Why Toph Is A Perfect Overpowered Character (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

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The show was not afraid to have Toph’s blindness be both a weakness and strength depending on the situation. For fighting her blindness allowed her to develop unique powers that made her basically unmatched, but she also couldn’t put up a poster. Little moment like that remind us that despite her power she is still vulnerable


Toph has been my favorite character since her introduction. I always thought she added so much life to the Gaang especially with the constant jokes. She's an example of how to tell the exact same joke over and over again and never make it unfunny.


Toph invented a whole new bending style at 12 years old because she just hates her parents that much


No, I agree with you, all of Korra's villians are better then Ozai. But Ozai was never set up to be a very active antagonist, more of just an end goal. The actual antagonists that are focused on and given depth are Zuko, Azula, and to an extent, Admiral Zhao, who all were rich and well thought out characters with their own arcs to go through.


Honestly even more impressive is the fact that an entire lifetime later in Korra, Toph (at what is apparently far from her peak ) is casually more powerful and skilled than dozens of master earth benders, the Avatar, and people in high tech mech suits.

She's absolutely fucking insane.


One of the things I like most about Toph is that even in Korra, when metalbending has become well-known and is used by the police force, she is STILL better at it than everyone else. She might not have the stamina anymore, but her skills in earthbending remain entirely unrivaled by anyone.


Also, she's not just OP. She's f-ing brave. She accepts to fly around on Appa. If my only way to see was the earth, I wouldn't want to leave the earth ever. It'd be a nice little comfort zone. But no, because the journey requires it, she is willing to let go of her one strength and comfort to be able to journey with her friends. That, people, requires a lot of courage. Everytimes she was on Appa flying, she was back to being a blind helpless girl. Yet, she was willing to go through that to be able to help her friends.


Toph made me think about the term "master" as it's used in regards to bending. Any bender with enough experience and proficiency can attain the title of Master, it's like getting a black belt in a martial art. Aang got lucky to reach the level of airbending master before all of his potential teachers got genocided, Katara became a master waterbender at the north pole...Toph isn't introduced as a master. EVERYONE at Earth Rumble VI was a master earthbender that Aang had to consider as a possible teacher, and Toph confidently took them all out simultaneously because she was already a genuine contender for greatest earthbender in the world from the moment she stepped on screen. She was a massively overlevelled character joining this RPG party halfway through their quest, but never felt like a get out of jail free card...except for those few times she literally busted out of jail cells.


The moment Toph holding the library was a genius writing. They shown her strength and weaknesses at the same time


Toph isn't just one of the best fictional female characters, she's one of the best characters period.
Everything she stands for, her personality and her style


Honestly, I think it's cool that Toph's so op, that their enemies actually try to learn her weaknesses because they KNOW who she is. Even some random village in the fire nation knows to put the blind 12 year old girl in a cell made entirely of wood when they're informed by Sparky Sparky Boom Man that she's an earth bender, because word of metal bending a) existing b) wrecking that ship and c) being used by a young earth female earthbender got around.


The writers did a great job keeping her abilities overpowered with a 'cap' based on her ability to 'see'. Then those scenarios of her 'weakness' could also show their teamwork! Like in the dessert when Katara had to give Toph verbal instructions on where to target the big bugs. A trust and reliance between the girls who often struggled to get along. Or when Tsuki and Sokka had to usher her around the airships the times and places she couldn't 'see, ' despite the fact she was probably the only person in the world at the time capable of executing the plan to destroy the whole fleet (Aside from maybe Aang). A great example of her being super overpowered, but 'capped' at the same time. The airship plan could only be done with her, but could also only be done with Sokka and Tsuki, two non-benders. Fantastic balance!


Toph was OP because she had to be to survive in this World in war with her blindness. Literally the only place that she is weak in are the sky, water, and the sand even then she can find ways to overcome come her weakness. She is the founder of Metal Bending. She so OP that people forget about her blindness. She is also a wonderful person to have with you when you face off a con artist. She just get more OP in her later years and in the apTreasure videos of what if Toph was the Avatar. And that why she is in my top five favorite badass women in Avatar: The Last Airbender.


I love that Avatar wrote toph in such a way that of all the people on team avatar, including the master of all elements and the fire nation prince, the little blind girl is the overpowered one


It should also be pointed out that Metalbending was a particular game-changer because metal was used as a kryptonite for earthbenders all throughout the series. Oh, and probably helped quite a bit with the industrialization before and during Korra's time as well.


The thing that made Ozai an amazing antagonist that most people miss is that he was never meant to be some deep character with a complicated past and potentially redeeming yet misconstrued motives. Ozai was designed to be the embodiment of a 'big bad' type of character, an antithesis to the avatar. His character represents the entirety of the culture that the fire nation was shaped into, in a similar way to the battleships and engines of war of the nation, Ozai was more of an artificially crafted being, raised to be apathetic toward inferior people (basically everyone because he was the most powerful person), and he is the embodiment of this nationalistic 'pride'. In short: He is the product of delusions of grandeur, and therefore he makes perhaps the most effective villain for the avatar. In book 3 Fire, Aang and the gang learn on a much deeper level that the fire nation is filled with actual people with loving hearts and curious minds, yet find themselves under an oppressive cultural influence. One heavy focus of the book is how the avatar gang transforms this culture. Therefore, by the end of it, Aang is further propelled toward his fight with the Fire Lord for the simple reason that none can be free as long as he perpetuates the culture.


ozai is pretty one-note, but i honestly don't think its a bad thing. To me if they tried to characterize him too much, then they run the risk of making him sympathetic (which imo would be worse). In this case i think its better overall for the story to have a simple stereotypical "bad guy" character that serves to just be the last wall Aang needed to overcome.


So glad we're back to this kind of content. I don't mind Nux and all his collabs and Vtuber videos, but man Nux really shines in his analysis on anime.


Excellent video, as always. I really hope you do more Avatar character dives. Would love a Zuko or Azula video.


As a person who identifies with Toph like very few other Characters in fiction, I would absolutely love, love, *love* a "No one understands Toph" Nux video.

And yes, also would love a "The Avatar as an OP done right" video.
