Why the Pokemon DLC is... Disappointing

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“When did we become OK, with our favourite games being OK” damn, I was already disappointed with pokemon but this phrase was like a reality slap


The dlc wouldve been better if they added a new funky mode


"It seems it was designed to access it early in the game"
EXACTLY!!! It's soo blaringly obvious that this was supposed to be in the game from the START! But instead they purposefully removed it so they can sell it to you. This franchise is already down the hill.


The argument of "these are games for kids" is a massive disservice to children and their intelligence. After all, a huge amount of pokemon players were kids when they picked it up the first time and look how fondly they remember the games. There's also a lot other games made for kids they are quality enjoyed by adults. Titles like Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey and Mario Rabids were all made for a young audience. And yet they're thoroughly enjoyed by adults because they're a well made experience.
Also, the dumbing down of each series to make it 'more accessible' to younger people is completely voided when every cut scene is text-only because kids that young probably can't read. If they're old enough to read, they're old enough to figure out how to play a game.


You know what else is disappointing

Me, according to my parents


I'm sick of the argument people make where they say "just do a nuzlocke!" if it's up to the players to make it fun, its bad design.


When most battles are just oneshot kill speedruns or Hopcat victories, it really takes out the satisfaction of winning


The only thing pokemon needs to add is a hard mode where the Pokémon are either stupid over leveled or the cpus are smart. Personally I’d prefer if the cpus actually had some strategy.


I've never liked arguments like "you grew up, the game didn't"

Because I can still enjoy the old games. Fuck, I actually really enjoyed let's go as opposed to most others. Because it added things I, a non-competitive player like. Swsh added a LOT of competitive ease with mints, xp candies and extremely easy gain of money and thus EV items. But the rest of it is so damn boring. Boring story, boring wild area, boring repeating max raids. Raids were fun at first, but after hundreds of them its.... whatever. It exists.

I'm not here saying "give me dark souls but in pokemon" I'm saying "give me something to feel satisfied with"

I'm not expecting the best out there, I just want something more than... this. A few hours of mediocre fun which doesn't really have any replay value. I have 500+ hours in the game and almost all of it has just been raiding and shiny hunting, I don't even want to try running the main campaign again. It's not like the older gens where I could (and would) reset to try different teams, try different paths, just get more of the legends, etc.

I remember hanging out with my friends, hiding from the big badd adults, giggling, trading, fighting with our unoptimized ass teams and just having a good time. Being amazed by shinies and event mons due to how absurdly rare they used to be (not American, so my options for events were severely limited and barely even happened to begin with) and having a good time

I miss pokemon. No, I don't miss the older gens like "duh these gens so bad lul" no I miss the experience. I want to feel more connected with these little monsters I have brought with me for YEARS, more than just a wigglestick or a jump when I send them out. Pokemon amie was a thing before camp and now they've nerfed the way amie felt the times you used it. When you win a fight it's only the one you had out at the time, it's not all your team. You can only have them outside the ball on IoA and they either can't keep up so they keep popping in and out as they teleport to you to catch up or are in your way. You can't ride them like you could in let's go, which albeit minor is something a LOT of people enjoyed, me included, it even made me hunt down a shiny dodrio since i thought it'd be cool to ride a green bird hunting for more sparkles. I miss the feel it used to give me all those years ago so bad and i don't really know how to explain it.

It doesn't help the hacking community is so absurdly big now either, with people even selling hacked teams/mons. A lot of those who buy it devalue people who hunt for their own shinies/comp teams with "I'm too lazy look I have the same anyway haha you just wasted your time" or all these damn hacked raids. There's no value in actually putting effort into the games anymore since people can just easily cheat it up for up to 3 people at a time with raids (I know cheats have existed forever, but it used to be much more limited than it's been w/gen 8)


11:57 I truly hate it when someone brings up this point as an arguement. True. The games are for kids. So was every other generation. But look at Gens 1-5. They were all aimed at kids too, but at least those games feel like you have to try if you want to win. Hell even gen 6 and 7 become at least a bit more difficult if you turn off Exp Share. Gen 8 doesn't even give you that.


"It's just a kid's game" Is a terrible excuse for the mediocrity of a piece of entertainment. 'Thing A' being made for kids does not suddenly remedy shortcomings of said thing. And it certainly does not exempt said thing from criticism.


“You grew up and the games didnt” what a dumb argument that should never even be stated.

Shin megami Tensei, Dragon Quest and even final fantasy have all evolved over the years. Quality of life, better stories, more mechanics and difficuly and of course better graphics. Pokemon has no excuse for a 20 year old franchise to never evolve its actually very disappointing


"Some of the best memories come from difficulty."
As any person who remembers gen 2 when it was new will remember: Whitney + Miltank. Message boards back in the day had tons of stories about beating whitney.
My personal favorite was a lvl. 7 togepi that metronomed transform. The miltank had 2 accuracy debuffs, and somehow missed enough for me to defense curl and milk drink up enough that my rollout hit enough to knock it out. Took forever but it was amazing.


Pokémon swsh is carried hard by their character designs


See, pokemon Platinum and the other two that don’t matter, had a really well developed difficulty spike at the end.
You blast through the Elite 4 and their lvl 50 pokemon with some trouble, but then you hit Cynthia with her lvl65 Pokémon. Usually she wipes your team with her Spiritomb, and you go back to try again.
Once you finally manage to get past the nightmare that is her team, you get to explore the Fight Area.
And then the difficulty jumps up from there. Lvl 50-60 pokemon in the wild, with trainers that are just touching lvl70. It’s a nightmare if you aren’t ready, and it’s actually the most fun I’ve had in a while in a pokemon game. Then you can power level your Pokémon in the Survival Area, but only once you get used to how hard it is to fight the Gym Leaders with 6 pokemon.


Oh man. That's sad to hear. I don't understand why they can't set difficulties. Just make it hard for those who want a challenge


I'm just gonna say, they should've postponed the games in the first place, so that the game and the dlc can feel well paid for.


Bro if they remake gen 4 and nerfs Cynthia’s team I’m going to be pissed


I actually decided to replay the game when I got the DLC because I knew a couple of my old favorites were being added and I wanted to catch and train them for my team. Turns out however that there was literally no level scaling. It was the exact same thing as the regular wild area. The generic weaker Pokemon in the front were level 10-12, and the stronger ones in the back of the island or roaming the front of the island were anywhere between 25-30 with the occasional higher level roamers in caves or places restricted by needing the water-bike hybrid thing. 

GameFreak claimed they implemented level scaling but that was literally just a bold lie. The only time their level will "scale" will be once you defeat the champion. Then they all jump up to be around 60 like you saw. I even tested this just to make sure and every time I got a new badge or my Pokemon were considerably stronger than before I would return to the island and was still greeted by a level 12 buneary.


I remember having to help my brother with RBY because he was still learning to read. I felt like sword and shield holds your hand so much that you could get through the game blindfolded. How often did NPCs help in early games? I remember when seeing your rival walk in from off screen was super exciting and it didn't happen so often that it was a surprise each time, and you were constantly wondering when he'd show up next. Would your rival heal your team before battling you? Hell no. Now it's like "hey man I know we spoke 15 seconds ago but I'm back let me heal your guys and challenge you with the same team that you stomped the past 10 battles. OH NO I LOST?! HOW DID YOU WIN AGAIN?!"
