| The Real Problems

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#Earth2io #Earth2 #E2

There's two problems I think the Earth2 Team needs to overcome in the short term if they hope to achieve long term success. Check out the video for my full thoughts!

Earth2 Referrel Code: TH9QI8LWSN

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. I'm not a financial advisor. This is strictly informational. Always make your own informed decisions before getting involved in anything that requires money. Whether it be a game or otherwise.
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Hey mate, another solid, balanced video - also good to see that you have been able to have respectful, bilateral discussions with some of the other content creators out there.
IMO you have definitely hit the nail in the head - communication, appropriate communication, from the dev team is key. Specifically comms focussed on the immediate and mid-term phase 2 goals as well as a potential roadmap for what later stages entail.
I understand that there is commercial-in-confidence information and a competitive marketplace, however, getting a handle on the above quickly is integral to the ongoing success of the platform; which goes hand in hand with active management of the investor and player base.


They released that video of the car driving out of pure desperation. At least it answers the question of being third person. My biggest concern right now, and I'm of the opinion this is all total BS, is the question of this game being run inside of a browser or something you download and install. It's absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to create the game they are talking about, with the graphics they are talking about on the scale they are talking about while running in a browser... but if it's not running in a browser, how is it going to be on a block chain with a crypto currency?? How can they ensure the integrity of the block when this is something installed and easily manipulated on someone's pc?

The issue here is none of this has an answer which circles back to how the fk can you take over 40 million from the player base and not know exactly what you are making. If you use the excuse "well they didn't realize they were going to blow up so fast", that's ridiculous and further solidifies everyone's position that this is never going to be made.. and it's a scam.... a very elaborate scam but still a scam.


Always enjoy your content Combo. You already know how I feel about all this so no need to repeat it.


Great summary, don't back down from your realistic, truthful criticism, regardless of the likes or not.


To answer your 3 questions, yes, yes and yes. Spot on concerns. Especially the infrequency and more importantly, usefulness of the communications.


fully agree with you. Right now most have positions are just waiting for some indications so very little selling but that could change in an instant.


Combo you hit the nail on the head boet. 100% correct. God I pray that the devs are able to pull E2 off. Shot for the epic vid, as always.


yes good points as early investor and following all the news alot of talk about phase 3.. if phase 2 is coming next week or 2 weeks why not show some gameplay what we can do in phase 2.. Make a trailer.. why so scared and buying time for releasing we all gonna see it in 2 weeks.. whats all the secretness all about.. and another thing alot of people are into the property with buildings but all buildings will be wiped.. if people are getting payed on vieuws or visits than i do complete the wrong strategy its now just gambling. iam following everyone i see 2 terrains and 1 buggy and there is no details on Value XYZ like how deep you can go in meters yards in the ground so 10 x 10 meter is 100 blocks and every meter is 1 layer so Y=0 is lowest point and Y 256 is highest point and this was 5 days ago.. someone asked nathaniel and he sayed we dont decide this yet.. so if its not decided for phase 3. than there will be no digging for dungoens caverns or minerals in the ground only on level.. or maybe they cant tell it because its secret and its coming out in phase 2... its important to know so mountains could much more valuable to mine if you have 10 x 10 blocks to mine from height down.. my head is spinning


Sandbox is a legit game
Earth2 is a scam
Thats the difference


Excellent stuff Combo! I totally agree. In my opinion the next 3-4 months will make or break the project. There has to be additional progress, things for us to be able to do within the website. Essence production and resource gathering I think must be soon


Maybe I'm naive, but I still think we will have a playable phase 3 this year. Maybe not on the scale we expect, but we will be able to build something on our plots. Communications needs to improve a lot, but we have seen more engagement from the devs recently too.
I've tried Decentraland and I didn't find out what I can achieve there. No one seems to be playing that and still people pay a lot of money for the plots. Metaverses are definitely the thing of the future and let's see who will grab the piece of the metaverse-cake. Maybe E1 is a metaverse as well :).


The devs had mentioned they have a test zone, maybe 300SQ km? What if we could be beta testers for developing that zone. Would that be doable?


Great video! Definitely make or break for E2 right now. They a PR person too lol


Good points. OK The Sandbox and Decentraland came out before Earth2, so did Symbian and Palm OS, they came out before Android, and we all know what happened afterwards.


I'm hoping once the essence/crypto opportunity is sorted that development will just explode.

But yeah recent weeks have been a little disheartening.


Stay calm and buy tiles in Moon City Niue


suedo ponzi + suedo mlm + suedo online game = EARTH2


Yep no need to show phase 3 much rather they just hit us when it's ready in the future. All I can think is please let phase 2 be good


nameless wants to know more about your fish tank, fyi


I agree with you about the lack of information for phase 2 but you have to look at it from the aspect of the copycat platform as well. The more you give, the faster it is copied.The other copycats all together don’t even have a 10% user like e2 so they don’t seem as dangerous if one of them doesn’t perform something magical. Ae has adapted very quickly and is rapidly developing (copying) and improving things but the community is very small. VP dropped out of the game and once they had a live chat where 16 people showed up.Metaearth under 1000.Ovr 1000+.Superword is nft(think)none of them raised enough money for any more serious development
