THROAT CHAKRA HEALING MEDITATION: Realize purpose in life, Improve self expression

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The throat chakra is associated with certain behavioral and psychological characteristics. It represents expression and your ability to speak out and express your truth.

It signifies both verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as internal and external communication.

The throat chakra connects with the etheric realm, as well as the subtle realms of your intuitive abilities and your spirit.

It gives you the inclination to create and project your blueprints and ideas into reality.

The throat chakra helps you realize your purpose or your vocation, and it makes sure that you have a good sense of timing.

This chakra is all about expressing yourself. It fills you with the truth, with your purpose in life, and with an abundant source of creativity.

You must remember that this chakra has a natural connection with the sacral chakra, which is the center of your emotions and creativity.

This chakra’s emphasis is on expressing and projecting your creativity to the world according to your perfect form and authenticity.

The throat chakra connects you to your spirit. Because of where it is located, the throat chakra is also often seen as the bottleneck when it comes to energy movement in the body.

It also releases the pressure that affects your heart chakra, which is located just below it.

The throat chakra is connected with the etheric body, which holds the template or blueprint of other dimensions in the body. It’s a significant reference point that aligns the energies through the chakra system.

What Causes a Throat Chakra Imbalance?

The throat chakra is a significant gateway to your expression and to how you receive the world.

It allows you to receive communication from the external world and take it into yourself in a way that can be easily understood.

The throat chakra allows you to process information from the information that you receive from other chakras and then express them to the world in a healthy and positive way.

It makes it possible for you to be understood, and for things to be let out in a useful way.

You can think of the throat chakra as a connector between your heart and head. It literally sits between your head and your heart at the base of your throat.

Your heart and brain are in constant communication with each other. Everything that they communicate with each other goes through the throat.

This is why you feel your throat constrict when you become emotional, or you feel a lump in your throat when you hold back your tears. This is where your voice resonates to express your thoughts and emotions.

You will begin to see challenges and difficulties develop in your upper chest, throat, neck, shoulders, and head when there’s a blockage in this chakra.

These difficulties can relate to any problem in the ears, jaw, neck, throat, thyroid, mouth, and the teeth. There can also be issues in the neurological system that can manifest as headaches.

Tickles in the throat, hoarseness, and coughs are some of the most common physical symptoms of issues in the throat chakra.

It can also trigger autoimmune conditions. Sometimes you can see or feel the tension from the imbalance in the shoulders, and this can manifest in the hands and arms as well.

The throat chakra is integral in releasing the energies from the lower chakras.

A balanced throat chakra sends energy from the sacral chakra through creative expression, providing a release valve to the throat chakra.

It also provides a release for the energy of the solar plexus chakra. It releases any active energy that builds up there.

There are certain forms of vocalization that can voice out your feelings and bring balance to your solar plexus and heart chakra.

A throat chakra that is out of balance can cause many problems in the lower chakras.

It can cause under or overeating.

You can become more anxious, and you can have a hard time expressing who you are. The tendency is for you to manipulate, gossip, and be sarcastic and dishonest to protect yourself.

The throat is a vital connecting point to the other chakras, but it’s very often blocked or out of balance.

This blockage or imbalance can lead to more physical or emotional problems affect the proper functions of the other chakras.

The heart and brain are very important electrical centers. When the connection does not function properly, signals cannot be expressed, sent, or received.

A throat chakra imbalance or malfunction can happen in many ways, and you are bound to feel it right away because parts of your body will start to function poorly.

Our Chakra Series
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I always focused on the lower chakras because I am just starting my healing journey. Reading the caption made me realize that it's also important to work on the throat chakra. Thank you God for leading me here. I usually don't read the captions, but God influenced my way this morning. <3


Love and Light to all using this to clear their throat chakras! Speak your truth! Tell your tale! Be AUTHENTIC and POWERFUL! YOU are LIGHT and YOU ARE LOVE!! From Canada xoxo


After this listening the whole night, I had a dream with all people from " Too hot to handle", we were dancing, we smoking joints, we talk, we laugh, and everything was so realistic. Repeating this one again tonight :D And heeey also I am not that one person who likes comment a lot or chat by messages a lot, but I just wanna say, that I love you all, be happy all and shine bright kind souls. I think it is the only place in youtube comments that everyone is like a family. And we are family. We are one. Human race. We all under the only sun, we all looking at the only moon. Earth is our home. I meditate for this wisdom to come in everyone's soul. Matrica fooled us all, they who are creators of a matrix made to believe all human beings in every lie for centuries. It is our human nature to be happy, to love and be loved. I think if only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how very different our ideals of beauty would be. So get this from me, if you reading. I love you. We all are connected. Everything is connected. But we lost balance, so people start from yourself, shine bright, love every day, smile, help, be yourself, free your soul, connect with nature and with the universe, connect with God, and my God is Love.
Thank you for taking your time and reading this, have a peaceful sleep and most amazing dream


this is a sign to manifest your dreams aloud. believe in them & never stop chasing them friend 🖤


Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you.. My throat hurts from being homeless.. God must have sent me to you.. After my sister doing this to me.. I'm glad I found you through the path of god.. Thank you for the healing sounds as I lie to rest upon mother nature's chest.. Love every second


A quiet mind is more important than a positive mind. Deepak Chopra 🌟


Letting go of your past is always the hardest thing to do, along with forgiving yourself


I Slept with this playing and I woke up feeling like a different person. I am so well rested and my neck and throat feel light and free. Thank you! for this creation.!


Thank you much. Very effective. My thyroid is done. I sacrifice for almost 6 months because i have no money to buy medicine hard to swallow the food. When i start to listen only 3 nights my thyroid is already done.thanks to God . God bless us all.


I can feel The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit with this. Blessings from Cali.💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏


I am grateful to be sleeping comfortably tonight. I am grateful for my lovely guinea pig. And I am grateful for my dear cousins. Namaste everyone.


I have always struggled with both my throat and heart chakras...this beautiful melody is healing both of them! I feel so free...I’m operating in pure self-love


This music is so peaceful I can literally fall asleep listening to it, I hope it helps me with my throat chakra I have a difficult time expressing myself or sharing thoughts and ideas.


This morning i am singing and dancing to this wonderful music in my kitchen.
It heals me and brings me so much peace.
Thank you so much ✨💖💜


There is a button next to the like button called "Thanks", we should all try to donate and express our gratitude by supporting this channel more!


🧡💙💜💚💛💖 If you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. 🙌🧡💙💜💚💛💖


One of the saddest facts of reality is that intelligence and self-doubt are one and the same. But it doesn*t need to be this way. The more inteligent we are, the more we need to meditate, to get back from the head to the heart and body. This phenomenal Chakra music will help us exactly with that.

Good luck my dear brothers and sisters here!


Giving thanks and praises for the music and the guidance. Peace and love from England, UK to all who play the music.


My throat is healed, cleared and functioning properly
