Fitness Mastery Tip #9 - Fixing Lower Back Pain

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| Rowlett Transformation Center | Rowlett Personal Trainer |

- Get a lacrosse ball (can be picked up from any sporting goods store for about $2)
- Place the lacrosse ball in the space below the waistband above the glute (ppiriformis)
- Afterward place the lacrosse ball below the ribs above the waistband (QL muscles)
- "floss" the muscles with a slow back and forth motion
- When you find a 'sore' spot stay on it until you feel change
- Spend 2-3min each side 2-3 times
- Do this 4-5x week
- Yes it can be done daily

Rowlett Transformation Center personal trainer Travis Merritt BS, CES has had a deep seeded passion in fitness since the age of 9! Always developing new routines, exercises and skills to improve him-self physically in sports and in overall health and wellbeing!

🗣 I record a new tip every week day on Facebook Live

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