Things you may have missed in Murder Drones Episode 4

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Hey!!! y'all I'm back with another video today I'm pointing out stuff you guys may have or have not missed in murder drones episode 4 if you haven't watched murder drones do so here are the links for all 4 episodes and also hope you enjoy the video!

Murder Drones episode 1:

Murder Drones episode 2:

Murder Drones episode 3:

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My theory is that there are different versions of the Absolute Solver. One that the Absolute Solver drones have, and one that the Murder Drones have. The Absolute Solver drones have a much more powerful, yet unstable version of the Absolute Solver. Yet the Murder Drones have a slightly watered down, more stable version of the Absolute Solver, that is more focused on regeneration. My guess is that this was done on purpose by the humans, so that if the Murder Drones end up ALSO going against the humans, the humans would be able to handle it, this also explains why they wiped the memories of the Murder Drones. So they wouldn't have any past traumatic memories that could be a reason to rebel. But the 4th unnamed drone (some call Cyn) could have been a Murder Drone that has BOTH types of Absolute Solver. Making this drone almost the closest thing to a personified version of the Absolute Solver itself. Welp, I'm done rambling now. Bye!


V definately got trauma of Cyn eating humans


J seems like that kind of, “secondary main antagonist”.
She’ll be her until the end of the season I’m betting.


Anyone notice how in episode 2 every piece of J’s absolute solver snake crab thing that was destroyed created a tiny black hole?


1:49 "We'll make top team this quarter for sure"
This implies that there are different teams of Disassembly Drones that are elsewhere. Also, the top team (assuming the team with most murders) gets branded pens by JcJenson.


I don’t know if the roach scanned Uzis face, or if it scanned Nori’s collar for recognition. Also it seems Nori worked for someone/something since there’s a time card and PTO Request. I wonder if Yeva and Nori were test subjects/agents?

I think Nori got the information by finding the zombie drone/training tape possibly. I also feel like Nori might have a more potent version of the AS considering Dolls reaction and Nori’s collar numbering.

I wonder if Uzi is gonna be even more OP due to N’s nanites, AS, her mother, & J’s EMP? Assuming that has anything to do with it.


I don't know about you, but I watched episode 4 for the first time I felt as if someone was lurking on them.

I can't deny it. I got scared when you said Doll was observing everything.

This series is freaking amazing...


I’m not too sure if CYN is a drone. In episode 1, “CYN” is called out as some kind of “administration” that’s apparently blocking the solvers in the disassembly drones. I’m sure there’s more to it, such as maybe it took over that unnamed drone similarly to what we see happening with Uzi, which would explain why V called Uzi “CYN”.


I'm certain that there are other MDs. J said "With this colony wiped, we'll make top team _this quarter_ for sure."

I'm convinced that V killed Doll's parents. It looked like her in the quick glimpse, Doll told V "Anyway, you get it" and showed her those memories _specifically, _ and V later says "They didn't even taste good" when looking at Doll's dead parents who were both shot (just like how V shot Doll earlier).

One theory some people have is in ep. 1, when V gets a head start in the vent shafts, she stopped by Doll's parents to kill them. But in the flashback, Doll is hidden in a closet while her parents are killed before her, and I doubt she somehow made it to the designation spot before V, and also unnoticed. Plus she seemed too calm then. I only noticed a substantial change in Doll's behavior (not the solver specifically) in episode 3, otherwise I found her timid and adorably sassy when she ran away giggling with Lizzy after they both teased Uzi. In episode 3 though, she went from that to being fully badass and edgy lol


Did you guys heard that Uzi dad say about her mother? That she:

Nori Doorman Fighting against sky demons.

Said by Uzi Dad? Weird. Also how could Uzi get the Railgun parts?

That makes Uzi mom was the only drone (maybe) give Khan Enough time to build the Giant Doors For everyone.

Also on episode 1, Uzi need the last part of the Railgun to make it work. So.. that means the Railgun was divided in many parts that Uzi manage to reassemble it.

