How To Knit Faster?!?! Speed Knitting for Beginners (Continental Style)

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Hey, my schmoopies!! Hope you enjoy our lil' tutorial today on how to speed knit continental style. Now grab your needles and start practicing! I'd love to hear how your progress goes. XOXO

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My mom taught me continental when I was 6. I am now 62. Every time people see me knit they are amazed that 1) how fast I knit and 2) I am a man. Continental seems so much more ergonomic than english. I purl differntIy, i don't dip the left finger. I use my right thumb to hold the yarn next to the stitch for a moment while I push the needle and yarn through the loop.

I have a few cousins that I knit with when we get together and they knit English style. When she saw me knit continental she wanted to learn how. She watched some vids but couldn't get the hang of purling. I showed her how I do it and she thought it was much easier than dipping your finger.

I also crochet but learned that after knitting. It was a very natural transition. I think I it's because of the continental style.

Thanks for the video, very informative! I really enjoy watching other people knit and all the different ways used to get the yarn through the loop.


DUDE!!! Been knitting English style for YEARS and I'm still so freaking slow! Had no idea this method was quicker at all - - no one has ever mentioned that to me. Thanks so much for this vid! I'll give it a try!


Best video I've seen to demo this. I've been knitting English style for 50 years so will give this a try as I think it will help with my arthritis. Thank you x


I learned crochet as a kid, and I've been crocheting for years. This style of knitting is the ONLY way that has actually clicked in my brain and made it easy for me to learn! English style knitting always ended in frustration and throwing needles across the room with the vow "never again"
But I love the way knit pieces look SO much that I was determined to learn.


This is the tenth, and by far the tutorial on continental knitting ive seen yet. It’s very clear, the music is not overwhelming, the speed of the demo is perfect to knit with. Thanks 😊


Thank you so much for breaking it down into simple slow motions! Every time other tutorials show it, it's been way too fast and I've missed out on the finer, more minute motions that control the process and given up in disgust. I will definitely give it another try now, thank you.


I’m a crocheter just learning to knit and figured I might as well start with Continental style since I know I’ll end up there. Efficiency of movement is important not just for speed but for reducing stress on my hands and wrists. Thank you for the close up and specifics on your hand hold, that’s so helpful!


The advice you give here is exactly the opposite of every other "learn how to" video I've watched so far... they are the reason I probably can't get into it like I had before, long ago. I have the confidence with you as my teacher I can do it


I LOVE the sound effects when you switch from knit to purl! *bloop*


OMgoodness I have been knitting for 40years. I'm so slow couldn't believe it when I saw this video, a million thanks Maree New Zealand


WOW! I've always been afraid of and confused about purling in continental style. You made it so clear!


It is actually mind blowing to me that very rarely this method is mentioned! I had no idea, struggled with keeping the tension same through the stitches until I saw someone's video on yt and my head literally exploded! I learnt crocheting via yt about 8 years ago, I'm a pro, I just discovered I might be good in knitting if I practice 😊❤ You are doing amazing job showing exapmles!


I don't even knit. i just crochet. What am I doing here? How is this so interesting!!!
*adds Learn to knit to the bucket list


Your videos are so relaxing and a joy to watch. My mother taught me how to crotchet first when I was about 10 years old. She died When I was in my early 40's, I missed her dearly and wanted to be close with her, I visited a local knitting shop to purchase crotchet materials/supplies and the sales associate encouraged me to learn how to knit. Well it was difficult for me to hold my knitting yarn in my right hand to throw, so I taught myself to knit Continental. It's comforting to have the skills to English Knit and Continental Knit. Continental knitting has been my knitting style for years now.


Why am i finding this calming?? Great video


This is everything I need a tutorial to be- so stinking easy to follow and lots of opportunities to see it done but still efficient. I knew there had to be a way to get quicker and I'm so excited to fly through a blanket I'm knitting. Thank you for creating this!!!


I learned Continental knitting as a little Girl and never did any other It makes knitting soooo fast! A pair of socks in just one problem! Thx for your supercool Videos 😘I love all of them!


I was always an ‘English’ knitter, not knowing there was any different way, but I wanted to try something new so learnt to crochet from YouTube over last 3yrs after becoming disabled. Since then I can’t get back into knitting but this tutorial has given me that wee ‘want to’ again. Thanks


My love for knitting exploded when I taught myself to knit Continental!


As someone who prefers crochet I thank you! I had no idea how easy continental knitting was! I used to see my aunts and grandma using different methods they passed the basics for me when I was young but it was too late when I began learning by myself as most passed away or were old enough not to remember so this is just amazing to know thank you from the bottom of my heart 💜
