VW Jetta MK5 A5 Vw Golf MK5 Left Fender Replacement Right Fender Replacement

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VW Jetta MK5 A5 Vw Golf MK5 Left Fender Replacement Right Fender Replacement

In this video we are going to show you how to remove the front left or front right fender. It will be the same procedure for both.
It is a little bit more complicated compared to other cars because you will need to remove the front bumper cover first so you can get to a few bolts.
Also you will need to remove the fender liner as well.
The whole procedure will probably take you a little bit over 30 minutes if it is the first time you do it.
This procedure should cover:
2005 Volkswagen VW Jetta A5 MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2006 Volkswagen VW Jetta A5 MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2007 Volkswagen VW Jetta A5 MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2008 Volkswagen VW Jetta A5 MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2009 Volkswagen VW Jetta A5 MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2010 Volkswagen VW Jetta A5 MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement

2005 Volkswagen VW Golf MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2006 Volkswagen VW Golf MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2007 Volkswagen VW Golf MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2008 Volkswagen VW Golf MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2009 Volkswagen VW Golf MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement
2010 Volkswagen VW Golf MK5 Left Fender Right Fender Removal and Replacement

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The title of video translated in different languages so we can help more people around the world through visual presentation:

Cómo eliminar o reemplazar el guardabarros izquierdo o el guardabarros derecho en VW JETTA MK5.
Como remover ou substituir o pára-choque para a esquerda ou direita no pára-choque VW JETTA MK5.
Comment faire pour supprimer ou remplacer l'aile gauche ou aile droite sur VW JETTA MK5.
Wie zu entfernen oder den linken Kotflügel oder rechten Kotflügel auf VW Jetta MK5 ersetzen.
Come rimuovere o sostituire il parafango sinistro o parafango destro su VW Jetta MK5.
Hvordan fjerne eller erstatte venstre fender eller høyre fender på VW Jetta MK5.
Miten poistaa tai vaihtaa vasemmalle lokasuoja tai oikealle lokasuoja VW JETTA MK5.
Hur man tar bort eller ersätta den vänstra stänkskärm eller höger framskärm på VW JETTA MK5.
We, World Mechanics, are not responsible for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Information given in this video does not guarantee the desired outcome. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of the tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not World Mechanics.
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To anyone doing this it makes the job a lot easier if you remove the wheel and inner wheel arch liner


My god that is difficult. You have to remove a million screws. Thanks for showing.


Thank you so much you are about to save me lots of money


i cant open door to remove screws due to to improper gap caused by accident. Do you have a suggestion so i dont ruin my door? thanks


What kind of screws are they? What tools do I use all together


after alot of screws 20 pounds of sand and leaves it came out lol


Vw is a great brand but they make their cars so complicated and weird cant get regular HID and a good alarm cost $800. And parts for golfs


the procedure you been showing is hard for the beginners


thanks for informational video, wouldn't it be easier to take off the wheel for ease of access?


I wonder if its just as.. I guess kinda easy for a 2016 jetta anyone got any input? any extra steps than the mk5 or just remove bumper and a bunch of screws and pull off fender


I work with installing fenders on Volvo Cars. The job is pretty much the same


what kind of tool do you need for the screws?


Is the jetta 2009 and gti 2009 same fender?? Does it fit the gti 2009 for the 2009 jetta
