WWE 2K19 vs 2K23: Comparison! Which is better?

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It is a video that compares the popular wrestling video games WWE 2K19 and WWE 2K23. It showcases the advancements in graphics, gameplay, roster size, and more. Join me as we explore the exciting changes in WWE 2K23 compared to its predecessor, WWE 2K19.

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If 2k can combine the featured from 2k19 with the new features and the graphics of 2k23, it may be named the best wwe game ever


I absolutely love 2k19. I have hundreds of hours into it. Being a big fan of tables and weapons, having the tables instantly dissapear in 2k19 was such an immersion breaker. Killed me inside


I still play 2k19 I haven’t bought another WWE 2k since. Don’t get me wrong 23 looks amazing but I just like the simulation style more, I feel like 2k19 is for more of the technical wrestling enjoyers. 23 is more arcade style, which is fine I’m not complaining tho Ima just stick to the game I feel had the wrestling part down.


That’s what I’m saying all fans asked for was to improve from 19 and they were like no we need a complete overhaul and to change the controls people have been using for years smh


2K19 = Controls

2K23 = Graphics and effects


I miss the omg moments but chair wrestling made the game way better cuz they still do it in real life


You forgot the biggest thing 2K19 has over 2K23, it has MUCH better Grappling. In 2K19 you just lunge for the moves, in 2K23 you need to enter a grab state which is extremely unrealistic and breaks the flow because you need to constantly Collar and Elbow to set up stuff like a Spinebuster or DDT (which makes no sense, nobody would do that).


2k19 is the best of the modern day wrestling games. The controls and gameplay are top tier compared to anything that came out after it. The only thing the newer games has over it is graphics which doesn’t mean much since they update every year.


2k19 has way smoother game play
I never watch the entrances
There's online caws
Woopty doo female refs
Backstage always sucked for me except in HCTP and No mercy
War games is their only dub
And the weapons breaking and no disappearing gets annoying its a video game its okay to break the laws of physics and logic
If 2k19 had create a finisher or move
Top 5 wwe game


It seems like they just decided that graphics and effects were more important than gameplay in the later years.


I did not realize how much more simulator 2K19 is over 2K23 dong get me wrong I’m enjoying 2k23 but when compared to 2k19 well the actual gameplay took a step back


Unfortunately, yukes leaving caused them to completely overhaul the game because they couldn't replicate 2k19. If yukes left, the games after 19 would've been some of the best games ever


I kinda like having both. I love how different all the games feel. Still go back to 14 and 16 from time to time too. Man it’s so easy to get lost in 14 😂


I never had 2k19 (2k18 though) and I loved the controls. It is a learning curve to get the updated controls down pat though. Wargames is a helluva perk on 23 and so is tweaking the difficulty settings from reversals to even pinfalls


2k19 the best wrestling game ever, it was perfect


I’ve also noticed a small detail in 2k23. The pectoral muscles move and aren’t just stiff making it more realistic


if they gave us wwe2k19 with current superstars and better graphics i would not hesitate to buy it

like that’s literally all they have to do


The A.I in 2k19 is also really good for the most parts and with some customization in game balancing you can have really awesome matches with features it has
The only thing 2k19 is lost to, is time


WWE 2K19 continues to stand the test of time. It was and still is one of the GREATEST games in the series(besides WWE '13 & WWE 2K14). It holds up wonderfully against WWE 2K22 & WWE 2K23, and that's saying something.


Why do they always take things out and remove things every year, I guess they sell more games with the promise of "new features" but they always replace things and never add or build on stuff they did in the past year that already works, 2k23 looks awesome but I went back to 2k19 and it's more fun and I know more people tbh, sucks CM Punks not in the game, Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, Samoa Joe and other icons aren't in the game anymore imo, I got the deluxe version and only play 7 people ngl..
