You're WRONG About the iPhone SE (2022)

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Apple sent us the new iPhone SE early to try out, and I think it's misunderstood...

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...just as Samsung announced the new Galaxy A phones 🧐


I am 72 years old and just traded in my iPhone 8 for the new SE. I’m very pleased with it. I like the push button, size and increased battery life. I think it is a great phone for seniors. Price is so much lower than the top iPhones!


Finally, someone that understands the purpose of the SE line! Loved the video Ken!


Thanks for speaking out on how the design for this phone is still relevant on 2022! Some people like me, we don’t really care about having the latest design. We just want something that works. For me, I bought the SE2020 because I was in dire need of a new phone. I play games on my phone, and ofc the battery dies out very quickly, but other than that, it has been very impressive! Two years flew by like a blink. This is such a great review, thanks!


Omg a tech video that doesn't crap all over the SE 😲 So many reviews take points off b/c it doesn't have face ID, OLED, no bezels, etc but that is exactly why most people buy an SE. All y'all who want face ID and new design have plenty of options, the SE is for the rest of us. I have the SE 2 now and just ordered the SE 3 for 5g & bigger battery and I'm super excited to get it. OLED phones give me headaches and nausea, face ID has just never worked well for me either so I'm really happy Apple still makes a good touch ID phone with LCD.


As someone who uses an iphone 7, this looks like the perfect replacement. If I got the 13, I'd definitely miss the fingerprint scanner and the slim size


The reason why I bought the SE model is due to the fingerprint. I honestly HATE the faceID, it never works when I'm wearing the face mask even after the last update, and it fails most of the time even when I'm not wearing the mask and I need to enter manually the PIN. The worst part is when it works, and you still need to swipe up to unlock the phone.... it's so inconvenient. With the fingerprint, you press the button and that's it.


Upgraded from SE 2 to SE 3. I'm very satisfied, especially with the battery performance.


Not an Iphone user, but budget devices that make it easier for people to get connected is always a win in my book.


Finally someone that understands consumers and isn't the typical techtuber claiming that "nobody wants this".


You hit it on the head. I traded my 11 Pro Max in for a 13 Pro Max and was largely underwhelmed. The body was uncomfortable to hold and the cameras weren't as big of an improvement as I expected. I'm a casual shooter, so I hardly ever use anything besides the standard lens. ProMotion was sick, but it wasn't enough to justify $1400. I returned it and got a 128GB SE. So far, after adjusting to the bezels and overall smaller size, I've been loving it. Extremely small and lightweight (even with a case), performance has been blazing, battery life is acceptable if not exemplary, and the software trickery at play with the cameras yields a larger improvement over the 2020 SE than many would think.


This is a great channel and love how laid back Ken is wen he is talking. He’s like the grownup of the group. He gives great reviews that hits on good and bad of products. Something many reviewers tend to have lost. Thy want the latest and greatest with all the bells and whistles. They forget about the people who wants just a good cheap phone that will work well for years to come. I have a 12 pro max and only because I am a fairly large person and have issues pressing stuff on such a small screen. Plus have a hard time reading off a small screen. If wasn’t for that I’d prob look at the se phones.

Keep up the good work and your set looks great. Hope your channel grows fast.


I really enjoy the direction that Denki is going towards as it reminds me of those older Austin Evans vids(particularly that iPhone X vid) which I really enjoyed. Don't get me wrong, I love mystery tech and broke vs pro but Ken is bringing back a more polished if I had say style of vid which I really find to be enjoyable. Keep up the great work!


This channel is quickly becoming one of my favourite YouTube channels


im lovin this channel its great because you just get all the info not side-tracked


Awesome I’m glad you made a channel ken can’t wait to keep watching!


I own the 2020 iPhone SE and it’s covers all my needs. Including heavy gaming, videos and scrolling on social media. Besides the buttery of course. I’m looking forward to upgrade to the higher storage option.


Awesome! Denki is easily one of the channels I could listen to all day! I love the content, the editing work is great and, Ken, your voice is (chefs kiss) the exact vibe needed for these videos… love it man looking forward to the next one!


Finally someone with actual logic looking at the iphone SE the way it should be looked at. A $400 phone that punches above it's price and competes in some aspects with phones double triple it's price. All I see is these dumb YouTubers comparing it with 900-$1300 phones like "this $400 phone has massive bezzels, while this $1200 one has a perfect AMOLED bezeless 1440p display, this $400 only has one camera, while this $1000 has 3-4 cameras!" That shit pisses me off so much lmao, this phone does everything right and is more than enough, THANK YOU, ken


Good work. Thorough. To the point. Full of information. 👌👌👌
