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prayinginmydream #biblicalprayingdream #evangelistjoshuaorekhie

Frequent praying in the dream does not make a believer a prayer warrior, but a way of praying continually without ceasing. (1 Thes 5:16-18). Prayer is one of the most important things a Christian can do. It is a time they are communicating with God and it should be taken very seriously.

We have two levels of prayers. We have Godly prayers and satanic prayers. The Godly prayer is a type of prayer that builds our relationship with God. Satanic prayer is a prayer is done to destroy, steal and kill a man's destiny (John 10:10). Satanic prayer can come through curses, jinx etc. Do you think you are under the control of demonic prayers? Then use Eph 6:11-12, James 4:7)

While praying in your dream, you need to understand the deep context of the theme. Whether you are praying for someone, praying in tongues or someone praying for you. The truth is, the power of prayer can bring about open doors. If you see yourself praying in dream, should not be seen as a guide that you are call into a prayer ministry, no! God will confirm that too you! As Christians, if we must experience answers to our prayers, we must devote ourselves to prayers by watchful and vigilant of the happenings in spirit realm (Col 4:2).

Praying in church is a good omen. It means your spirit man is alive to receive. It also mean you will encounter your blessing in that church. That church is your mountain. No point going from one place to another. The Lord wants you to confess and repent from your sins there (2 Chro 7:14). If you are praying in church, God is trying to force you into a prayer department. If you say, I am not ready for that. Then you are the devil of yourself. Always attend all the services and pray regularly.

In some cases, shouting while praying may not be necessary. The Bible says, God is a spirit, and we must worship in truth and in spirit (John 4:24). On the other hand, if someone is praying for you especially your pastor, the spirit of God is saying you should believe on the grace of your prophet and that you will prosper and succeed in all your plans (2 Chro 20:20). The great thing about praying in your dream is a way of encouraging you to keep building more close relationship with God. A dreaming about praying tells you be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Rom 12:12).

Prayer is connected to faith, hope and testimony (Heb 11:6). It is totally a hunger strike when taking fasting without prayer. The Holy Spirit wants us to back up our fasting with prayers for deliverance and healing to take place more effectively (Isa 58:5). Perhaps you notice your prayer life is almost zero. You notice that things don't change due to the force of your prayers. You went to different churches for healing, it seems you are losing faith in prayers. The good news is, call unto to God in faith and holiness and you shall see him coming fully to intervene in your matter (Heb 12:14).


1. Anointing of the false prophet upon my head, dry up, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every negative prophesies upon my life and destiny, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
3. Any power that want to use my glory to beautify their ministry, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
4. Powers that want to steal my glory because I am in the wrong church, die, in the name of Jesus.
5. My Father, I release myself from the collective captivity of witchcraft, in the name of Jesus.
6. O God arise and send me my prophets, in the name of Jesus.
7. Spirit of prayerlessness, I am not your candidate, die, in Jesus name..

These are my official accounts.

Рекомендации по теме

I prayed for a toddler that got ran over by a car. I asked God to save their soul and God resurrected them from death and they grew up


Whenever the enemy attacks me in the dream I always call upon the name Jesus and pray 🙏🙏


I dream walking around my house and casting demons out, spirit of poverty, and asking for breakthrough financial breakthrough… my God 🙌🏽🙌🏽


I always dreaming I praying and casting out demons from people and I would hear people first and last name to pray for them, thank you Lord.


Lately I've been praying for people's salvation in my dreams. And the Lord will often wake me and I feel compelled to pray about very important things, again for the salvation of loved ones, as soon as I wake up


I have been dreaming of praying now God has given me the grace to pray l, before i go to bed i make sure i worship God, last time i left asong playing on my 4n in my dream i saw my self worshiping and praying but fully filled with hollysprit to wake up i found exactly the same song, in most cases things happens in spirit even in real life, i thank God for spiritual opening


I dreamt that an Angel was praying for me. He laid his hands on my head .


Just dreamt of praying and crying in my dreams, l know God will turn my tears into tears of Joy.


I was Praying really hard in my Dreams than I always pray in real life..Thank You apostle for this channel..Be Blessed


I was casting out demons in my dreams through prayer


I had a dream that I saw myself praying for deliverance from a bad situation that I saw in the dream. Please pray for me and my son. Sending you peace and love from the uk.


Thank you God for the gift of prayer, I usually dream about prayering to peaple e.g sick and finally they get w'll glory to Almighty God.


In my dream, I was praying in my house in every room shouting and casting out a spirit that was in the house.


I was crying alot while praying for myself in the dream. Removing evil spirit from myself. Oh Jesus Christ help me.


I dreamt about praying for people, I'm blessed thank u Jesus🙏🙏


I always had dreams praying when I'm attached by the enemies and I always conquer the attackers, I felt the holy Spirit in me and the attackers surrender before.


I was a bit sceptic when i started watching because majority of the world dilute the word of the true and living God but your scriptures have given me ABSOLUTE faith in your wisdom


I had a dream...I was singing a song in my dream and the holy spirit came over me. It felt I can't explain it. So peaceful such serenity and then I woke up, I forgot the song😢


My husband woke me up at exactly 00:00 midnight few minutes ago. He said I was crying out loud praying in my sleep...I was with my sister and my late 2 aunties in a dream. We were on our knees crying while praying to God. We were asking the Lord to help us. One of my aunt in a dream is late and she was warning us to pray so we may not end up like her


I always have this dream in my life but am so blessed to have you evangelist may God bless you
