The Blood Type Diet vs. Body Type Diet – Dr. Berg

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Find out about the key differences between the blood type diet and the body type diet.

0:00 Introduction: Blood type diet vs. body type diet
0:25 The blood type diet explained
1:46 The body type diet explained
3:55 Insulin and the body type diet
4:30 Fueling your body

In this video, we’re going to compare the blood type diet to the body type diet. The blood type diet claims that your optimal diet is determined by your blood type. The research behind the blood type diet isn’t very sound.

To eat right for your blood type, you should follow the following dietary guidelines:
•Type A- vegan, plant-based diet
•Type B- Mostly plant diet with some meat, avoiding wheat, corn, chicken, and pork
•Type AB- Seafood, tofu, dairy, beans
•Type O- High protein, some fruit, Paleo diet

The body type diet focuses on 4 primary body types and is rooted in endocrinology. There are four main body types:
•The adrenal body type
•The liver body type
•The ovary body type
•The thyroid body type

The adrenal body type is affected by high levels of cortisol, which causes a sagging belly. The liver body type is caused by damage to the liver or a fatty liver. This can cause a protruding belly or a condition called ascites in which fluid accumulates around the midsection.

The ovary body type is characterized by estrogen dominance, which tends to cause weight gain in the hips and thighs. If you have a thyroid body type, you have a slow thyroid and will likely gain weight all over.

If you’re following the body type diet, everyone starts out on Healthy Ketosis and intermittent fasting. After two weeks on this plan, you focus more on a diet specific to your body type.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this has explained the differences between the blood type diet and the body type diet. I’ll see you in the next video.
Рекомендации по теме

I was eating healthy, no sugar, no dairy, no gluten, no processed foods or alcohol worked out... and was having gut issues, fatigue, bloating, headaches.... starting following Blood Type diet (I'm type O) and I felt great! I was actually eating ALOT of avoid foods before. I've been following it for a few years now and I definitely feel best on it. I would recommend for anyone to give Blood Type diet a try


The Blood Type approach has helped me tremendously. For me, it was not about losing or gaining weight but about which foods had an inflammatory effect on my gut. I am O. I have always had problems with beans and peas, brassica foods always caused bloating, churning and gas, I thrived on a diet low in gluten. Understanding which foods work and don’t work for your blood type is crucial. Many people of African descent are O. Many Os are lactose intolerant. Many people of African descent are lactose intolerant. Many people with IBS, coeliac disease and other gut issues are O. That is why D’Adamo’s book is a jewel!


My sister had cancer 25 years ago and really followed the Blood Type book. She was very committed to its approach…. And she is alive today. But, interesting that it is still populer!


Lost 28 lbs in 3 weeks by eating by blood type (AB) and felt amazing. Also my go to recommendation for others who are sick


I definitely resonate with the blood type diet, although it seems like everyone and their mom is out to debunk it these days. That's fine. The more research and questioning, the better. But before people throw it out completely because some dude on the internet says it's not legit (correct spelling), I would suggest you actually try it out first.  

I'm type O and it absolutely makes a difference in my overall health to cut out wheat, dairy, caffeine, and alcohol and to include meat in my diet. When I was vegan for a year in my 20's my health deteriorated rapidly. I developed Celiac disease and my body couldn't hold onto any nutrients, even after cutting out wheat.  

It was only when I dropped the dogmatic vegan mentality and reintroduced meat that my body started to heal. I'm responsible and mindful about meat consumption now. I go for grass raised, wild caught and organic meats and I only consume meat in small portions 2-3 times/week.

When it comes to the blood type diet, don't knock it 'til you try it.


Blood type diet is worth further search. I went from suffering to healthy using type A advice. I reintroduced the prohibited foods one by one and all my old symptoms returned. I could isolate the symptoms and the food cause.


22 years of blood type diet, can’t tell enough how great it is to me.


Sorry, Dr. Berg, but I absolutely disagree with your comments regarding Blood Type Diet. I'm a type O' and the book nailed by every one of the symptoms listed, which hooked me. I have followed the diet, and the recommendations have significantly changed how I feel, look, and perform at the gym.


