Denied for Social Security Disability? That's ok. Do THIS Immediately!

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Should you be discouraged if Social Security denies your application for disability benefits?

The answer is "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"

Social Security denies about 66% of all disability applications, yet almost half of these denied claims are eventually approved. Read that sentence again so you understand.

At the initial application level, disability claims adjusters (called “adjudicators”) are looking for very specific language in your medical records. If that language is not there, or if your doctors are late in sending in your medical records, the adjudicator will deny your case.

Adjudicators also regularly deny cases if you have more than one significant medical condition, or if you have an unusual illness or if you have not been out of work for a year.

This is not a knock on adjudicators - they are hardworking men and women who are overworked and underpaid - but they do not have the authority to make decisions about complicated (and often sophisticated) medical issues. And Social Security’s decision making system encourages adjudicators to stamp “denied” on cases that do not clearly show life-limiting or terminal illness cases.

The good news is that you do not need to have a terminal illness to win disability benefits. Once your case gets in front of a judge, you have a much better chance at winning than any other stage of the disability process.

But to get before a judge, you have to APPEAL your denial and not give up. The main focus of my law practice involves filing these appeals and representing my client at disability hearings.

So if you have been turned down, DO NOT DELAY - you have only 60 days to appeal.

IMPORTANT: Your 60 days may be dramatically less than you think based on postal delays, weekends, etc. Act today!


============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

================= CONTACT ME =======================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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Thank you sir. Your videos are outstanding.


This is the absolute truth. I got denied at all stages. My lawyer took my case to the last stage which was to sue social security. Guess what we won. The point is they want you to give up. Don’t. Hang in there. You won’t regret it.


I'm waiting on my decision. Y'all please pray for me 🙏🙏


I can relate to this. I too have gotten discouraged 0ver a denial!
My anxiety went through the roof a few times! Then I'd get depressed too.
You just feel abandoned!
Thanx for this one!
You ve cleared this up for me!


Jonathan, I want to personally thank you for all of your videos and the wealth of information you have provided here on your channel. I helped my husband apply for SSDI last August (2020) and he received his denial by late October/November. I filled out his appeal in December and included info that a few of your videos mentioned would help. And they did! A few specific things I included was a RFC form that we got his doctor to fill out and I pointed out what listing he met. Late May the worker at the local office called and said she needed one paper sent in and once she got that he will be approved. Sure enough, his back pay was deposited into our bank account before we even received written notification of payment and such. Thank you so much for all of your awesome content and advice!


I was denied at the highest level and not been able to work since 2018. I have Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and it has been debilitating. I have an associate who contacted HIV from having unprotected sexual activities and he got approved within six months. He made a choice to engage in risky behavior, I had no control and could not prevent my autoimmune disease and still I got denied. It is truly depressing and l am so tired of suffering.


I got a lawyer and went to court. She did pretty much nothing, said nothing in court, and told me to REFILE not go back after them again. I'm an RN and was denied because with my disabilities, I should be able to "work as a THEATER USHER, because I can walk with a cane for 100ft". I am DEAD SERIOUS. I now have a new neurological illness so I have to REFILE all 125 + pages again plus new information. I need help and a sedative! 😫


Thank you, I needed to hear this. Because I just got denied, I have a lawyer involved now. Thank you sir!


When we got denied they told us we had to much paper work and they are not going to read over 500 pages...There JUDGES NOT DOCTOR IT SUCKS


I’ve had a lawyer but still was just denied. Should i find another lawyer?


I'm a 44 year old male with chronic lower back pain, Si joint pain and meralgia parastetica with 2 fail si joint fusion and I am going to pain doctors every month. had My court day this morning and was approved on the spot!! thank you for taking time out of your busy day for posting these videos, they really helped me alot to win my case! .to all of you dont give up!


I'm still fighting now and I just lost my wife to cancer recently


Thank you so much for this! I got the letter yesterday. It made me question if I am just lazy now or that I 'm over reacting to my pain. I felt terrible telling people about the denial because my wife and I have waited a year or more just for the first denial letter. Knew it was a rite of passage. But, I didnt know it would hurt so much to read how they butchered my case. Arthritus Gloves are coming off now. We have work to do!


Yes indeed! DONT GIVE UP! Even if you are denied in the hearing level! My casegot to FEDERAL court and low and behold last summer my case got reversed and remanded under sentence 4 of section 205(g) and MAYBE a rehearing may not be necessary so now i have a far better chance of winning then at the hearing level! Thanks for the encouragement Mr Ginsberg!


Veteran, living in a camper in northwestern Michigan thanks to this system. I'm found disabled by everyone but social security. After my hearing was denied, Hoglund law quit my case the beginning of this year and now I'm stuck on what to do. I have over 22 diagnoses, EDS, Fibromyalgia, Ankylosing spondylitis and CFS/ME just to name a few. Am also




I have been denied many times. Not ready to go back to work. Just got denied again. Homeless si ce Nov 2022 living on the streets in my suv. Now broke and appealing.


I want to Thank You Mr. Ginsberg I contacted you about this on 2-16-23 about the same thing and I was frustrated and Stressed and concern but you message me and said it doesn't mean disbilty was declined .


what help does an attorney actually do in respects to hearing?


I was denied months ago, so I got an attorney. 62 when I applied, with life long scoliosis.
