Stuart & Cliffe Knechtle | If Jesus Humbled Himself, We Can Humble Ourselves | Give Me An Answer

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Give Me An Answer: In this episode Stuart and Cliffe Knechtle talk to college students about how God humbled Himself in Jesus being born into this world to die for the sins of the world.

Recorded at UNC - Spring 2024

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Join us in person for a Sunday service at 9:30amET at Grace Community Church located New Canaan High School, 11 Farm Rd. New Canaan CT, 06840

The "Give Me An Answer" ministry began as an outgrowth of the dialogues Cliffe Knechtle has had with students on various university campuses throughout the United States. These universities include the University of Maine, Harvard, MIT, University of Florida, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, Berkeley, Stanford, University of Hawaii and the University of Washington. Cliffe spoke on these campuses in front of the Student Union or Library at noon for five to ten minutes. At the close of his initial remarks, he'd open up the time for questions and answers, which usually turned into a two to four hour dialogue with students. His crowd size ranged from 25 - 500 students at a time, and between classes, new students would join the discussion. This is an extremely effective way to reach a large number of university students with the Gospel of Christ.

#givemeananswer #cliffeknechtle #stuartknechtle #humility
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Wake up kids, during summer we are going to watch all Cliffs videos


I'm one of those who are gratefull for my own suffering. I've learned a lot🎉


So i very recently have started to believe.
Ive been a harsh skeptic of all religion my whole life but recently something has changed inside me. I find myself thinking alot about Jesus christ. Its almost daily becoming an obsession.
I've lived 20+ years with severe depression and anxiety but when i think of got it gives me a sense of calm.
Ive been thinking of visiting my local church but im full with anxiety and finding it hard to muster up the confidence to go.
God bless you all!


I love how this has moved a bit more towards teaching than strictly apologetics. Learning a lot. Rock on!


God is NOT Santa Claus, here to give you everything you want. God is not a talisman against the evil eye. God is the creator and sustainer of the universe. He is righteous and holy and no one can hold Him libel for evil. Who can punish God? Your choosing not to exercise faith in Him will not punish Him, it will separate you from Him. God does righteous, holiness and justice. He loves us because His grace is immeasurable. God cannot change His nature and will not lower His righteousness to the unrighteousness of man instead He has sent Himself in the person of Jesus Christ to elevate our unrighteousness to His. “But God demonstrates His own love towards us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8. Jesus can lift you up if He has to reach down.


Thank you Cliffe and Stuart, I've genuinely learned a lot watching these vids. Much love from Canada keep up the amazing work


We need the Knechtles to visit Chicago.


Bro I wake up and there’s a cliffe video! I am on my second watch already.


First! A new Cliffe video…? Instant watch :)


Cliff, God speaks through you. I had questions about pantheism, panentheism and monism, and you answered them.


For some reason, listening to this reminds me of some lyrics from the P.O.D. song "Higher" where the Chorus says:
Higher, a place I've only imagined
Higher, so farther than I've ever gone
Higher, it'll all make sense when I get there
All the things I know and the things I don't

It's always been a big thing for me to hopefully spend time with Messiah just asking all of these questions about things we just don't know. Even about the things we do know or think we know. I have a feeling there will be hundreds or thousands of years worth of sermons/lectures given that explains so much and I just can't wait to be a part of that.


HE said things would happen while we are here, john 16:33, ..& HE let JESUS suffer terribly for our sake, so yeah, we are nobody who shouldn't suffer something


With all due respect, I will provide an answer in place of Stuwart. If someone falls off a cliff and dies, should God be blamed for creating gravity? Natural disasters are consequences of a series of natural physical and logical phenomena. God should not be blamed because a mass of warm air encountered a low-pressure zone, or because tectonic plates are in motion. All these phenomena are important in the plan for the creation and maintenance of our planet, and the fact that humans get caught in disasters is just part of life. However, Jesus Christ challenged us to help our brothers and sisters in times of difficulty, such as during natural disasters. These are opportunities to show the love of Christ, practicing the fruit of the Spirit.


I was needing this video today. God bless you


The first question was high level stuff. Smart kid. And right.


Please include longer form and ending to these conversations. It is really weird when someone asks something and it is answered but then transitions to a new question.

God bless yall thanks for spreading the word and helping me understand my faith in Christ more ✝️


Found the book of job helpful
He says basically I will not call god as unjust, for i know life happens, ( paraphrase)
That's really a rational statement


I have dreamed you Cliff in my ddream you have done miracles in Jesus Christ name.


Thanks Cliffe, you helped me believe. Everything does make more sense with God.


Cliffe body movement and posture are awesome 👏
