1941 - Germany invades USSR, Ukraine,, Lwiw, Lemberg, Dubno (kro3)
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Invasion der deutschen Wehrmacht in die UdSSR Teil 3 gefilmt von Werner Kronenberg, damals Soldat in der Wehrmacht. Zu sehen ist die Zugfahrt nach Dubno, Zivilisten auf Zügen, diverse Landschaftsaufnahmen, Aufnahmen aus Lemberg mit Straßenszenen, einige Passanten tragen den Davidstern am Arm. Danach geht die Zugfahrt weiter nach Zdolbunow/Sdolbuniw. Die Soldaten duschen sich neben der Zugstrecke.
Russian campaign, filmed by Werner Kronenberg, back then a soldier in the Wehrmacht. You can see the train ride to Dubno, civilians on trains, various landscape shots, pictures from the city, imposing buildings in Lwiw and many people, also visible, some persons wearing armlets with the jewish star . Then the train continues to Zdolbunow. The soldiers take a shower next to the train.
Footage available for licencing/broadcasting/exhibition.
Russian campaign, filmed by Werner Kronenberg, back then a soldier in the Wehrmacht. You can see the train ride to Dubno, civilians on trains, various landscape shots, pictures from the city, imposing buildings in Lwiw and many people, also visible, some persons wearing armlets with the jewish star . Then the train continues to Zdolbunow. The soldiers take a shower next to the train.
Footage available for licencing/broadcasting/exhibition.
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1941 - Germany invades USSR, Ukraine,, Lwiw, Lemberg, Dubno (kro3)
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