According to Blood Type Diet I’m supposed to be vegetarian, but my health has improved dramatically (lost over 💯 and no more meds)
I eat Carnivorish/Ketovore since 2006


After years of taking a statin drug, exercising, and eating what is promoted as a healthy diet, I was diagnosed as prediabetic with a HgA1C of 6.0. Going to a naturalist doctor, I stopped taking the statin drug and followed a keto diet. My blood sugars came under control but my cholesterol went up to over 325. I tried low sat fat diet but was consuming low fat milk, whey, and cauliflower. I was also fasting. After starting the type O diet and stopped fasting (I drink a plant based protein drink before going to bed and within half hour upon arising in the morning), my cholesterol dropped to 250. My blood pressure is no longer borderline high either. I rarely check my blood sugar because HgA1C was down to 5.6 and spot checks are in normal range. I am also back to endurance running which I haven't been able to do for about two years. This is like a miracle for me due to inherited hyperlipidemia. I have hopes that my cholesterol will continue to drop as my body heals. I am a firm believer in the blood type diet because it is the only thing that has worked for me.


I tried the blood type diet, but as an O+ I am destined to eat keto basically anyways. As my husband & I have different blood types, I found it challenging to cook for both of us, but we did both feel amazing on it for the time we were. That said I am having great success with IF & healthy keto, I have lost 73lbs so far, & feel great. We both love it, are rarely hungry, have no cravings, sleep way better, have way more energy and endurance, so happy I found these videos, and Dr Ekbergs videos as well. Love how Dr Berg keeps it short and sweet, and to the point though.


I have been following the blood type diet more or less most of my life. I am very healthy and already in my 60’s. I am more strict now then ever to following this diet and just try to eat the foods that are listed as most beneficial. This has helped me to stay healthy and away from doctors where my peers suffer with multiple ailments and are on medications of all kinds. So yes this diet makes lot of sense and many health professionals have acknowledged that.


Blood type worked for me I’m AB, I do better on sweet potatoes rather than regular, my mom is A, and she’s the opposite. In fact to test out the personality aspect, as curious as I was, I purposely tried to guess my blood type based on it before actually going to get tested, and I was right. Observing the people around me and what foods work for them seem to resonate to what it says too. Especially for blood type B people.


I find all the avoid on A blood type does upset my stomach, ive always preferred to be vegetarian. It has helped me


Blood type works for me too, lower inflammation very well in 6 months . Japanese focus a lot on blood type ... personality etc


Blood type diet worked amazing for me. I have Celiac Disease. My sister and I read it and instantly knew that our older sister and our father were blood type A from their personalities.


Test the blood type diet by noticing what foods kids won't eat or don't like and compare it to their blood type food aviod list, you might be surprised at what you find out!


Wow, who knows what to believe? I switched to the blood type diet to try and eliminate by acid reflux. I am type A blood type. I eliminated all red meat, all shellfish, all pork. I eat some vegan meals, but mostly still eat chicken or fish with meals. Results: I went from 150 pounds (5’8” Male, age 67) to 133 pounds. My body fat dropped from 17% to 12%. Acid reflux better but not perfect. I probably only achieve about 80% of the diet, but I have not had red meat now for 7 months. I had to cut out a lot of my favorite foods doing this diet. I will also have to say that I went from taking two prescribed PPI (proton pump inhibitors) and 16 gaviscon tablets a day, that were no longer helping my GERD. To now taking no PPIs or OTC acid reducers etc…


The doctor that wrote the blood type diet saved many people. It helped me.


I disagree with Dr Bergman. My health changed dramatically once I understood which foods I should avoid eating and what kind of exercise I should be doing for my particular blood type. I'd always eaten a predominantly plant-based diet - organic and as natural as possible with lots of strenuous exercise - but when I read and digested ('scuse pun!) Dr P D'adamo's books I then realised what I'd been missing all those years!
