She Thinks Her Son May Be Her Brother! | The Ghost Inside My Child | #Shorts

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Young Noah described vivid thoughts of living as his deceased uncle before he was born in this clip from "Is Her Brother Reincarnated In Her Son?"


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Join the journey of five families who have been touched by reincarnation. Two children will experience a reunion with someone from their past life hoping for answers and closure. One emotional follow-up to a reunion will illustrate the profound impact it had on two lives. And two all new stories, a 4-year-old who has religious knowledge his parents can't explain and a 13-year-old whose past life memories as a Samurai warrior are crucial in his battle with Leukemia. Five amazing testimonies that will have you question all you know about reincarnation.

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When I was 3, I would regularly tell my mom that I burned up in a fire. I had an actual phobia regarding house fires until I was around 13. Fast forward 25yrs and my then 4yr old daughter and I are relaxing on the couch together. All of the sudden she looks at me and says, "I miss my baby sister. Her name was Sally and she burned up in a fire." Then she said, "Mommy, I think you are Sally." Not long after that, I was talking to my mom about what my daughter said and that's when she proceeded to tell me that my great grandmother had a sister named Sally whom died in a fire at the age of 14. You can't make this stuff up!


My son told me he had die twice. He told me how he die. Then he said he held jesus hand and walked down this long long long long road.... he was 5. And I pick you and daddy to be my parents....😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏


Children that young are closer to the other side than they are this side. The mere fact that he said something so important leads me to believe he meant what he said. A lot of times, children who make this kind of specific declaration or statement at this young age grow and don’t remember when they get older, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I believe this cute little boy with all the fibers of my being.


I have read other comments here, some are disbelieving of this account . But too many accounts from children in many countries and a lot of stories have been followed through and found out to be real. Things that a child could never have known. You will never convince an unbelieving person. One account on you tube is a must to watch, is about the boy from BARRA , who remembers a past life and where he lived before and when an expert took him and his mum to see if anything came true, it all did. The house he described, on the beach where planes would land too. And he knew where the rooms were when they eventually went inside, and he remembered the gate to the beach and neighbours dogs too, a really amazing story .


I lost a baby when I was younger. I've always hoped at every least he got another chance.


My son where was his mother he ponit up and I ask him where was his family he pointed up again. I believe in my heart he was trying to tell me something. I lost him many years later. Now he is my ANGEL 👼


I could read these stories all day long, i am a believer, thank you for sharing


They say these memories fade as the child gets older.


These stories both eases my fear of death and gives me a new perspective on life. Gotta be nice to everyone they could be your relatives.


Yes!! Our souls like to stay close together and often come back as other loved ones close to us❤


If a soul is meant to be with yours, they will find a way to be there.


Always hear what kids have to say! Not just listen.


That's so awesome! Incredible!! How cute, her brother wanted to come back to be with her. I wanna see this whole story now! God Bless You & Your Family. 🙏🏵️🌠🌟🌌✨🪻😇🍂💙


Outstanding. Your brothers spirit has returned to you.


When my daughter was 2-3, she told me stories about when she lived in Paris. I was I had asked her more questions. She has no recollections of these incidents now as an adult.


I highly suggest reading Many Lives Many Masters, it will explain all these questions.


These stories touches my heart they are meant 2 reach us


I saw a program that had been talking about our souls being recycled and that we are always paired up in our next life with souls that we previously had been involved with or related to, married to, in previous lives. 😊


I love how all of the parents in these stories paid attention to their kids and weren't dismissive of their thoughts😘


I pray my brother sends me a child! And for him to come back to me in this way would be so special! I could only dream and pray! Lol this is amazing fr!🫶🏽
