What is the Sign of Jonah? (three days and three nights)

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How do we get 3 days and 3 nights if Yeshua was crucified on Friday and resurrected on Sunday?

We want to challenge you to dig deeper into God's Word, and help you to remove your lens of interpretation, so you can let the Bible interpret itself. We are a Christian ministry that believes and teaches the whole Bible. We want to be like the noble Bereans who studied the Scriptures daily to know the truth.

Our Vision is that people will learn to let the Bible interpret itself.
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Mary went to the tomb the first day of the week "while it was still dark" Jesus was already resurrected. At the end of the third night, Saturday. John 20:1


You are forgetting several things. The Sabbath that was approaching when he had to be removed from the cross was NOT the Weekly Sabbath, it was a HIGH Sabbath, and the women went to buy and prepare spices AFTER the sabbath and then after doing that, they then rested on the weekly sabbath. There are two separate sabbaths talked about in scripture. You are not accounting for this.


Interesting perspective starting the count with him being delivered into the hands of the Jews. Thanks Lex.


The mental gymnastics you practiced to arrive at less than 36 hours being three days do more to convince me that Jesus gave Himself for us on the Wednesday afternoon before the Thursday Passover. God bless you and me as we seek Him and His truth together.


Great video. I had come to the conclusion that the three days included the night of his arrest when he was mistreated, beaten, likely thrown into a pit at Caiphas' house. Searching for information on this is how I found this channel.


I've known for a while that the timeline in the Gospel of Mark supports a Friday crucifixion. But it wasn't until watching this video that a Friday crucifixion gelled for me with "three days and three nights." This video is an answer to my prayers. Thank you that I didn't have to wait for heaven to understand this.


Friday Saturday and Sunday would make a Monday resurrection. The next day for Hebrews started at sunset. It’s not complicated. Just use what Jesus said. 3 nights and 3 days. Sunset is the new day. Which means a resurrection after sundown on Saturday. Work backwards from there.


It is amazing how we get out of focus and making great deal of thing that there are completely irrelevant, the plan of Redemption is so great a master piece that even a kid can understand it, why we make something so simple to complicated ?, it is grate to study scriptures, Bible, Tanah, Torah, תורה, or however you want to call it.
Do you Really think the one of the question that God will ask you when you are in front of him will be - which day I die ?
I don’t think so, He will ask you, what do you love me, did you repent ? Do you teach with love, do you take care of orphans, widows, the poor, the needy? Do you practice lying, stilling, hypocrisy? Do you watch tv shows that are inappropriate ? Do your get more exited for a touch down or goal that a person getting baptize? Do your kids know more characters from WaltDisney than scriptures?
Do you never miss a Sunday or Shabbat wherever day you choose to go to church but you don’t know your Neighbors’s name ? Did you ever preach de gospel to them ?
So let’s wake up? Let’s start what your God command you to do, obey his commandments and then you will be free in Christ. One more thing, do you know who knows exactly when Jesus die ? Satan, do you think that his knowledge will change his destiny.


Yes and amen brother Lex thank you so much for your service Our Father in Heaven is certainly blessed you with the talent of teaching thank you and God bless you my brother.


video hasn't started yet but I have been hoping for this video. You have helped open my eyes to so many things in the Bible that tradition had blinded me to. I just celebrated my first Passover. My soul has been restless and unsatisfied in the mainstream church system for 20 years. Depression pulled me down that time. But Yahweh was using that time to position me. You were used to help remove the scales and hardened heart. Our paths can be hard but you can look back and see the beauty and direction that led us to where we are.


bro, this is the first time ever that I have heard compelling evidence for the traditional timeline. Thank you for providing food for thought 💭


You have done it very well ! God bless you ! Great analysis base only on the Scriptures: Sola scriptura! Using Bible verses to show the connectivity in the Bible ! Blessing upon you


Wow, thanks. Now I have to superglue my preconceived notions back together if I can find all the pieces after watching this video. Thank you for sharing this.


Very well done. Finally someone paid attention to the words of Jesus.


Glad to join you live for the first time. I usually watch later. Chag Sameach from Kenya 🇰🇪 🇰🇪


Hi, Lex. I've been blessed by your teachings. I understand that "3 days and 3 nights" does not have to be complete 72 hours. However, the sign of Jonah is his stay in the belly of the big fish (regardless of how long that took). So, the people in the outside world thought he was dead and never to return. That pretty much aligns with Yeshua being in the grave. So, I don't think the "events" prior to his burial should be part of the counting. Just my thoughts. Shalom!


I kind of thought that the heart of the earth referred to Jerusalem itself. Kind of being the hub. It has never struck me as a fitting description of a grave or death.
Good teaching. Clear, Scriptural and in less than 10 minutes. Thank you.


Yeshua said scripture cannot be broken (John 10:35).

Christ’s crucifixion took place on Passover day, the 14th of Abib (or Nisan), the first month in God’s Sacred Calendar. This occurred in the year A.D. 31, in which Passover fell on a Wednesday. Many fail to consider the prophecy that the Messiah would be “cut off…in the midst of the week” (Daniel 9:26-27). Wednesday falls in the middle of the week—the midst of the week - the very day upon which Passover fell in A.D. 31.

Repent for the Kingdom of God is near.


A revival is beginning!!!
Dont be diacouraged!!! Keep up the videos. We need to keep our eyes on Him and the more videos and evangelism there is the easier it is to keep focus.
I have only recently found this site. I love the history and I can see the time of the gentiles coming to an end and the Jews desiring to know more about the one they rejected. Wow


My friend I can’t agree with you on a Sunday resurrection.

Some also stumble over (Mark 16:9), not taking into account that there is no punctuation indicated in the original Greek.

A better translation would be:
“Now having risen, early the first day of the week He appeared first to Mary Magdalene ... " These verses are not saying that Jesus rose early on Sunday morning, but that He appeared early on Sunday morning to Mary Magdalene, having already risen some time earlier.”
