THROAT CHAKRA HEALING MUSIC | Chakra Meditation Music to Unblock Throat Chakra

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THROAT CHAKRA HEALING MUSIC | Chakra Meditation Music to Unblock Throat Chakra


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Also known as the 5th, or Throat Chakra, the Vishuddha is the centre that governs our speech and creative expression in the world.

-- How Balancing Throat Chakra will help you --
It’s balance will determine how honest you are, and how well you can express yourself with the people around you. It is through this chakra that we speak our choices and through this, we discover that our choices, no matter how small or unimportant that they may seem, have consequences.

Physical symptoms of a Throat Chakra Imbalance:
Throat lump, laryngitis, sore throat, tonsilitis, teeth problems, thrush, jaw problems (tmj), earaches, ear problems, sinus infections, thyroid problems, athritis in shoulders, sore shoulders or arms, neck problems, stress – may also exhibit an alcohol or drug dependency.

If your throat chakra is in balance you will have no problem expressing yourself in the world! You will be very creative, helpful, and may be good at offering people sound advice when it is asked for. You know what you want out of life and you are not afraid to ask for it, and what you ask for always seems to come to you with no, or little effort on your part! You are not afraid to express your weaknesses and people respect you for this. You are truly free when you can speak your truth.

Sound Therapy: Chanting “HAM” along with this music will begin to balance the throat chakra.

Color : Sky Blue


NEW TO Chakra Meditation? Try our Guided Meditations Here


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Everyone at Meditative Mind would like to Thank all you Beautiful Souls, who support us by listening to our meditations and healing music, giving us their feedback, sending us their love and blessings and buy our meditations, solfeggio music, chakra chants and healing music.

This all helps us to continue on our journey, on our mission. MISSION to bring more peace and mindfulness in people's lives through Music, Meditation and Chants. And you make this journey more beautiful for us, everyday, by joining in these sessions.

Thank You All from the bottom of our Hearts.

❮ Infinite Love and Gratitude ❯



CHAKRA Meditation Music & Chants PLAYLIST

HEALING Chants & Music from around the World
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The throat chakra is the most difficult one for me to unblock. I grew up in a household where you couldn't speak your truth or express boundaries or any other emotion besides happy. Just taking it day by day until these things are unlearned from my memory. Starting with saying no and standing my ground. Wish me luck x


I am truth
I speak the truth
I love the truth
My words are kind
My words are wise
My words are healthy
My words are healing
I am speaking with heart, mind and soul

I am speaking with heart, mind and soul

I am divinity
I am truthful
I am a great speaker
When I speak, people listen
Hearts open, minds are open

When I speak, people listen, people listen, people hear
When I speak people learn

I am confident in my words
I am in confident in my speech

Every word I speak, rings respect
Every word I speak, is respect

I am a motivational speaker
I am loving speaker
People can hear me roar
People respect my words

My words are wisdom
My words are truth
My words are divinely guided
My words are pure love


To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏


When I was a young kid, I was always told to shut up. My older brother was clearly my mom’s favourite, and my dad would come home late and tired from work. So whenever I wanted to ask a question or say something irrelevant to the moment(as kids do) I was always told to just shut up. My brother would always say that everything that I spoke was garbage all the time and my mom would never correct him. I was also compared a lot to other kids and my brother would also physically bully me. I don’t have a good sense of time but I remember one day “finally” shutting up and not talking again, just answering the basic yes or no when needed. I don’t know now how long it lasted but I remember no one noticing… Not being able to talk or have conversations as a kid definitely affected my ability to have carry on normal conversations or to even form coherent sentences. Being a very self aware person, I’ve worked intentionally on this and at 27 I’m definitely much better now but I don’t think I’ll ever feel self-assured amongst others. I’m not a shy person, but I’m fearful I’ll never be able to surpass feeling less than the person standing next to me.


To anyone who feels blocked creatively, this message is for you. Surrender is your master key. Pick an idea... any idea. I know you have many. The block is that you're creating rules and judgements. "This idea isn't good enough", "I'm not good enough to create that", "this will never work", "people will think this idea is dumb", "I don't feel inspired enough". Hear your thoughts. Feel the inner resistance deeply, and acknowledge that they are based in fear, and therefore imaginary. There's nothing to he afraid of. Totally surrender to an idea. As you begin to create, inspiration will flow. Feel into that creative flow and follow it through your heart. Let your unbridled creativity be a guide to show you how to turn fear into love. Namaste.


