia can help reduce social isolation and loneliness.

Community Integration Programs: Programs that promote community integration and provide opportunities for social participation can help individuals with schizophrenia build social connections and reduce loneliness.


The connection between schizophrenia and loneliness is complex and multifaceted. By understanding the factors contributing to this relationship, researchers and mental health professionals can develop targeted interventions to alleviate loneliness in those with schizophrenia. Through psychoeducation, social skills training, peer support, family involvement, and community integration programs, individuals with schizophrenia can lead more fulfilling lives and experience reduced feelings of loneliness.

#schizophrenia #anxiety #mentalhealth #depression
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Hey Stephen we went to the same high school, I had no idea you were dealing with any of this. I wouldn’t say you have no friends ik we didn’t talk a crazy amount in high school and I lost contact with a lot of people after joining the military but always thought you were a chill person . Your always welcome to come hangout, I also have struggled with depression for years and I’m glad to see your choosing to talk about it. I always found that a hard thing to talk about. Anyways it’s Esteban if you want to hang out some time let me know, I am in the general area. If you need someone to talk to I’m here man. Hope you feel better.


Talking from 30 years of experience with schizophrenia and anxiety my advice would be try finding friends within the mental health community who share your own experience and you can relate to. Go to some support groups. Maybe volunteer one afternoon a week in a charity shop or join a walking group. Attending a friendly local church is a nice way also to meet people. Loneliness comes and goes and it is something we all experience. I wish you well in finding some good friends 👍


I'm honored to be your schizo internet friend and I hope you're happy and healthy my guy


Hang in there Stephen. Living in your 20's with schizophrenia can be really tough. But, it can get a lot better in your 30's and 40's. Always hold out hope for making friends.

A lot of people your age have difficulty making friends as adults. It's not just you or people with schizophrenia. But, you are friendly, kind, compassionate, and intelligent. You have a lot going for you. Always hold out hope!


My son was diagnosed when he was 25 and he's now 35. He lives at home, has never lived independently. Lives with his dad, my ex husband. This illness is the saddest thing, and I'm always feeling so broken hearted for him. He's still a good and loving person, and everybody just loves him (family mostly) he's quiet and stays home basically doing nothing.

I've just discovered your channel, Stephen! Thank you. And bless your heart .... and your father too ❤


You really help me understand what my daughter goes through and it helps me to be a better support to her. Thank you.


You’re so articulate and intelligent Stephen. I really understand the tight spot you’re in concerning making friends. Have you considered joining zoom groups? My wife is in several zoom groups with people who have the interests as her. Even zoom group therapy would be a start. I know that with schizophrenia nothing is easy and isolation is a terrible feeling. I admire you bravery and enjoy your videos.


As someone who deals with social anxiety and PTSD I can relate.
You want friends, but having them around can be overwhelming.
I, too, play video games, and it reminds me of a time when I only felt safe in another world.
The mental health load you're carrying is uniquely yours, but I understand the weight of a load.


We have a drop-in center for people with mental illness. There are support groups and lots of fun activities. It’s easier being with people who understand what it’s like to live with a mental illness.


You are so inspiring and brave !!! You are going to make lots of friends by sharing your story on your channel. You are helping so many other people with mental illness build up the courage to go out there and live life. My daughter struggles with the same fears you have shared and she is trying new things too like going to the grocery store. Some days are going to be better than others but I only see positive things for you in the future !!! Keep moving forward 😊


Your videos are very helpful! I am 34 years old and I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 29 and I had zero friends. But three years later, I am better now and I think it's from Just facing my fears and being on better medicine. And I think after much practice of just getting out of the house it gets easier and I think u will make friends u just got to be patient.


You are an inspiration to so many people. I'm sure you'll make lots of good friends when you start participating in community activities again. Keep on believing in yourself Stephen. You have so much to give that I'm sure most people would feel privileged to be your friend once they get to know you.


You're not alone, Stephen. I have 35 and can barely leave the house alone. Let alone most people I know live in other countries. And I mostly am on my phone. Sometimes I see the videos of you walking by yourself and I Say wow I wish I could do that (the pandemic Made me even more isolated). And we all love Pokémon (and súper smash brothers haha)...
Sending You hugs and You are not alone ❤❤❤


You need to do a TED talk or something. You are such a like able guy, not to mention, inspirational. You have taught me so much! I am sad you have had to go through this but being able to share your insight, and your managing your situation is so helpful. Parents of kids who share similar struggles can feel helpless, but you give us hope. Also, everyone feels lonely at times. Getting involved with people with similar interest is a huge help because you have something to talk about rather than getting overwhelmed with conversation topics. Keep up the good work!


Thank you Stephen for sharing, it’s helping me understand my husband’s situation. He was very bubbly & outgoing he like you has really gone into his shell, very quiet.
He has gone to men shed, that helps he also is walking. Do you have any groups that you can join? That have things you’re interested in.
You’re doing a epic job with your channel, be proud of yourself. Hey I’m in Australia & you’re making a impact on my life. I do hope you feel better soon God bless Penny 😊


Stephen, you are a most admirable fellow. The poet Rilke says “Love is for what all else is but preparation. I think the good and worthy ones are getting their souls made ready and worthy to receive all the wonderful love and light you have to give. As the mother of a grown child who struggles with paranoid schizophrenia I have found strength and hope as you bravely share your heartfelt journey with us. God Bless You, dear


Bro you are an amazing person and I'm glad you're blossoming and exploring yourself and hobbies. I'm 25 I have had sza for about a year now and your channel makes me feel like I have a friend or even brother that has the same funk as me. Because of you I started walking, and now I've done 2 5ks walking ( with my headphones in the whole time) but you inspired me to get out and get active and now I'm trimming off my olanzapine weight little by little. I love you as a person and fully support you on your journey as well, you've inspired me and so many others. What if you made a Facebook group or something for the channel?


Stephen's story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. He has bravely shared his experience of living with schizophrenia and finding solace in the nostalgia of playing Pokemon.
Thanks, @life-is-here


This is so real for so many. Again thank you for being so honest. You are amazing and i really hope you find some like minded people.


Hello Stephen! I empathize with you🤗 . I'm so sorry! I am a 43yo woman with schizophrenia. I get that loneliness feeling often. I really don't have friends either. I had one friend and he is now my partner. Life will feel better. You are wonderful at expressing yourself and I'm sure you will make at least one close friend for sure! Hang in there! I will be glad to be your online friend😊
