The Cause And Cure Of Bruxism And Clenching By Dr Mike Mew

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This video is for information purposes only, it not intended as an advertisement or to endorse any treatment type or approach. This video does not intend to “Sell” anything only provide information.
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I am not sure if I will be able to respond to all the comments or always be this active. It is important to have some work/life balance and I am dangerously close to working too hard. However do not underestimate how much I learn from some of the questions that you raise and the comments that you make. Best wishes Mike


Mr Mew, since I found you (6 months ago?) and started working on my posture, tongue posture etc, I can now chew with my two back teeth again! No need to smoothie everything I eat, which has been neccessary as my teeth don't come in contact with each other anymore. Thank you for your hard work! I have also forwarded your videos to my ortodontist, who's of the conventional kind, but who got very interested when I told her about mewing. ^^ She was amazed by the fact that I could chew solids again, without ever having had the braces they''ve tried making me get. Thank you!


We need more people like you in this world!! Thank you for this video there’s lot of people who needs help please continue with making more videos like this TMJ.


Cured my teeth clenching and bruxism litterally the same day I started using correct tongue posture. Thank you so much. I was using a night guard that always fit too big in my mouth and that made me bite harder. My teeth were sore all the time. I have so much relief now and have been doing this for only three days. I am also taping my mouth closed at night which keeps my tongue in place. Also doing the back exercises, meal time exercise, etc. Thank you!


I’ve started to take singing seriously over the last couple of years.
Found to have improper posture and weak facial muscles leading to constricted airways and crappy tone.
All of this matters.
More than we all realize.


I'm so annoyed because I'm 100% sure that my braces has caused me to have mild TMJ problems which is really frustrating since I was never knew there were side effects from braces when I was a teenager, noone taught me that. I had a mild underbite that was treated with elastics and braces and since expanders aren't free in the NHS, I've been left with a narrow pallet now :(


Hands down the best video on this subject. Thanks Dr. Mew!


About 1 month ago I started Mewing and Wim Hof breathing and gum chewing. My sinus breathing opened immediately and improved in terms of smoothness, flow rate and expansion capacity immensely during this time.

As a Medical Qigong Energy Therapist


Great video, but I have to say, your mouth noises are making me crazy.


I imagine the introduction of candies and suckable things has changed tooth wear considerably


Dr Mew, could you make a video on what remedial solutions avaialble for ADULTS who had their teeth removed for braces?


Ty Dr mew for giving me hope with this practical information. It's helping my jaw relax already


Dr Mew is still struggling with excess of saliva which comes through in the mouth smacking and swallowing sounds and squeeks and squirts too. A muffle on the microphone would be beneficial. It may be a side affect that is not so desirable from the exercises.


Hi Dr. Mew,  I have been following your videos for quite some time and hope to apply your insight in bettering my structure and functionality. You discuss ways to ameliorate narrow airways, bruxism, misalignment,  etc. and these issues hit home for many people. I appreciate your insight and would like to pose a question from a place of healthy skepticism. When a person forms a hypothesis, experiments are then done to see if this hypothesis is correct or incorrect. The conclusion of an experiment is what yields a theory. You say that you are a theorist, which suggests that the ideas and knowledge that you share come from the results of previous experimentations pertaining to oral structure and function. To support and give strength to your theories, would you be willing to share the credible sources which led you to form your them? I believe that this would inspire more confidence in those of us who follow your videos and it may put some of the trolls to rest.  Best


I think your whole philosophy to theory and medicine is pioneering and the way of the future.
I would love to ask you some questions.
Through my own research I have discovered recently that I have suffered (largely unknowingly) for 50yrs of life. I have complete Vagopathy on my right, from Amblyopia > Ear Problem > Nasal Blockage and Drip > Bruxism > Tongue and Throat > Hyboid Bone > etc, etc, , , down to my toe. As well as TMJ Instability I have Cervical Instability, Pelvic Tilt. Though my whole life I've been treated for Mental Illness, I now understand it is a Brain Disorder.
I am rapidly healing with PR, releasing pressure from all nerves. And Stimulating pain in my CNS to activate my immune system. I have adapted Prolotherapy to a homemade version, and would love to hear your thoughts, as decompressing my nerves us allowing blood supply to parts of my body that have never worked and they are coming back to life... I am even confident of restoring perfect vision 🙂


Excellent. However to add here I would say that sleep apnea and carbon dioxide will contribute to the calming effect of bruxism. Much like when a person is on stimulants and has to chew to calm inner tension. Any video I watch on YouTube has a person mostly asleep with some nasal obstruction and or snoring happening as well as CFD going on.


I have been practicing mewing and it caused me bruxism and cracked a molar. We can’t go by a video we need to see you directly.


I would feel that the tongue is one of the antagonistic pairing, paired with the back neck muscles to balance our head into postural position.


I only just learned of all this. Wish I'd known sooner.<sigh>

You mention 'it takes time' and '...over time...' How much time? Approx?


British dentistry is so bad I was warned before going up to Oxford to get all my dental work done before going to England.