Edit: Next about Noris every Drawing, I noticed A drawing like A absolute solver manual guide or a study about the absolute solver, after the Dialogue of Uzi dad said "look this Cool S I can draw" before that Dialogue Rewind it like 20 sec or 15 then stop the Episode. Look at her drawings, there's a absolute solver study drawing, like how they work or use them, what their perposes or other things that we will never expect. And those symbols are only Appear when they were used expect the Absolute solver symbol, they always appear.

Uzi dad maybe give her that drawing to teach her self how to use the absolute solver or she already know how to use it.
And(this is my other Theory) how Uzi know that she need A worker drone Oil to avoid heating up. Since only 1 know what is the consequences if the User of the absolute solver did not drink A worker drone Oil, will make them heat up pretty badly and the chances of dying is low or high depends of the Drone status.

Doll know that, but I starting getting suspicious about Uzi dad. Did he teach Uzi about the Absolute solver. If he didn't there's a higher chance that she will died because of it.
He know his wife very well it maybe include the Absolute solver,

Why I starting suspicious on Khan?
Because of 1 detail. The bracelet or that necklace of the drones have the Absolute solver. He knew what it's perpose, so he give it to Uzi and said "Just be safe, Ok."

He knew about it. Including the Camp that him and his wife has been.

Also the Railgun was been used my Noris before Uzi, along with her absolute solver just to defend Khan and the rest and give them time to finish the doors.

Little fact: there's more about MD theories. That I afraid to tell to everyone because I have bad English grammar.

That's My theory. Idk what would happen next, we must gonna wait.


“With this colony wiped, we’ll make top team this quarter for sure”.
Just so ya know.

Also, how in the world did you even see that.
I’m a very perceptive guy, and I would never have seen that. Saw the other two, but that first one is so obscure and hidden.


The only problem about eldritch J still being there is the fact she was with Tessa at the end of episode 3. I have a few ideas of what it could be:
1. It is eldritch J (or part of her) and the J who was with Tessa in episode 3 is either fully restored or a clone of her
2. Unknown human who somehow managed to survive and live on Copper-9
3. Tessa (although unlikely imo)
4. Cyn (I have a theory that Cyn is currently in a form/state similar to that of Eldritch J or Solver Uzi)


The bracelets/chokers don’t help them pass down the AS. If a AS drone has an untrained neural network (a baby) the AS is already given to it since the UNN (baby) inherits 50% of each parents base code.

Edit: also I’m not too sure if the braclets/chokers help them control AS (+ Doll seemed to be using AS fine when it was knocked off, but it could’ve still been in her system assuming it is a thing)

I think it’s just for identification (in a more hidden way)


We all know Cyn is mostly connected to the absolute solver


Also something to keep in mind is that at the end of episode 1 we learned worker drones are fine under the sun, it's only disassembly drones who are hurt by it


Actually eldritch J has the human hand is because she was in cryogenic stasis room. We can see, how some of the cryo-sleep pods are closed, which means it’s possible to get human body parts as material.


I'm going to say it I'm pretty sure most of the fandom might have figured it out, but I'm pretty sure the murder drone who took out Noir (uzi's mom) is N, this would make a crazy twist in an episode it's either N or CYN, really it wouldn't make much sense for it to J she doesn't have a lot of relevance, V already took out dolls parents, and for N to do it would be a big shake-up for the characters especially for Uzi, and now that I think about it I mean shipping Uzi and N. Like episode 4 was basically confirmation that's going to happen, and to find out N did it, wow that would shake there lov- I mean friend ship.😊


Russian fandom has figured out one important thing: The fourth disassembly drone and Cyn aren't the same person.
Probably, her real name is Serial Designation S, as it's says in a leaflet that Uzi read. CYN - is some kind of abbrevation that every disassembly drone has on their ribbon, trio N, J and V. CYN most likely works as an absolute solver limiter (or anything else that has something to do with it), and it is the name of its programmer.
Probably S (fourth DD) was one of CYN's victims and Uzi is going to be the next one.


Another thing to note is if you look at uzi's face you can see like some purple electric thing coming out of it when she tries to hold N's hand
