Neil deGrasse Tyson & Janna Levin Answer Mind-Blowing Fan Questions

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Is gravity fundamental to the universe? Neil deGrasse Tyson and Chuck Nice explore quantum physics, the fourth dimension, whether H2O is water, and the many-worlds interpretation with theoretical cosmologist Janna Levin, PhD.

Is space infinitely elastic? If spacetime is a particle at the smallest scales, is there space between spacetime? We get philosophical: is H2O water? We explore the quantization of space, Planck lengths, and whether gravity is an emergent feature of quantum physics. Is gravity a fundamental feature of the universe?

What would you see in the earliest parts of the Big Bang? We explore how you could rewrite relativity as particle field theory and the geometry and topology of the universe. Learn about the time Einstein let his driver give a talk for him and how the 1919 eclipse changed physics forever.

We break down the fourth dimension, compactifying space, and Lorentz boosts. Do physics and math view spacetime differently? Neil and Janna discuss the many-worlds interpretation and whether it’s trying to make classical sense of something non-classical. Plus, we explore how quantum teleportation would work. Is the universe in a superposition? Are black holes fundamental particles?

Thanks to our Patrons Mikal Krane, Tramond Spencer, John R, Laura Morrison, Javier Mejia, Emilio Campín Ramírez de Arellano, Jeff Gauthier, Tom Jones, and Jaired H for supporting us this week.

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Science meets pop culture on StarTalk! Astrophysicist & Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities & scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up!

#StarTalk #neildegrassetyson

00:00 - Introduction: Janna Levin
5:12 - Astronomy in NYC
7:12 - Mind-Blowing Science
12:05 - Can There be Space Between Space?
15:00 - Is Gravity Fundamental?
18:10 - What Does a Planck Length Tells Us?
22:10 - Einstein’s Driver Giving a Lecture &
26:05 - The Topology of the Universe
30:25 - Lorentz Boost & Why is the Fourth Dimension Time?
35:30 - The Many Worlds Interpretation
42:22 - Black Hole’s Passage of Time
44:30 - Quantum Teleporting a Molecule
47:30 - Black Holes As Fundamental articles
48:50 - A Cosmic Perspective
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Did you get your mind-blown during this episode!?


I love how Chuck, over the years, seems to be understanding more physics.


Constructive criticism from South Africa:
Hey Neil,
I'm a big fan of your show and appreciate how much you share your knowledge.
One thing I've noticed is that sometimes you cut your guests off mid-sentence. While I know you're enthusiastic to share your thoughts, it can be frustrating for listeners who want to hear the full point the guest is trying to make.
I've learned so much from you and your guests, and I think letting them complete their ideas would make the show even better.
Just a suggestion! Keep up the great work.❤


Anyone else love listening to this yet understand almost none of it?


Wish this episode had popped in my feeds sooner. Wow, this panel was amazing!!! Give us more .


It's always great when Janna Levin is on the show. Brilliant Episode!


Janna is my #1 favorite guest of all time. She is such a wonderful science communicator and person. I love her chemistry with Neil and Lord Nice


I love how Chuck's self deprecating humor feigns ignorance but you know he is following every single line of quantum craziness with these intellectual heavy weights


If Janna, Chuck, Neil, Gary, and Charles Liu were in one room that would be INSANE. Just saying.


We see Neil and Chuck: we Click.
We see Janna : We Grab the Popcorn.


I think my favorite example of 2 different opinions both being right is the particle/wave nature of light.


If I can go back to my teen years with the knowledge that I have now, I would become an astrophysicist. Ever since I was a kid, I always looked to the skies knowing that one day I will see something extraordinary. Thank god for podcasts. We definitely appreciate you and chuck. Keep feeding us knowledge.


I need another live Startalk with Janna Levin!


I would like to ask Neil and Chuck to listen to her instead of interrupting her. We can't follow her thought and explanation up. 🤦‍♂️


Interestingly I like to think of conciousness as an emerging product too, not as fundament. As a metaphore, conciousness wouldn't exist if we isolated a brain in a vacum, we need the context in which it exists to emerge. Taking it to an extreme: you are me.


You need to have a 2 hour show for these 2. I love it when she’s on. I hope you have her on again soon.


Great, guess I'm staying awake for another hour then!


49:29 some kid in the year 7240

"MOM someone sent a fart through the teleporter again!"


Wheeler: "Feynman, I know why all electrons have the same charge and the same mass!"
Feynman: "Why?"
Wheeler: "Because they are all the same electron!"
-- From Feynman's Nobel Prize acceptance speech, 1965


I used to vehemently hate Neil because i thought he was arrogant, and a know it all, and obnoxious. This was difficult due to my love of cosmology and science at large. He would come up in numerous videos I watched and he just sort of became a necessary evil in my search for understanding of the universe. But the more he came up, and the more I listened, and heard not just what he said, but also how he said it, and who he is and what his mission is as a human, I can now say I genuinely adore the man. I say this because as I was listening to his monologue at the end and I was staring into his eyes, I realized how much I love and respect him as a scientist and a fellow human, and was struck with this weird feeling that I somehow used to despise the man. Listening to a persons words and learning their heart can change yours. If there is someone you hate today... maybe give them another chance, maybe 10 or 20 or 100 more chances, like I did, and you may very well realize your hate is simply misunderstanding, or your own ignorance.

Thanks Neil for making the Human Race a group I'm proud to be a part of.
