Are You Building Muscle If You're Not Sore? | V SHRED

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In this video, I answer a popular question relating to muscle soreness and actually building muscle.. And cliff notes to take from this video are..
1. No you do not have to be sore to be building muscle. Muscle soreness is simply a waste product being created that causes pain. Well, as your body gets used to this weight training, it becomes more efficient at preventing the buildup of this waste product. Therefore, you simply start adapting to your workout.

2. Just because muscle soreness is not directly related to making gains, this does not mean that if you're not sore, you're always making progressing. Something to keep in mind is that you must always shock your muscles with different exercises, different weights and different rep ranges. You should try to change up your plan every 4-6 weeks.

3. This relates to changing up your workouts but in a different manner. If your focusing on getting sore, stop. Focus on building out your training regimen on using more weight for more volume.. this is called "progressive overload" and it is the number 1 way to consistently increase size and strength.

Are You Building Muscle If You're Not Sore?

#vshred #muscle #strength
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I be working out the next day I’m not sore and it makes me feel like I waisted a day


My stomach feels like it’s on fire and I’m not sore after the workout.


I was discouraged from going to the gym because I wouldn’t feel that deadly pain of a sore after work outs. Thank you this was helpful.


I train to failiure and my muscles feal exhausted after my workouts and I don't feal sore. That scares the shit out of me for some reason.


Short answer, yes
Just change your workouts so your muscles don't get use to the same exercises so you could shock the muscle and get sore


I be doing 300 glute bridges at once and the next morning i dont feel thing 🤣🤣🤣


I don't know who complained about how long your videos brother, but I appreciate that you take so much time to not only help us get results and help us stay safe while doing it! But that you also help us better understand why what your telling us helps over what we've seen from other sites, and that's why I trust your insight more than most! Keep doing what your doing because I greatly appreciate you V Shred for all that you do here!


Okay after seeing this video it all makes sense now because normally after a workout I always feel sore so I figured I did everything in the workout right. Then there are days where I'm little to no sore then I figure that I did something wrong because I'm not in pain. Now I understand that if I'm not sore I'm still getting stronger but at the same time my body is getting used to the workouts. Thank you Vince!


I started working out again, 3 weeks ago. I've been working out the same muscle groups twice a week. So basically I get more than 48 hours rest for each muscles group before I hit it again. I stopped getting very sore, even tho I've been increasing my weight and hitting to failure. I just came in here to double check that I'm still fine. I remember this happening to me years ago. It was very difficult for me to get the same soreness that I did the first couple weeks I worked out no matter what I did. I still got results. I see a lot of dudes in my gym that hit the same muscle group every single day. (I go to the gym 6 days a week). It's crazy to me, in my mind I want to ask them why are they not giving themselves time to recover. But, I know that a lot of the ones that are doing it, do it because they are not getting sore and think that they have to work out every day to make up for that. I wonder if that's really slowing their gains.


wow, that's what happened to me! the first week when i trained, i felt soreness, now the second week i don't feel sore even if i work out hard. i was scared that i will not grow. thanks for the video :)


definitely a decent video. Muscle soreness is something that keeps me coming back to the gym. Admit it, you all are gluttons for punishment 😂😂😂


That makes so much sense, I did hamstring curls for the first time a few days ago and i could barely bend over the next day, then i did them again on the next leg day and was barely sore


"unless you using steroids"


the first week I went to the gym I was so sore literally I couldn't even walk, but I saw results so I kept going. now I've got decent size arms and chest, and that is all because I pushed past the hardest part about the gym.And I've been going for about 6-8 months, and I never get sore unless I'm using a muscle I haven't worked out before.


The thing is I've never ever felt soreness ever since I started working out but I've been seeing the results.


I got a little worried after a while, I felt the tightness in my biceps, triceps and chest but I didn’t feel sore. I started working out since April last year and I work out for 30minutes. I have seen a massive change in my life. I used to be 61kgs but now I am 74kgs. I started with 5kgs and worked my way up to 17kg dumbells, 20kg weight in squats plus 30kgs on standing barbell curls and lifting 50kgs in bench press.

Last year.
10kg - bicep curls - triceps, shoulders press - kick backs.
10kg kettle bell
5kg forearms

This year
15kgs - bicep curls - hammer - shoulder lifts.
12.5kg - outer hammer curls, kick backs, shoulder press.
April - 17.5kg - bicep curls, hammer and shoulder lifts and press.
Bench press - started with 40kg/45kg now doing 50kgs.

I started to find my new workout is starting to get easy, should I move the weights up or have a longer time span because at the gym I train for 30minutes.


I started lifting for the first time this week (with a trainer because I'll be honest, idk what I'm doing lol) and i haven't been sore. But it's been a struggle during the actual work out so i don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I WANT that soreness


I felt as weak as a kitten yesterday after my workout. I couldn't get off the water massage table, I felt helpless! But today I feel great! Want to lift again, but it's technically "cardio day" but I don't want to do cardio.


Thank you so much for this video. I thought I was doing something wrong. 💪🏻


Great Vid. Even though I knew the reasons, it is a great one for those folks who have questions and doubts 👍🏼👍🏼
