Metabolic Syndrome Solution (Cause & Cure of Syndrome X) 2024

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WARNING: Metabolic Syndrome can mess you up!!
You may have Metabolic Syndrome and not even know! Here is how metabolic syndrome is diagnosed, why it matters, and how to start to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome in a few weeks.
Millions of innocent people have Metabolic Syndrome and don't even know. Here how to find out if you have metabolic syndrome and 5 easy steps to fix metabolic syndrome.

Videos about Metabolic Syndrome:


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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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Рекомендации по теме

Wow ! I met all 5 of these criteria before I went ketovore, and within 9 months I didn't have any of them ! Now at 15 months ketovore, I am down 130 lbs, have none of these symptoms, and still am satisfied with one meal per day.


I have been overweight for 2/3 of my life, and at just 32 I have everyone of these. HOWEVER, I started the carnivore diet recently and have been having amazing results!! I lost over 30 lbs. in the first 26 days and it just keeps coming off. I feel better, I am not just mindless eating anymore and I only eat 1-2x a day when my body is hungry, not my mind! I am recording every step of my weight loss to share with others that are struggling as well.


This was me. WAS. I completely reversed every one of those criteria following keto diet. And no longer have any evidence of PCOS. It WAS a crappy existence. I’m still awed by what I was able to do! Thank you Dr Berry for your content!!


Good gosh if every doctor was like you Dr. Berry, we'd all be living better.


This is way too often not addressed by providers, even with my own patients. You probably remember 20+ years ago when we called it Syndrome X. Metabolic syndrome has just become a forgotten diagnosis. Every one is too busy talking about LDL and statins! Thanks for the great video!


I can't believe how much better I feel! A1c 5.1 down from 8. Fatty liver gone. 75 pounds gone. Lipids have to be better, not time to check them. I am 65. My hair and complexion are getting oily. My hair was falling out, now is growing back. Aches and pains are gone and my mind has returned! I am 95 % carnivore. I love the simplicity of it and how good it makes me feel. Thanks to you and your compatriots in PHD I have my life back.


I eat steaks, salads and drink water... The weight is falling off of me. Carnivore and Ketovore is the silver bullet to improve your heath. Dr. Ken Berry is AWESOME!!!!


After exactly 6 weeks of ketogenic eating, my A1C went from 5.9 to 5.5...Thank you Dr Berry


Hello, I'm from Ukraine.
Thanks for your work. Thanks to you, in 6 months I reversed my type 2 diabetes, reduced my weight by 28 kg, normalized the level of glucose, urea, triglycerides, ALT. And I felt like a healthy person again.


This describes my experience. I am SO glad I discovered you and others to guide me in the right direction. No longer diabetic, but have been asked to see my doctor this week because of her concerns over my cholesterol. *sigh* In one year my Trig. went from 305 down to 104, My HDL went from 45 to 63 and my LDL was 167 and now 185. I am happy with all of that. Apparently she isn't. 😞 I'm sure we'll be having the statin talk.


Well said - clear and succinct. I had metabolic syndrome 14 months ago - now down 80 pounds, and enjoying life.
Thank you, Dr. Berry.


I'm having less faith in our medical system the more I listen to Dr Berry and the more experience I personally have from past interactions with Dr's.


Wow, I've been seeing so many Dr.s for 10+ YRS and not a single one has ever put these together. I meet 4/5 of these factors, have high Inflammatory markers, positive ANA, iron deficient anemia, ongoing low ferritin, insulin resistance and a pre diabetic glucose for many years. No doctor can seem to figure it out. Nobody has ever discussed a menu plan with me. I am so overwhelmed.


in 2014 a blood test show my fasting insulin was 21mIU/L where it should be 0.2 to 10. I weighed about 110kg. then I gained weight by 2019 up to 120kg, and then stop all achohol, cut all sugar. no rice, no pasta, no porradge, no bread. Red meat, eggs, some times peanuts. avo and some fruit from time to time. I fasted 16hrs a day for 4 months. I weight came down to 100kg by 2022. Then I did the test again, my fasting insulin was down to 15. That was a fantastic improvement. Weightlost was not just about my figure but a change in lifestyle and health. Drinking was a good way to let go of stress. but what i did was to stop the drinking and the money I saved on that, I used it for every weekend massage at the spa, that was also good to let go of stress. But 16hr Fasting, no sugar, very little carbs, more water. going strong with meat and eggs did help a lot, but its a long term lifestyle change not something you can quickly do for a week.


I gained 50 kilo in 15 years working in it with drinking cola every day for the last few years with stress with my sysadmin job and programmer studies as immigrant in foreign language. After realising frequent headaches were because of cola. Totalling in 135 kilo fall a year ago. I eliminated sugar and lost 10 kilo. Then got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with 300 sugar and 10.7 A1c. Got metformax and unidiamicron prescribed. I switched to low carb lots of vegetables diet lost another 20 kilo. Now half year later I’m 99 kilos. 98 sugar and 4.7 A1c. Doctor said I can start take half the unidiamicron now. Going for another 10-20 kilos in the next half year. With Gods help.


Great call on Dr’s letting this condition slip by, I noticed myself that most doctors don’t even acknowledge Metabolic Sndrome. The carnivore diet corrected my metabolic syndrome within weeks. I discovered there is also a strong correlation between Metabolic Syndrome and Gout, (I suffered from Gout almost daily for years) so I started taking Berberine, that was the last time I had a Gout attack. I was over 400 pounds at the time and even though my blood sugar was balanced on carnivore I figured I must still be having horrible insulin reactions to the meat I was eating, it worked…not one Gout attack since.


I have all of these - just got my blood work back. Just woke up today with incredible arthritic pain in both my feet. Starting today with this plan. Hope it works.


Dr. Berry, I have been watching your videos for a long time, I am obese and have all of the symptoms you mention here. I was diagnosed with Viral Cardiomyopathy after having covid in 2020, and struggled with loss of energy etc, so I got even heavier. I was on the keto diet for over a year with some success, but then was tested for and found out I was positive for multiple autoimmune syndrome. I want to thank you for your educational videos delivered with such empathy! I am almost one month carnivore, still eating more of a variety of meat and some (less and less) dairy. Maybe it shouldn’t take getting so sick and being so overweight to follow such sage advice, but for me it took seeing such a change in Larry and Cassie from Carnivore Quest, along with your advice to finally get me to go for it. I am seeing major health gains (and weight loss) already! My blood sugar is better, I am able to lower my insulin, and I have zero cravings! My first really provable gain I can show my doctor is my blood pressure is 122/47! I haven’t had a “within normal range” reading since 2007! Even with meds! Soon I will be able to lower my blood pressure meds, and I am guessing go off them altogether! Thankfully my nephrologist (yes, I have kidney disease as well) is pro the ketogenic diet for me. I’m not sure what he would think about the carnivore diet but he was also pro my no longer eating high oxalate foods, so, once he sees my health improvements I think he will be on board. Sadly even though I have been asking my doctors for more extensive/autoimmune disease testing, my new nephrologist was the first doctor to test me!?! Anyway back to my point, thank you, your videos are unbelievably helpful, even if it takes some of us longer to come around, I know how many people are being helped by you!


Ha! Yes, all five are now fully in the healthy column. I've been ketovore for 6 months (waistline down from 44' to 37'). Thanks, Doc 👍


I had metabolic syndrome last year. Now, I am just overweight, and that is getting better. Thank you, Dr. Berry!
