Pete Cowen: Hip Rotation & How To Swing The Golf Club

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►Pete Cowen's methodology for swinging the golf club is unparalleled because he use the body spiral hip rotation and forces to control the golf club

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Very well explained! Pete has understood the proper body movement for years! It simplifies the golf swing.


Hi Andy, loving your affinity to your old coach and mentor Pete Cowen and his spiral staircase concept and idea of “loading up the trail hip in the backswing. Question: we hear about need to shift pressure vs mass / physical weight staying more centred.

I have seen a YouTube video where the coach uses a large bouncy ball placed between the wall and the lead / left hip and does the backswing keeping the ball pressing it against the wall and rolling the ball forward with his hip rotation, while straightening his trail leg, pushing back off his trail foot and looking like he reverse pivots the weight into his lead / left folded knee. To me that looked odd because his hips where still level and he looked stacked over his lead side at the top of his backswing without doing the usual lateral move towards the target then the rotation. Your method clearly is quite classical and follows the Pete Cowen method. But I often see fellow amateurs missing out the hip rotation part and just swaying off the ball, this restricting their backswing. So they miss out on the benefits of the wind up / loading the pressure into the trail side. I guess we need to see something like 80% pressure into the trail side by the time your halfway into your backswing (lead arm parallel)?

When do you start to shift your pressure back into your lead / target side?

When you do so is it correct to do a diagonal lateral shift first which retains your backswing hip rotation until the pressure/ weight arrives bank on the lead side? So in other words when do you start tee-rotating your hips back to square in the downswing?

In your backswing I’m guessing your lead knee flexes forward as you rotate your hips and as your trail leg straightens slightly? I’m guessing there is a danger in just “turning” your hips and shoulders together and achieving no coil effect // loading of the hips?

Last question I’m assuming in transition it’s your lead knee flexes/ left hip that gets pulled back to the depth / level of where your already rotated trail / right hip resides? So in other words you create more space for your hands & arms to fall into?

Last question do you physically / consciously pull the hands/ handle down or does your lateral shift drop the hands in transition (aka like the Ben Hogan statement the hands get a free ride in the transition)?

Sorry for multiple questions/ multi faceted questions.

PS Great coaching across your wide range of videos. Big fan.



Needed this. Good video and good clip at the end. 👊


Great drill Andy that one helps with my recurring fault when my shoulders go too flat 👍.


Great video. Any swing thoughts for getting the correct shoulder lift whilst actually holding a club and doing takeaway. It's much more difficult with a club.


Good stuff, Andy. Gosh, the movement reminded me of trying to start my dad's balky lawnmower years ago, lol.


I really need this u made it make so much easier


Great tips! When you reach the top of your backswing, which parts of your body are feeling the stretch or tension?


Andy I listen to what you said and I pulled over in the middle of the median and got my stick out and started working my hip movement I also had a few ladies beat the horn at me I might add


Will give this ago, i know at some point during a round i get flat in my turn


I dont think I have seen anybody but Scottie Scheffler say it, not one Youtube coach or pro, forget all these tips and tricks, if you dont have mobility in your spine and shoulders you will struggle. I am one who struggles with back issues and shoulders and every time I work on those and just play more suddenly I can rotate more and everything is easy and natural.


How does hip go up! You should say that . By changing the angles of the knees .


Those that can, do.. Those that can't, teach?
I've never been 100% convinced by that saying
I find golf is a bit like dancing Andy
You can teach all the steps but the final execution is down to personal natural ability
I do this move naturally but I've seen people trying to do it and they look wooden and robotic
Usually because they don't have the natural flexibility and athletisism
Time for a video or two from yourself on fitness and stretching
