What to Say When you Call 911 | Paramedic Approved | Episode 4

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Real Paramedic Matt talks about what to say when you call 911 for a medical emergency. Watch this video to learn how to describe your emergency to a 911 emergency operator to save someone's life.

Paramedic Approved offers videos that will help you learn how to react in an emergency to save lives. Tune in for videos on First Aid Do’s and don’ts, how to do CPR and other life-saving skills.

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I accidentally started giving my phone number instead of my address when my baby sister was having a febrile seizure. Emotions are strong, but if I was more prepared, it would have been less stressful. Thanks for making these great videos!


Thank you! I always wonder in what order I should present the reason I called to the dispatcher, like what they need to know 1st! I'd love more details on that!


I think this should be sent to everyone, a lot of us are completely unaware of what to do if one of our loved ones collapses

and you don’t know what street you’re on and what to say or do, so we get to be told, “keep in mind what street and address your on” because i believes a lot of us don’t know that immediately


Great Video and Learning tool. Also appreciate the Cape Town, South Africa map.


I want to know if you can do a demonstration the a call 911 for a person who has a heart attack, it’s very important for me, thanks very much 🙏🙏


Question. Once there was an older person with a Heart Attack rescued from the pool. The secretary at the college had trouble calling 911. We all got out of the pool and got dressed. I did not hear any sirens 20 mins after. What happened? CPR was given so it looked serious. I heard or saw no EMS vehicles or fire. Was this not a true emergency ?

In past emergencies we heard sirens and saw ambulance.

There was a pay phone but somehow the PBX had an issue. Was the patient taken by other means?..


I almost called 9-11 😭 and that was yesterday from a panic attack I get anxiety a lot.


Where should be number 1. As a EMD (Emergency Medical Dispatcher) the first thing we are supposed to ask is where. Not all dispatch centers are asking where first but they should. Hopefully in the next several years it will be changed nationwide to be that way. Also if you ever revisit this in the future recommend that if they do not know their location to call 911 anyway. About 1/4 of the callers I get on a daily basis have no idea where they are but thanks to technology we are usually able to get a good location from their phone. If not most of our dispatchers are local and can figure out their location with the use of landmarks such as businesses or other things like the Joe’s pizza statue on the side of the road. Great video by the way I like what you are doing.


What. To. Do. If. You. Call 911


I know this might sound selfish and stupid but legally what if you wanted to call as someone anonymous. Maybe it's just as stupid to ask the comment section for legal advice. Nevermind, lol


Say help ! 911dispatchers are not there to help you.