I was a soft spoken person . Never spoke my mind / also crippling shy and timid …I had a dream that said “ start recording yourself, I started recorded and listening to myself …“ I used to hate my voice … it sounded very muffled to me . Now I can speak clearly, write songs, and also a very good conversationalist.😳 I’m even a co host on a podcast . I would never thought . I love my voice I can change the mood in a room with the tone of it .👽 love you all


I stuttered most of my life until I found my life’s purpose. It was painful. The fear of my dad not ever thinking I’m ever good enough.
Now I’m a YouTuber helping others find their truth. Their voice!

And this meditation music is super soothing. Thank you so much for sharing.


This is exactly what I need cause communication is my biggest issue in life


I love the fact that young people are getting more involved in these videos and their healing properties, even if it is because of thyroid issues or whatnot. It brings the new generation into a much more calmer and more relaxed world where they can find peace.


Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6


After listening to this Meditation, I can be myself, tactfully assertive and authentic. I can express my emotions without bitter or anger. I no longer fear to express my truth. I have no more grudges to hold, so I can hang on listening to people without worrying about a thing I should have said or not. I let the words come by themselves, without forcing. It feels so good, it helps so much. Thank you.


My throat chakra is healed. I am able to freely express and understand my feelings, my words and wisdom. People love me for this 💙💙💙🦋🦋🦋🧿🧿🧿


I immediately began to play this and my throat felt like it tightened up for a moment.
My neck pain is clearing up too.
Whomever has doubts about this, please don't. It works.


clearing throat chakra is such a Beautiful feeling, try it.people will clap when you talk, respect you.


Every time I listen to this my cat becomes very very very vocal. Talks nonstop until I pet him


when i listen to this, i feel a warm tingly vibration from my throat going down to my heart centre, it kind of feels like supressed crying being released. but it feels really soothing. also since working on my throat chakra I feel like im being listened to more and i feel like its also easier for me to express myself verbally. ive always had issues of not being able to express myself clearly and its mainly due to my childhood, not being allowed to or not being heard... this has really helped clear those blocks :)


Throat chakra not only blocks because of not telling the truth. But also when you suppress your anger fear cry etc. Whenever I get anxiety my throat chakra get blocked instantly. This is why I'm here


i am a conversational genius.
I am the perfect speaker.
I am the perfect speaker in every situation.
I am the perfect speaker in public and private situations.
I approach people easily.
I always know what to say.
I always know how to react to people.
I always find the right words.
I always keep a conversation going.
I am sensitive to what people want to hear from me.
I am sensitive to what people need to hear from me.
I impress people with my conversational skills. I impress people with my words. I always find the right words to persuade people. I always find the right words to convince people. I always find the right words to make people want to listen to me. I easily make people listen to me. People want to listen to what I have to say. People long to listen to me. My words are mesmerizing. My voice is mesmerizing. My words make people want to follow me. My voice makes people want to follow me. I have hypnotic conversational skills. I always find the right words to make people feel comfortable around me. I always find the right words to make people happy. I always find the right words to make people like me. I know how to start a conversation. I know how to excite people with words. I know how to make people listen to me. Speaking in public is easy. Talking to people is easy. Approaching people is easy. I know how to impress people with words. Everybody wants to talk to me. Everybody wants to listen to me. Everybody wants to approach me. Everybody is interested in what I have to say. Everybody longs to hear my words. Everybody is impressed by my words. Everybody is impressed by me.


Hey you! Yeah you! Random person that I’ll never ever meeet. I wish you lots of happiness and joy in life. Have a fabulous day. Stay in the vortex! I love you!


I was addicted to drugs and i never knew that was the cause of my blockage. Lying was always the easy way and i never knew that was also a cause of the blockage. Im better now, better than i have ever been. Just trying unlock this chain to my throat chakra to balance it. I thank you for this soothing music.
