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Just a little update on the big shallow. The tank is still in 1 piece, but it has been better days...

Everything I used to create this Aquascape (affiliate links)
Clear filter pipes

Equipment I like to use (affiliate links)

Clear Filter Pipes
Wood (similar)
Rocks (similar)
Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula)
Umbrella Hair Grass (Eleocharis Vivipara)
Riccardia moss
Juncus repens
Crypt parva
Crypt lutea
Crypt walkeri

🚨Watch this next!🚨

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#plantedtank #aquascape #mjaquascaping
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I would personally love to see a full re-scape of the big shallow, the tank shape is so unique it has lots of potential, plus you're a master aquascaper, do your thing!


I'd love to see you revive the big shallow. It will be very educational to watch someone with experience tackle the real-world problem of keeping those plants happy!


Sorry to hear about your tank. As some others have said. I appreciate that you document the "not so glamorous" things that happen in the hobby also. And although this is stressful and sad, you still keep a good attitude and thank your followers for their help. Cheers to you mate, hope you land on a good solution. If we were closer I'd offer you a hand.


Your big shallow if you can reinforce, with wood going up as struts, and I would say if you have a gap under the cabinet to put some wood under there too, to make it solid on the floor. If it’s flat to the floor doesn’t matter. But also your plants emersed could come back if you get the pump working, or have it so the roots are in the water always and let them grow that way. It’s a good tank but if you are falling out of love with it then you’ll end up rescaping, but I think it could come back if your hearts in it still


I have been on this position, damaged plants, smelly, thoughts of breaking it down and finding time etc.. but a learning opportunity in itself. I hope a company come across this and offers to help with a cabinet. You so so much for the hobby and getting new people into it.


I really appreciate that you document all things that might not be awesome. It's strangely encouraging to see that others struggle too. Even though I know that the BigShallow wasn't one of your experiments, it seems like it turned out to be. You did a lot of firsts in that, and even though you might not see it the way you wanted it to be, it's still a very nice piece of aquarium you have there. At least to me. I'm more worried about the cabinet, but I think you have good ideas to remedy that.Keep up the good work!


Whatever you do, I hope you keep the fish. I love the natural/blackwater style and you showcased those fish so well in the big shallow. Take care


Hey MJ! I make custom aquariums/stands and would definitely be able to make a nice looking stand for the big shallow for way less than €400. Ps I also live in the Netherlands.


Thanks for the update! I was just wondering about this and what you're going to do going forward, interested to see and learn about what happens. Have a great day, MJ, and good luck with the big shallow.


Maybe construct your own aquarium stand from strong wood planks? Paint it black, waterproof coating maybe….save yourself a lot and make a video out of it too.


Thanks for update. I have made my decision to go forward with the Twinstar sterilizer. Why not 🤷‍♂️.
Now the big shallow… I think as long as the cabinet works for your current storage needs, supporting the cabinet as you said is much more cost effective. The money you would spend on a new cabinet can be spent on additional supplies. Maybe a nice river scape? Because the tank is long, imagine your potential options. You can still have riverbank plants sprouting out. 🙂


I’m setting up a 15 gal hexagonal…my first planted tank. I do think the tank has good bones…I like the shape of the design…it’s restful to the eye. Is there a way to seep water up to the non submerged plants? It would prevent the die off you had while away. Before I became disabled I was a mad terrestrial Gardner. Asked to be a Master but wasn’t able for a variety of reasons. The landscape design I learned does cross over. I’m really looking forward to gardening underwater…I miss designing and planting so much! Your videos have been so helpful…I realized watching I was about to be 4 times as many plants as I need, lol!


Good luck with a big shallow. I love that tank!


See if there are any antiquity shops near you. I put my biggest on an old restored cedar chest. I was careful to layer everything as I built things up. Leveling mat obviously and some egg crate on the bottom of the glass to make sure the hundred pounds or more of dragon stone and mopani wood had good weight distribution. Everything adds up big-time.


My stand was caving like that and even worse tbh. I took the top off, make a complete frame and the cross beam and straightened it out and put it all back together. I ended up putting screws through the top into the 2x4s frame and wrapped the top with black vinyl. Holds up perfectly now. Yours is different but I’m sure with some creativity you can easily make some sort of frame out of 2x4s


Have a look at MD fish tanks early videos. There’s a stand build that you could possibly use and the. add the panels from the existing stand to make it look as it does now


Hey Mark sorry about the way the big shallow is going always frustrating when things don’t go as planned. I would suggest a full rescape so you can remove the tank and reinforce the cabinet. Maybe use manzanita wood or something different. I would still stick with the same under and above water style scape it suites that tank perfectly! I have faith in you that things will turn out better if you just give it another shot!


I've had similar situations before and for me, what caused the water to be in bad condition was the woods. It would help if you move the fish to a different place and do 100% water change with direct tap water for about a month. You've also added botanicals too early, so it was probably too much for your young tank to take care of all the organic matters. The tank itself looks amazing, so it would definitely be worth to salvage it even if it may demand a lot of efforts in the beginning.


Hi! The foam that you put under the tank is causing the bending of the cabinet. I have heard about that kind of problem a lot. So here must be a reason why (for example) the guys from Oase don´t want you to put that kind of foam under their tanks. They provide a high density fiber board to put under the tank. If I remember correctly Juwel and Eheim also don´t want those mats to be used. The foam wants to expand to it´s original shape and is very strong. So if you want to rescape just take the foam out and clean the top of the cabinet.


Hillstream loach Scape would be great and low energy 👍
