Team Tutberidze gains a new member! Daniel Grassl's Blind Ambition

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Hi all!

Here covering the latest messy news as always. Enjoy!

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I'm a 24 year old dude who doesn't know anything about figure skating but I've been hooked since YT randomly recommended your video immediately after the Valieva drama. Thanks for doing all the research for us lazy/casual fans!


Considering that he choosed the quickest road to technical difficulty, it's the most logical thing. I have never seen a skater with such imbalances, having so high level elements but such weak technique and skating skills. If I had to pick one non-russian man to do this, it would have been him.


It makes sense though. Daniel uses the same pre-rotation technique Eteri’s teaching her girls. I think either Daniel will end up retiring early due to injury or end up on a world podium. Wish him luck.


There is no rule about not training in Russia if you want to compete internationally. Morisi is avoiding Russia because as a Russian citizen, he could be drafted. Technically all of the male skaters could be drafted, but national team members are likely to be given exemptions, and they already have been. But since Morisi doesn't compete for Russia, he's less likely to be given an exemption so he's at a higher risk of being drafted and sent to Ukraine. It's better for him to stay in Italy or anywhere except Russia until the war ends. I'll use another Georgia skater as an example, Gubanova continues to train in Russia and she has been and will continue to compete internationally. She's also a Russian citizen like Morisi, but women aren't being sent to war so she's safe.


As an italian and proud tut hater I am so devastated by this news


Daniel Grassl please don’t join team tutberidze I’m begging


I will never forget this one reddit comment from the Shoma Eteri scare of 2019 that was like "I really don't think that Eteri is a good match for Shoma Uno, an adult man who loves food." 💀💀💀

And it wasn't. He evidently chose being without a coach over being coached by Eteri. Of his time in Russia he said, "you do as you're told and are not allowed to do anything else."

I really do not foresee this going well for Daniel, even if we were just talking about the skating side of things. Add on top of that the doping scandal and the war in Ukraine, and this decision goes from shortsighted to morally unjustifiable.


This was a very shitty day but your video definitely has made it better, thank you for the tea and RIP to Grassl's career, there's no way Eteri will be able to train him.


How does Daniel even fly to Russia... aren't all the flights cancelled... Like seriously this is just messed up on so many levels.


Morisi is literally skating at young goose right now! Daniel and him are training at the same rink, with the same coach! What on earth did he see in Morisi that made him think "Oh yeah that's s good idea"


I Wana thank Eteri and Daniel for keeping us entertained.


Daniel leaving his coach and moving to Sambo 70 actually hasn't been OFFICIALLY confirmed. It is possible that he is just training there for now. That being said, this is such a HUGE mistake. Not only for him but also because it is so disrespectful to go train in Russia under pro-Russian symbols when there is a literal war (one of the people that took in Ivan Schmuratko during the off-season was Daniel's coach, Lorenzo Magri so Daniel would have seen how the war impacted Ivan). The Italian Federation should really put their foot down about this considering that Italy has been one of the biggest refugee countries for Ukrainians.

And don't get me started on Eteri's exposed abuse of children. I know Daniel said pre-war that he would like to train at Sambo 70 because he idolizes Anna Scherbakova but after what was put on display in Beijing, he should have changed his tune.

And Daniel DAMN WELL knows that everyone is PISSED because he turned off his Instagram comments when people started calling him out for training in the country responsible for the war going on, and for working with a known child abuser that starves and drugs children.


Dany’s teams seems to have a good relationship with Tut and he has always wanted to train there and he sort of have her technique. He might get the EU title this years which will be historic for Italy and maybe get to the world podium. She definitely won’t make him a full skater and help him in the lack he has. Also, it’s very inconsiderate timing to go to Tut. So as an Italian I’m very disappointed but I’m sure it’ll bring him some success. I’m also disappointed in the Italian federation but they want the damn medals. I was really hoping to see a real good change with maybe Orser or Rafael and he ended up in Russia ☹️😩


hi Georgian fan here 🙋🏻‍♀️ you’re most probably right about Morisi, there has been news spreading around that he has moved to Italy.


Daniel use the same pre-rotation of the Eteri girls in his jumps, but with messier posture and tecnique. I see injuries in his future, unfortunately.


3:30 in the morning in Germany 🇩🇪 and I ready for a new video from you💜💜💜


I'm so nervous for Daniel, he is 100% being used


Daniel may be getting the massive Eteri bonus. So basically Eteri will be able to go to international competitions as a member of the Italian federation.


I’ve heard that Daniel loves Anna Scherbakova, which may explain why he picked Eteri


Daniel only sees the outside of Team Tutberidze, the results. What he doesn't know are the horrors that happen within.
