How War in Ukraine Will Cause Russia To Collapse

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Could the war in Ukraine signify the beginning of the end of Russia? Check out today's epic new video to find out what is causing Russia to collapse and if it can regain its status as a world power!


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Please be aware it takes time to research, write, animate, voice, and post episodes, and this is a rapidly evolving conflict- we try hard but some things are impossible to stay up to date on. Make sure you have multiple sources for your news. Happy viewing!


Russia's greatest weakness is the lack of infrastructure beyond the major cities. It is very difficult to move from one end of the country to the other as there are only a few railway lines and a single highway connecting east to west. Cities outside of the major population centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg exist like islands surrounded by an ocean of wilderness. The truth is Russia is too big a country for it's government to manage it all. This isn't a new problem, it is the product of hundreds of years of neglectful land management on the part of the government from the era of the Tzars, to the Soviet Union and the modern Russian Federation. A nation which cannot effectively manage the entirety of itself is a country terminally at risk of collapse.


1905: Russo-Japanese War defeat led to Revolution.
1917: WWI defeats led to Revolution.
1990: Soviet-Afghan War defeat led to Revolution.


We all know the real reason Russian morale is low is because they lost Adidas


"A Nuclear war can never be won, and should not be fought"


Travelling on a Russian aeroplane is like playing Russian roulette.


Contrary to the assertions of this video, the Bolsheviks did NOT overthrow the Imperial Regime. They were just one of many groups that applied pressure on the Tsar to abdicate early in 1917 (February by the Julian calendar they were using at the time but March by our Gregorian calendar). The Tsarist regime was replaced by a Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Government many months later in October by the Julian calendar and November by our calendar. The top Bolshevik leaders were not leading anything when the Tsar abdicated: Lenin had been in foreign exile for close to 20 years, Trotsky had emigrated to New York, and Stalin was in internal exile in Siberia. It was the collapse of the Imperial regime that made it possible for the top Bolsheviks to return to Petrograd (as St. Petersburg was then called) to plot their own seizure of power.


My parents used to talk about the fall of USSR in the 90s, it’s nice to know I’ll get to witness that in todays day in age. 😂


War and countries is really complex. It's hard to imagine who wins or who loses or how this conflict will end and the repercussions...


Guy has no problem being King of the Ashes as long as he's still king.


Ugh "the US has worked with opec to increase oil production" they literally announced this past week they are cutting oil production...


It’s hard to invade a country when u have friends and relatives who call Ukraine home…


You missed a few key points.
1. Most of the people that fled Russia are YOUNG MEN. They're the one's bear the work of the economy. They are also needed to marry the young women and have children, thus helping bear up the future of the country. Russia had a huge shortage of men BEFORE the war, but it's going to be much worse now.
2. Russia has weakened itself so much militarily that it's becoming prone to attack by other countries, especially China. This is particularly true in Eastern Russia. And the longer this war drags on, the weaker Russia will become.


Welp this is happening right now, I said this decades ago, nobody believed me.


Imagine if Russia collapsed and then reformed as a democracy


I don’t think the country would completely collapse, but it would make it a lot easier for some areas of Russian to secede as they can no longer hold the country together through military might alone.


I don't think that any of Russian core territory would collapse, where the population is absolutely Russian and don't have such desires. What might actually happen is the independency of some republics inside Russia, such as Chechnya, Dagestan, Tuva. However, even they would need to think twice about that, because they are economically dependant on Russia, and maybe without it their life would be even worse than under Russian control.


POV: you're trying to find comments about Wagner's coup


Oh my how wrong you were. They are all pointing fingers at each other for the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive. The US blames Ukraine. Ukraine blames the west. Zelensky blames zaluhsny. 😆🤣😂😅😂😆😆


Я русский
И для меня было бы легче и комфортнее жить среди русских.
Нынешняя Россия-собрание разных культур и религих, которые конфликтуют друг с другом.
Множество народов России(Якуты, Чеченцы, Дагестанцы) действительно живут под оккупацией на протяжении столетий.
Я был бы рад, если бы эти национальные республики приобрели независимость.
Однако ещё больше мне хочется прекращения войны с Украиной, страной где у меня 3 родственника.Страной, близкой мне географически культурно.
Войны расчеловечивают людей .
Таково моё мнение.
