A Scammer Has a Picture of My House?!

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Scammers are threatening people with their personal details including pictures of their home! How did they get these photos? What can you do? Maybe watch the video and I'll show you.
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I’m a reporter for a news station and I’m working on this story tonight!! I’ve done a lot of scam stories recently and it’s scary. Thank you for using your platform to help people!


If they sent a pic of what I do in front of my computer, my friends would just say, "Holy cow! No WONDER she can't lose weight!"


If they have a picture of your house they are no longer just a scammer- they are a blackmailer.


I work as a 911 dispatcher at a police department and I have spoke to multiple citizens who have received this email. They described it exactly how you did in the video. I hope people start to not fall for these!! Working in law enforcement I see so many people fall for scams and i always feel so bad for them 🙁


Data brokers need to be held accountable for assisting scammers and identity theft.


I responded to one and I told them, "contact the bank, it got repossessed 8 years ago"


I got one of these once and replied with, "So? Send it out. I don't care. Make sure you include my pastor, wife, boss, and kids in the CC." The scammer actually replied and said, "Seriously? What is wrong with you?" I laughed and blocked them.


Jokes on them google maps haven’t updated my neighborhood in years and has my old car out there 😂


It's even harder to blackmail a person when they don't partake in those certain activities to begin with.


I got this email numerous times the last few weeks. As a college student it freaked me out because I thought they were going to do something. Especially after they said my full name and address. Luckily the people of Reddit were able to calm my nerves after a bunch of users reported the same exact scam. And with this video, I do not feel alone!


Some guy tried to pull this on me. A scammer sent me an email with my address and photo of my house, along with my phone and email (all from pre-2015)

Turns out they took it off of Street View. No surprises there.


Got one of these just the other day! What did I do?
Continued drinking my coffee!


I also received this yesterday. I wonder how many people paid the $2, 000.00. The surprising thing is that the email I received had a close-up picture of my back porch, visible only from an alley.


LOL I just got this email recently. little did they know I keep my webcam covered at all times


Jokes on them. I dont have a camera on my PC. XD


Scammers have been pulling this one for years. I remember getting one of these emails with a picture of my house on it maybe a decade ago. This is far from a new scam. As a matter of fact, I think that the contents of the email were the exact same thing. I was almost word for word the email in your video. It claimed that they had all this video of me doing things while browsing porn, and video of me doing stuff all over my house. Well... sadly for them, I didn't even have anything that had a webcam attached to it. I didn't use my computer for anything other than playing video games or watching the occasional Youtube vid. I didn't have a cell phone or anything with a camera on it. And I also knew that the picture of my house was the Google street view picture. So right away, their threats were completely empty.


Mutahar from some ordinary gamers just got a letter like this and made a video about it


I literally got this email last week, but they had my neighbor's house instead of mine. There's some changes in format and wording, but it's 90% similar to the one that appeared in this video. I'm glad to see you're covering this topic 🙏


I got a text like this a couple months ago. They actually had a picture of me at a local grocery store shopping, and a picture of me sitting in my backyard. They said they had videos of me doing a lot of inappropriate things, and were prepared to send the videos to everyone in my phone contacts. I freaked out for a second, but I did my research and realized that, just like in this situation, they found the pictures on Google street view. I just responded, by saying, “I’m a freak, and i ain’t ashamed of it. Do what you gotta do.” I never got a response.


I have had three of these blackmail scams and reported all of them to FBI IC3 with all the information, IP address, website, and bitcoin wallet using email headers, HTML, and domain lookup. I don't have a camera, so I think it's funny that they have images of me doing these things they don't have.
