⚡A Dark Warning to All the REAL Preppers

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My camera battery died... will pick this up again in a future video, let me know your thoughts...


Three years ago, I took my dog, a bug out bag, a tent and we went to the Peak District to wild camp. It was a dummy run for the real thing ( although I did take lots of dog food). I lasted 4 days before I gave up. I forgot so many things that if that would have been the real thing, I would have been dead pretty quickly. Two years ago, with better fitness and knowledge, we went again. I lasted 2 weeks. It was so tough, it tested me like nothing else. Yet it was the best 2 weeks of my life, and I've never been so happy and free. My dog enjoyed every moment too. We only came back because I had to work and I emerged looking ( and smelling) more like a sasquatch than human.


Many of us tried to warn our loved ones for years. Some of us are now silent and accept what is happening.


Absolutely correct. I owned a 5 acre homestead in the Ozarks in Missouri. I was the only property for miles that had a well. I THOUGHT I had all I would need, and if I were the only one left after the apocalypse, I would've been set to go. I'm a former special forces vet of 30 years ago and I forgot the one thing that I couldn't defend against... I was alone. You have to sleep sometimes, you have to leave sometimes. And when I would go to work, my cabin would be broken into, neighbors would attempt to steal water at 3 am even if I would give it to them. My property and things were violated daily even BEFORE the grid goes down. I was in two shootouts! It's all on record in Ozark co. Missouri. Alone, you stand no chance at all. With half a dozen... Maybe for a while. It's a whole lot tougher than what you could ever try to explain. That's real as it gets.


What I’ve realized since I started prepping 15 years ago is that 1 of every 20 people out there have no will or motivation to even buy a couple extra cans of soup let alone be prepared.


One of your most thought provoking sessions. As a retired USMC LtCol w/36 years and specialization in battlefield Forensics & ATFP (Force Protection) you should get in the mind of the DARK prepper. Next to gov’t its the biggest human threat.


I was a real prepper. Had 3 years of meds food THEN at 2am Dec 20th my neighbor has a few drinks falls asleep burns her condo down takes mine with it. That was 4 months ago. I had no insurance there is NO WAY I will ever rebuild that again as a single mother with no child support and housing he economy so if it can be taken in seconds the only thing I've got left is Jesus and that will ultimately be the one thing I do need. No one can take that. I don't want to be Here when SHTF ....end of the day it won't matter what I hoard it's in God's hands.


One of the BIGGEST things that will give Preppers away.


If SHTF, your city will no longer have trash pick up. The government might have meals and water available at various locations. You must go like every body else and get the food and water and keep the trash in your front yard. So people can see your just surviving like them. When you use your prep items burn that trash. Just an idea to think about.


"There is a dark side to this prepping thing" - if it's depression and anxiety, I'm way ahead of you, friend.


I can remember reading a posters comment years back on one of these sites, he was boasting how because of his 'preps', when his neighbourhood had some big blackout, he was able to still watch the latest football game on his big screen tv he pulled out into his garage with a generator, door up, the only light and sound around. He then wondered why his neighbours rolled up saying oh well at least we know where to go when the shite hits the use your heads, people, dont boast, dont use your generators and tvs for some stupid boastful reason just to prove you are all that.


No one can prepare for every situation all you can do is the best you can


No serious prepper would ever reveal any details about their bug out locations or readiness


Ruby Ridge is a great example of what can happen to you. It’s a true story, about the US Government, versus a single family, on their own private farm In Idaho. In the late 80’s early 90’s.


Thank you Nate. I've been thinking a lot about the end game of prepper progression towards becoming a homesteader. Collapse now, avoid the rush. We set up to farm and be as self sufficient as possible, and then the marauders come and take it all. This leads us to "The Road" as the final endgame, where we can't set up our homestead due to attacks. But keep in mind, this is self limiting. The ex-military testosterone class seem unlikely to convert to farmers, so eventually when they have taken everything from everyone who produces, they will be starving with the rest of us. Will they have the wisdom to see that it's better to keep the farmers farming, and occasionally take a percentage of their grown food? Also, there is hope in the idea that eventually most of the bad guys will also perish and those of us who were able to weather the storm might be able to rebuild and defend communities.


As an asian who survive 2 unannounced tsunamis that would totally cut you off from electricity, water, communication and wi-fi, and even road exits and seaports for two to three months, well i will buy more gold and precious metals, and ready my bulletproof armor, backpack full of essential stuff, med kit, some melee weapons and my pet dogs. I usually moved to either the coastal areas where fish is available or areas where its much more safer than your usual public shelter. Also my uncle was a Vietnam war veterans who fought for the Vietcong so he thought me how to pretend like a tree and live in the wilderness for two months.


Dogs were widely used to guard the borders, they’re far more reliable than drones. It’s good to have both.


1:57 that is what I all my life saying. Any survivalist, prepper, ... - ends up with homesteading.


Good morning Nate: i wanted to send this jnfo to you. Here in Colorado we had a huge wind storm this past weekend. Lots of trees down and damage to the electrical lines. So our electric company did 2 things. First they announced they were deliberately shutting down certain grids for public safety concerns to prevent potential wildfires with downed lines. The second thing is they deliberately shut down addl grids for crews to inspect lines in person. We got shut down yesterday for 7 hours, my daughter was down for 3 days. Results: businesses shut down, schools, hospitals, firehouses and lots of residents. A lot of residents not prepared and lost their food in their fridges. Electric company has no plans to compensate for lost food. I used the time to hone my skills. Thanks for this info, so true.


My husband and I are well into our 70s and as prepared as we can. God help the youth. Keep prepping and praying
