Do Christians think GOOD DEEDS even matter?

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If we're saved by faith, can we live however we want? Latter-day Saints sometimes accuse Christians who believe in justification by faith alone of paying mere “lip service” to God without actually caring to obey God’s commands, and will often point to James 2 which says “faith without deeds is dead”. If we really can eternally dwell with God in His Kingdom by merely trusting in Jesus for eternal life, then what role do our good works play?

Sanctification is a significant part of the Christian life. Sanctification is the lifelong process of being conformed to the image of Jesus. Our immediate forgiveness in Christ does not negate the fact that our works still matter to God! While they don't earn us any kind of status in God's eyes, they demonstrate that our hearts really have been changed.

“By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.” (1 John 3:10).

#FaithWithoutDeeds #Mormonism #Christianity #James2 #Mormons #LDSChurch #TheChurchofJesusChristofLatterdaySaints #LDSTemples #TheTemple
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I left the mormon church today

Praise god!!!


I noticed after my conversion to Jesus that the people who do not believe that good works can save us, had many more good works than those who believe in salvation by works.


We need to be spreading all these videos like FIRE!! THese are the best I've ever seen. I've been a mormon for 38 yrs and I found all this truth out on my own(God helped obviously!) but I so wish these videos were around so they could have helped me !


So, "Imma do what I want because God and I are so tight that whatever I do is what God would do. Here's my 'rebirth' card (even though I was always already chosen)."


Thank you! People must know, especially the Mormons that once you know and have faith in God, Gods righteousness will work through you, yes you must be vigilant in your thought and actions, but you never need to earn your way to God!!


You pursue righteousness because Jesus wants us to (via a change in heart through right action, right motive). Why is this so hard for these Mormons to understand this concept?


Our interpretation of "your works will not save you but thru faith" .it means that God shall be happy with your good works in his name and coupled with true faith.its ironic that Martin Luther misinterpret it


Our good works provide blessing.. those with no good works receive no blessing..


I don't think this is the main dilemma Christianity faces. The biggest challenge is that many branches of so-called Christianity teach a consensus interpretation of The Bible that is completely arbitrary, like the interpretation on this video.

However when you read The Bible in the literature sense you can easily see that it can be interpreted in many different ways for the allegoric nature of those writings.

If God is love then it makes sense that his Justice is mercifulness. Which immediately contradicts the idea that the so-called Christians have of salvation being exclusive for a few.

If people are the children of God, then God may discipline his children, but he wouldn't condemn them for all eternity, which contradicts the so-called Christians that say eternal life is exclusive to a few.

On top of that, if Jesus was "The Word" that became flesh it could easily mean that his human nature is a representation of his spiritual nature, so any time The Bible refers to him, it means it is literally referring to the "The Word" he represents.

For example imagine Jesus represents "God with us", just as an example, and God is love, it would mean that Jesus and God are the same because Jesus is the manifestation of that, so anytime The Bible says that if you believe in Jesus then so on and so on, it is literally saying that if you believe in love then so on and so on, which is a more Universal doctrine that could also be applied to other religions such as Jews, and Muslims as well. Which contradicts the idea the so-called Christians have that salvation is exclusive to those that recognize the name Jesus, instead of what Jesus represents.

To me that's the biggest challenge the so-called Christians face because it contradicts their arbitrary interpretation of The Bible's actual writings.


Yes, as an authentication for our sake that we belong to God. As we are Gods workmanship for good works as God works in us to will and act toward Their good pleasure ; walking by the Spirit into righteous works that God has setup in advance for many to walk into as our faith is being tested. in order to fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law of Love while as participants in Yeshua, learning such obedience towards God and a lifestyle of peace by what we suffer through discipline and scourging. That all legit children received and loved by God undergo to be trained to put to death the devoted desires of sin.

When the partial testimony of Yeshua says He died for our sins according to the scriptures, Yeshua was dieing as our ransom to redeem us from slavery in order to by God's working in training us, putting to death such devoted desires. Yeshua is the provision to set us free from the power of Satan had over us through the enslavement of sin which was the power of death. So one should not see Yeshua dieing for our sins as if dieing in our place of what we deserve. But by dieing as a ransom offered to Father to not only take away but to free us from and puting to death devotion toward sin.


Convenient or semantics, whose to say

But good save with the you’re expected to be good bit don’t want your flock leaving once they find out Gods Grace is sufficient and your words and your chapel has nothing to offer.


@ 3:37 "That it is NOT possible for us not to bear fruit in keeping with repentance." Sorry, but it is possible to NOT bear fruits in keeping with repentance. If a Christian can live a carnal life, and they most certainly can and if a real believer CAN be out of fellowship with God and they with 100% certainly can that refutes your assertion. A good deal of the New Testament is written to help believers learn how to be in fellowship with God and to walk with Him in victory. The fact of the matter is that most Christians ARE NOT walking with God and are NOT victorious in their Christian walk for a number of different reasons. That does not mean they are not saved or never were saved. A real Christian can still produce the "lust of the flesh" and yield to the "old man" inside them which is just another way of saying our old nature is still inside and we still can yield to it. We are justified BEFORE GOD by faith alone as Romans 4 makes clear, but James 2 makes it equally clear that we are only justified before other people by our works. No man can see what's in our hearts and know for certain that we are or are not Christians. Only God knows that for certain.

I do believe true believers should have a change in their lives, but that change is most assuredly not always as radical and there are baby believers and fully mature believers and everything in between. The new nature in us that is born of God cannot sin AT ALL, but if we yield to it the old sinful nature can cause us to sin in horrendous ways even if we are really born again. I know this to be absolutely true. The fact that Christians are admonished to confess their sins and confess their faults is evidence we have them. The fact we are warned to not yield to the lust of the flesh and walk in the Spirit is proof that we can yield to the old flesh desires and we are warned not to "quench the Spirit" or not to "grieve the Spirit". ONLY a believer who is really and truly saved can grieve the Holy Spirit of God. According to at least several New Testament passages God sometimes takes the physical life of believers or severely chastens them. Those believers are NOT walking in the Spirit and most likely you would not even think they were saved if you misjudged them by how they were living.


Concerned Christians do not like works. They believe they should get paid money for talking, specifically talking propaganda about Jesus Christ's church. Then they are paid according to their success in persuading members of Jesus Christ's church who are weak in the faith to become members of their hateful cult. But that is not work to them because they enjoy contending against the Church of Jesus Christ. Their predominating doctrine is that they are here to be judges of mankind and to decide who will be saved and who will not be saved. Foremost among those who concerned Christians say will not be saved are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. While murderers and adulterers in their cult who at some time confess Jesus Christ can be saved, they preach that there is no way for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to escape the torments of hell other than forsaking the Church of Jesus Christ and becoming a member of their cult that prays to a being without body, parts, and passions.


“If we attempt to earn righteousness by obedience... then we will continue to be seen as unrighteous before God”?! You’re claiming we become unrighteous by refraining from sin, and are only considered
righteous when we do sin! That’s abhorrent teaching.


FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD . FAITH IS NOT ENOUGH JAMES. 2:17 best stop teaching false doctrine.


From my understanding Mormons believe in saved by grace through faith to enter into the first and second Kingdom of heaven. From my understanding Mormons believe that they may enter into the third Kingdom of heaven after all they can do


Be ya perfect as your heavenly father. Which is in heaven perfect. Why do christians skip this. If we love him we will keep all his commandments and mormons are the only ones with the keys and power to make that happen. So christians time to call your local lds church and find out how to become members and finally be justified. Sanctified. And perfected in jesus. Not by saying you believe by power and authority given to you by god.
