The Daily Cost of War in Ukraine for Russia

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Every battle fought, every road and building bombed, every bullet fired, every intercepted missile; every bit of ground a tank trudges over; this is all extremely costly. And for every person killed in action, there is a huge price to be paid, not just for their family but also for their country.
As we’ll show you many times in this video, working out the monetary cost of war is far from simple. It’s very hard to know exactly how many rockets are fired, how much hardware is destroyed, and what it costs a nation when you lose infrastructure and young men that should have been working in your economy. But today, we’ll try to put a price tag on this war, not just for the past and present, but the costs in the years to come. The ripple effects of this war will be felt for decades, especially in the poorest segments of both Russia and Ukraine.
We’re going to start with the cost of war for Russia and finish with some quite shocking data regarding what this war has cost and will cost Ukraine.


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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.

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As ukranian sitizen i want to say how sincerely grateful all ukranian peaple for all help and support from our international partners and friends. People of USA, Grate Britain, Poland, Canada, Germany, Japan and many other countries who supports us in every way possible. Thank you a lot!


Speaking as a US Navy veteran of 10 years, ever dollar spent helping Ukraine has been money well spent. They’re weakening Russia for pennies on the dollar compared to what we would have wasted. Afghanistan rings a bell.


Russia has been cutting cost, by not ever actually paying anyone their salaries or insurance policies.


“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower


Considering how Ukraine is doing the world a service by knocking out Russia from being a super-power for decades to come is a gift which will pay for itself well into the future. Ukraine is also sparing many young people's lives in NATO counties from fighting by sacrificing its own. That again is a very courageous and generous gift. Thank you Ukraine and President Zelensky.


you must also remember that the russian government is avoiding paying compensation to soldiers' families after their death and salary for basic soldiers aswell


As Foreign Legion front line we were getting paid ~124, 000 UAH (Hryvnia) a month per person, but we rolled everything back into the economy such as gear, food, donated a bunch. We all saved basically nothing.


My dad was given free cigarettes while in the Canadian army in WWII. He said, since he didn’t smoke, he used the cigarettes as currency but eventually started smoking.
By the time he was discharged in 1946, he had a lifelong addiction. He contracted throat cancer when he was 55 and eventually died of lung cancer.
Phillip Morris’s 500k packet donation is shameful and disgusting


Cost is one of the reasons we need to support Ukraine. It is cheaper to destroy Russian forces in Ukraine than to wait 10 years for Russia to take on their next target.


I have family in Russia (Altai) and things are horrid right now. Friends of mine in Moscow say life is normal but that most Russians are spending everything taking care of family members not in the main cities. He also told me that food has skyrocketed and that most of the "financial" numbers are fake numbers because Russia just changes the goalposts in finances like China does. From what he told me life in Russia outside Moscow and Peter is becoming untenable.


Based on how easily Wagner was about to take over Moscow, Russia is clearly very vulnerable to any internal uprising or border conflict. If their original justification for invading Ukraine was to expand their buffer zone and increase their feelings of security, then their leadership must be freaking out by now.


Something tells me that it's going to cost him a lot more than this. You don't have an armed rebellion of 25, 000 soldiers drive a hundred miles outside Moscow and say, "Aww, it's okay! No biggie" and let them go. Putin now looks incredibly weak. Usually a death sentence for any dictator.


“How many dictators does it take, to turn an empire into a Union of ruinous states? It’s a disgrace what you did to your own people!” Rasputin


Thank you, i like how this highlights everything Ukraine have been helped with and where from, rather than just the lethal aid.


People need to understand that the disposal of old military equipment which is not used could be literally more expensive than sending it to Ukraine...


Russia saves a lot of those expenditures by simple neglect.
They let the wounded bleed out.
They list KIA as missing so they don't pay families.
They often do not even list the soldiers as having gone to Ukraine so they pay them less and say they are still in Ukraine.
Another expense that is saved is by simply not supplying whole units and making them find their own water, food, kit and even ammo in several 'released by soldiers' videos.
If you can pay a bribe you can get put in the rear or go home for a week. If you can't you stay on the frontlines dodging artillery and grenade drops from drones...


Russia will be paying Ukraine back for this for the next 100 years.

Edit: I feel it necessary to point out that I mean that in the sense of, Russia has to be made to pay Ukraine back for everything they've done to them since 2014, and I believe it will take them that long to pay them back in full. This is not something I believe to be up for discussion. Russia is in the wrong, they need to feel the consequences.


Over 1, 000, 000 draft age Russian men have fled Russia to other countries to avoid dying in Putin's insane war. That is a million+ Russian men lost from the Russian work force. The Russian economy was already pitiful to start & their GDP would rank them around 5th in the 50 US states. So 4 of our states have a larger GDP than the entire Russian economy~! Shalom


A man from my small town in Ontario has made multiple trips to provide Insulin and other Diabetic supplies. It's a small effort and he relies on donations from ordinary people, but every bit helps.


Brought a few literal tears to my cheeks to see essentially the whole world doing something to stop another World War
