What Was the Best 'Worth It' Detention in School? | School Stories #8

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My mom had just died. I was in 5th grade. Some kid was teasing me about it and I snapped and beat his ass. First time and only time over done that. I got detention, and even the principal felt bad. Kid deserved it.


i got detention for talking to an 8th grader thru notes on a desk (writing on the desk) it was worth it


I picked the lock on the teachers desk so another kid could put the hot sauce in the teachers hemorrhoid creme.


I got detention for not going to a pep assembly while i had a migraine wasn't on my record with the school so they would not excuse me for it. I looked the principle(the one who found me sitting outside the front office) in the eye and said how would this entire county like to know how you treat students who are in debilitating pain I don't know how the fuck to make that happen but I can still look at someone with dead eyes, no tone and say that and make them shit thier pants becuase they think I'm going to take thier job somehow. I should note while in a migraine I can stay quite composed since I'm used to them though i loose all tone and emotion once i get ti a sertain point becuase all of my focus is getting my point across and not falling into a ball of tears but i couldn't even stand becuase my migraine had started shorting out my already dodgy sence of balance. I've had to learn self advocacy even if it means through threats its better then being put through what can litterly be mentally scaring torture becuase people don't believe you can be in that much pain.


Bruh I got detention for sneezing too loud during a test
I was sad because I was a good child although a bit sarcastic but for sneezing?!
I had that dream Teacher for 3 more years. Also got detention again for being rude. In went uggh when we had a pop quiz. She counted that as rude. Some of you may think it is but this is public school.
She was my least favorite and I am enduring my last year with her. A very long year.


I got detention for flipping a water bottle
Here’s the story: me and my class were taking a trip to a near by skating rink
Me and my friends were taking a break from skating and just vining until we start flipping water bottles all over the place
A person who works that saw what we were doing and told us to only do it on the floor
We started flipping water bottles on the floor like he wanted us to do
Then just from out of nowhere he started getting mad and told the teachers
This wasn’t a worth it dentition but it was just a dumb dentition
All we had to do was write a apology letter to the person during recess so it wasn’t really that bad of a dentition


In 4th grade we were going over minerals and rocks during science and there was a round rock that was cut in half . i said "Hey Mrs. Arbagahst" and held them up to my chest....because....boobs u know?. She then preseded to scream my name and charge my desk, she then took her arm wiped all my stuff onto the floor then tipped my desk so everything inside fell out. She looked at me like I just killed her dog in front of her. I got an option of 3 detentions or a 1 day suspention and I had to sit in the hallway during our Valentine's day party later tht day. Awkwardly my mom was a shaparone for tht party lol.


LMAO I did this too! except my target ducked at the last second and it knocked the teacher's coffee all over her.


I didn't get detention, but here's my story: 10th or 11th grade health class (can't remember which), we were covering the reproductive system. I was bored because I already knew everything, because my parents actually took the time to explain everything to me when I asked as a young child, so I was reading a book on my lap under the desk. This was a mistake, as I was in the front row. When I read I get really deep into the book and it takes a minute of people saying my name to get my attention. So I realize the teacher was trying to get my attention and I look up with faint annoyance about being interrupted, and he asks "That book more interesting than me?" I answered "Yes." without even one second of hesitation XD I don't think he expected me to say that, I was generally a very attentive and good student, so he just looked taken aback for a second and then told me to put it away, please. I complied but I sulked the rest of class, slumped in my chair. After class everyone told me that was the funniest thing they'd ever seen anyone say to that teacher.


This kid in my class was getting yelled by the teacher for saying "Can we start, Ma'am" me, the kid next to me and the kid infront of me were holding back our laughter


I have a story
Some dumb kid in 4th grade wanted to do a prank and told the group. She does a prank to someone and he tells on the teacher. She blames us for
"Telling her to do the prank". She had the plan and the whole group got in trouble. The year after I found out she wore a wig, so funny and good payback.


*Its not a Vib*ator, it’s a Vibe Rater*


This kid threw a cup of gravy at the best guy I ever knew. I took pepsi orange juice bits of left over food like steak (Christmas dinner) and more gravy spat in it and poured it down his back. Detention for 2 weeks . Worth it


I was a natural at writing from the seventh grade. My sixth and seventh grade ELA teacher gave me more or less private lessons as I was the highest level writer in the school. I learned how to form collage essays before we finished y=mx+b. Skip to freshman year, everyone knew more or less how to do a high school essay. New ELA teacher was trying to show us how to wright basic essays. I asked if I could do a study hall because I knew the material. She said no and that we would need it for our final paper. So for the remainder of the period I worked my butt off. Five minutes before the bell rung I handed in my final essay.


walking down the hallway during lunch to use a empty bathroom to take a shit instead of the ones in the cafeteria and being embarassed. (werent allowed to walk down the hallways during lunches)


The teacher left the classroom and left the annoying popular kid in charge. He was strutting between the desk with a ruler, smacking it against his palm, and saying if anyone was loud, he would spank them with the ruler. People were being loud, and the kid was threatening to spank them. I said something to my friend and the kid waved the ruler at me, so I stood up and screamed "Go ahead, Ben! Spank me!" It was right when I shouted it that the teacher walked back into the room.


I played an online game and im about to enter the last rank. I played my last match. During the match, my mom ask me to do the dishes. I refuse and continue. After a few minutes, i win the game. At the same time my dad came in with belt. I got detention but it was worth it


Only two times I got detention in school were in 11th and 12th grade. 11th grade during the mid-day news-announcements on the classroom TV (this was in 2003) we saw footage of a wrestling tournament that one of our school wrestlers won, showing him win the match. I made a remark about how the grappling looked like something out of a bad kama-sutra, and my teacher (a woman in her late 30s) glared at me and gave me detention. Second time was in 12th grade US government class I got in an argument about armchair geo-politics about the European Union. The guy I was arguing with was a bit of a douche in class and was not well-liked by our teacher, while said teacher and I got along great. It got to the point that my classmate proclaimed that the EU was communist and I corrected him that they were closer to (democratic) socialism in some nations, to which he spat back “same thing”. He’d been pushing my buttons and in my…euphoric days back then I took myself way too seriously and finally yelled back “No they aren’t, you dumbass!” My teacher had to step in and give me detention for cursing in class. After school during my time in detention my teacher apologized and said rules were rules, even if he agreed with what I said about the topic and the kid.


i got a detention once for a reason i cant remember (it was a half hour one)
uno reverse cards were popular at the time so i pulled a card at the teacher got it to an hour worth it


in 1st grade my friend threw a strawberry at a window of our school. all of the staff members were pretty pissed, and we got in huge trouble (even though i didn't do anything) but my friend and i couldn't stop laughing. the stain is still there 😂
