Ukraine and Russia accuse each other over dam destruction

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Ukraine and Russia accuse each other of terrorism at UN over Kakhovka dam destruction

Russian saboteurs are prime suspects for blowing up Ukrainian Kakhovka dam, triggering massive floods, and forcing thousands to flee for their lives, but Moscow may also be planning to attack the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

Join Fleet Street Fox and Kevin Maguire as they discuss the big stories of the day

Continue reading at The Mirror:
Before and after photos of Ukraine dam show devastation of explosion amid nuclear fears

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We all know that the West deliberately did this to make Russia look bad 😂😂


I suspect this channel also stated that the Russians blew up Nord Stream too


She remarks that it upsets a summer offensive like it's a planned holiday.


Add the gas pipe line to that aswell, on a positive no hose pipe ban


NATO most likely did it, just like they were blaming each other when NATO took out the pipe line!


Unless I am living in an alternate reality here, it does not take a degree in rocket science to work out the origin of the perpetrators.


hes saying there is always a conspiricy theory with this kind of thing, then they both start giving their own conspiricys! As if they know whos done it.... last one that got done was the gas pipelines and guess what came out about that one!


When we busted some dams, the dambusters were incredible heroes. When someone else bust a dam it's a war crime.


Who blew up the bridge, gas pipeline, train station…


Why would the Russians blow it before the offensive begins. Surely you'd want to do it after the offensive started to separate/destroy the attacking force?


Kherson is Russian, not Ukrainian occupied, dimwits. This dam was important to Russia as it supplies their occupied ethnic Russian areas with water and power.


Hmm this is a bit more complicated than they're letting on.

I mean Russia needed the dam to allow the water flow down the canal to Crimea which could be used as their excuse as to why they increased the water height there before the dam blew up. Now that the dam is destroyed not enough water is flowing down that canal anymore which might prove problematic to the Russian controlled Crimeans. So while blowing this dam may have stopped the Ukrainians from a southern offensive, this dam blowing up acted as a double-edged sword. Especially since their own troops and equipment got caught up in this flooding and they lost troops vehicles and kit in this incident since their side of the river was effected the most.

And while yes, the river down south is no longer passable given it's width due to the flooding, the Northern river levels have significantly lowered and have been made more accessible to crossing. We'll probably know who blew up the dam by monitoring troop movement. If Ukraine capitalises on this opportunity and catches Russia off-guard then I doubt Russia blew up the dam. But if Russia already started bulking up troops to the North of the dam before it blew then obviously Russia was expecting the dam to blow up.

And if nobody reacts fast enough to the dam blowing up, then I'm going to say that Russia did it because they've been making ridiculously stupid decisions throughout this war anyway. It wouldn't be a major shocker if they blew up the dam to try and stop the Ukrainian offensive, but failed to consider the consiquences of that to Crimea, the Nuclear power plant, their soldiers and equipment that they lost in the flood and the fact that the river levels upstream would drop.


The media will be ok you've got your nice shiny nuclear fallout bunkers hidden around the world


wouldn't Odessa be a better target for the Russian in the long run though. If the power plant blows Russia would not be able to advance into that area at all. Don't make sense.


"He started it"
"No, he started it!"


Lies and lies.
No one believes a word comes from media.


Anyone thought what great timing - the Ukraine offensive starts, fails and what happens, a dam blows and the media is all over it blaming the country which now has to deal with the most flooded land, an NPP running out of coolant and an entire region (crimea) left with no water. mmmm, i wonder who did it. Would it be the country who threatened Russia that it would cause them a lot of pain perhaps? (clearly not on the battlefield as they are loosing badly)


If Kevin Maguire applies his - "Who stands to gain...?" theory - to the Nordstream pipeline sabotage - well there only is one answer....!


Like the Norstream pipeline this must be investigated, ah ha think about that?.


Can someone explain why its illegal to have an opinion against nato and ukraine
