1941 - Germany invades USSR - Lithuania, Weliki Luki, Welish (brue6)

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Privataufnahmen gefilmt von Gerd Brügelmann, damals Soldat in der Wehrmacht. In diesem Clip zu sehen sind verschiedene Fahrzeuge auf schlechten Straßen, ein LKW zieht einen anderen durch einen Fluss, Kinder sammeln Dosen, ein Ausblick über die Düna auf Welish, ein Abschuss nahe Ußwiaty, Gräber , das Schlachtfeld von Welliki Luki, zerstörte Waffen, beladene Fuhrwerke und vieles mehr. Gefilmt in 16mm.
Russian campaign, filmed by Gerd Brügelmann, back then a soldier in the Wehrmacht. Not the fighting was filmed, but the traces of the war Gerd Brügelmann encountered. In this clip are seen various vehicles on bad roads, a truck pulling another through a river, children collecting cans, a view over the Duna on Welish, a launch near Ußwiaty, graves, the battlefield of Welliki Luki, destroyed weapons, loaded Carts and much more. Filmed in 16mm.
Russian campaign, filmed by Gerd Brügelmann, back then a soldier in the Wehrmacht. Not the fighting was filmed, but the traces of the war Gerd Brügelmann encountered. In this clip are seen various vehicles on bad roads, a truck pulling another through a river, children collecting cans, a view over the Duna on Welish, a launch near Ußwiaty, graves, the battlefield of Welliki Luki, destroyed weapons, loaded Carts and much more. Filmed in 16mm.
Eastern Front animated: 1941
1941 - Germany invades USSR, Urkraine, Donezk (kro11)
1941 - Germany invades USSR, Dnjepr, Derjewka (kro15)
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World War II - Eastern Front (1941-1945) - Every Day
1941 - Germany invades USSR - Black Sea - Черне море (kro9)
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1941 - Germany invades USSR - Russia,, Smolensk (brue7)
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Operation Barbarossa 1941 | German Invasion To Soviet Union (USSR) | WWII Documentary
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The German Invasion of Russia and The Russian Resistance (1941)
1941- Germany invades USSR, Ukraine - around Dnipro - Dnepropetrovsk - (kro5)
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Eastern Front animated: 1942
22 June 1941 - Germany Invades Soviet Union
Germany invades USSR - On this day, 22 June 1941
Barbarossa: Why such high Soviet Losses? - Explained
107 - Victory for the Red Army! - WW2 - September 12, 1941
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