An Introduction To Trading Magic: The Gathering Cards
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Learn to improve your MTG gameplay with these videos:
Is Goblin Guide a fair trade for two Hallowed Fountains? Does it matter if the fountains are from original Ravnica versus Return to Ravnica? What if the Goblin Guide is from Modern Masters 2017? Does that change the value any? Will a throw in of a foil Smash to Smithereens make this a better trade? In whose favor? Is it okay to trade if you’re on the losing end of a few cents of value?
This video will show the means to answer those questions and more. It will cover setting up and maintaining a trade folder, proper trade etiquette and theory including uptrading, downtrading, throw ins and of course pricing.
Please note: this video is designed as a guide to successfully navigate trades in good faith. It does not contain tips and tricks meant to maximize your trade experience by taking advantage of a trade partner’s ignorance and/or trust, I.e. “Sharking.”
In fact rule one for this video is that if a trade that is excessively in your favor begins to form, you should always be very clear and upfront with your trade partner about this imbalance. Never taking advantage of your trade partner, even a little, is the #1 directive. If you disagree, then this video is not for you. It is recommended you shut this video off, and reassess who and how you wish to be.
While there’s no absolute method by which to sort your cards within your trade folder, having some system is preferable to having none at all. Why? Because just having a disorganized trade folder might mean that your trade partner could pass over potential trades.
This is a headache, I’m looking for the tron lands and i only spot one of them even though this folder has all three. If these had been better organized, it would have been easier for me to identify that you had the cards I was looking for, and we might have been able to work out a trade for them.
Thus, organization, if only just a little, is key. There’s many orders you can organize your trade folder by, several of which I cover in my video How to Sort and organize your collection, but the simplest if of course just by color.
An ideal trade is one card or one selection of cards, exchange for another card or selection of cards of equal or near equal value. Typically, an imbalance of up to about fifty cents is acceptable for a fair trade.
However, there are many factors that should be considered when trading which can complicate this: Are you trading cards that may be rapidly going up in value for cards that may be rapidly going down in value? What about trading a large a selection of low value cards for one high value card?
Before we can cover that, let’s start with the basic concept of card pricing. Where and how do you get card prices from? How do you know what your cards are worth?
Is Goblin Guide a fair trade for two Hallowed Fountains? Does it matter if the fountains are from original Ravnica versus Return to Ravnica? What if the Goblin Guide is from Modern Masters 2017? Does that change the value any? Will a throw in of a foil Smash to Smithereens make this a better trade? In whose favor? Is it okay to trade if you’re on the losing end of a few cents of value?
This video will show the means to answer those questions and more. It will cover setting up and maintaining a trade folder, proper trade etiquette and theory including uptrading, downtrading, throw ins and of course pricing.
Please note: this video is designed as a guide to successfully navigate trades in good faith. It does not contain tips and tricks meant to maximize your trade experience by taking advantage of a trade partner’s ignorance and/or trust, I.e. “Sharking.”
In fact rule one for this video is that if a trade that is excessively in your favor begins to form, you should always be very clear and upfront with your trade partner about this imbalance. Never taking advantage of your trade partner, even a little, is the #1 directive. If you disagree, then this video is not for you. It is recommended you shut this video off, and reassess who and how you wish to be.
While there’s no absolute method by which to sort your cards within your trade folder, having some system is preferable to having none at all. Why? Because just having a disorganized trade folder might mean that your trade partner could pass over potential trades.
This is a headache, I’m looking for the tron lands and i only spot one of them even though this folder has all three. If these had been better organized, it would have been easier for me to identify that you had the cards I was looking for, and we might have been able to work out a trade for them.
Thus, organization, if only just a little, is key. There’s many orders you can organize your trade folder by, several of which I cover in my video How to Sort and organize your collection, but the simplest if of course just by color.
An ideal trade is one card or one selection of cards, exchange for another card or selection of cards of equal or near equal value. Typically, an imbalance of up to about fifty cents is acceptable for a fair trade.
However, there are many factors that should be considered when trading which can complicate this: Are you trading cards that may be rapidly going up in value for cards that may be rapidly going down in value? What about trading a large a selection of low value cards for one high value card?
Before we can cover that, let’s start with the basic concept of card pricing. Where and how do you get card prices from? How do you know what your cards are worth?