Hip Replacement - 2 Week and 3 Week Update

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I found out I am not a superhero. That was how my doctor explained it.
Sorry that this is longer but I had a lot happen in 2 weeks and needed to let others know what could happen. Pain, Depression, Not meeting self-imposed deadlines. So many people go into these surgeries thinking they will be the superhero that comes out quickly and recovers quickly. I can usually deal with pain well but on my second week I was still hurting and on pain meds and using a walker. But by the end of the 3rd week I had progressed a lot.

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I'm a 52 yr old man at about a week and a half after my right hip replacement. Watching your video was the first time everything made sense. All of what you experienced, I am currently experiencing. The knee pain, the feeling of a wallet from the tightness, everything. All these other videos about how people are doing so well and left the hospital without even a walker and blah blah blah, those weren't helping me at all. Yours made sense. Thanks.


Had both my hips full replacement one in May and one in Aug of 2023 still recovering


I’m at 8 days now only taking Tynol. The other ruined my bowels. It was horrible


I’m two weeks in today left hip full Monty… no pain I’m quite mobile so can’t complain just lonely as I live alone feels like lock down again..


62 y.o. former Marine and outdoor jock here.. Mountain biker..
I'm on day 4 of right anterior hip replacement..
Vitals are normal.
Got some minor swelling and pain.
No pain while laying down and sleeping, which is a miracle itself compared to the osteoarthritis, which was horrible.
Using an ice pack regularly and putting a pillow under my leg at night to control swelling..
Only taking 2000mg of acetaminophen daily for pain, divided in two doses.
Taking nomal showers, and walking normally but slowly to try to walk as normally as possible. Don't need much help. But I'm staying in the house and being very careful for now.
No longer need the walker or the cane, but still use for exercises or if necessary.
The leg lifter for getting into bed is essential, especially for the first week or so.
Every day, it gets a little better.
First 3 days are the worst. Day 2 was the worst for me (temp. 99), but not too bad even with only acetaminophen. That evening temp went back down to normal.
I would advise most people to take the pain meds, at least for a few days, you'll be more comfortable.
The exercises are important..
Hip feels a little tight, and I'm limiting my mobility somewhat for healing purposes.


I’m a 56 year old female & just had my left hip replaced on May 3. I’m just about hitting my 2 week mark. Thank you for sharing your story. I had a great deal of pain but was afraid to take the pain pills because they make me so nauseous. I just took extra strength Tylenol & used ice packs to help with the pain. It was a real rough few days but I did get through it.(barely)
I’m still on a walker as well & have had a lot of knee pain & muscle tightness around my knee but I’m faithfully doing my physical therapy. Thank you for being so honest about your recovery . It is extremely helpful.


Recovery is different for everyone. Just remember that. You go at your own pace, and walk walk, walk. God bless us all!


Thank you for doing this. I recently had my right hip replaced and have been experiencing everything you have described. You’ve relieved a lot of my anxiety. I’m in week Three of recovery now and making progress. 👍


Gary, like others, I'm so glad I found this particular video! I watched wayyy too many "superhero" videos so I expected to fall into that category myself! I don't know why, I'm a 68 year old not-in-great-shape woman who's been unable to exercise for at least a year - what did I expect!? Anyway, I had surgery on Feb 24 and am finding the healing process for me isn't a straight line at all - it's more like some progress, then a little setback, then back to some progress. Slow and steady. Plus it's only been 2.5 weeks; I guess it's just way too easy to fall into the blues thinking this will take forever. So glad you're doing well after hip and knees, and thanks again for this honest non-superhero video!


i'm 6 months post right total hip anterior approach...i still cannot walk without canes or a walker. My left hip needs replacement badly which has impeded recovery on my right, and also the surgeon said he almost had to break my R femur - so there's LOTS of trauma and swelling and nerve damage to get over. ugh


Gary we all heal at a different rate and being a super hero is way over rated. Taking a little longer to heal properly, is the important part of getting back to normal. Hang in there, and keep your spirits up. Blessings Wayne


Thank you brother, it’s nice to have honest narration of what is going on. Today is my first week after surgery and I thought for sure based on what you see on the web I would be walking around.


Thank you for this video. It is spot on! I had a total right hip replacement on Feb 28, 2024 - a lateral incision. I was amazed that I could walk the first day, but did have pain. Like you, the pain meds made me feel nauseated, so after the first day or so I only take them at night if required so I can sleep better. Each day I think I walk a little better with the walker. I get very stiff after sitting. Can only sit for short time, then have to walk, but then get tired from walking and have to sit or lay down. I am doing my exercises twice a day and am up to 3 sets of 10 for each exercise twice a day. I have a lot of swelling, so I Ice and elevate my leg about 4 or 5 times a day and sleep with my feet elevated all night. ( I have an adjustable bed which has been great! ) My husband measures my leg at night before bed, and again in the morning, and in the morning it is an inch smaller than at night. I find I run out of stamina quite easily. Haven’t ventured out except the day I had to get my staples removed (at 15 days post op). I find it frustrating not being able do the little things, like picking up what I drop, but find the reacher has been a life saver. Also with the dressing aids I can totally dress myself. Will be glad when I can give up the walker.


Thank you for sharing. I had surgery right hip may 3rd/23 and its been slow healing. As you said self imposed goals and others wondering why i wasnt back to normal yet because they knew someone that went back to work 2 weeks after. I just dont think that is possible (somebodies telling stories) and the body needs time to heal! Its major surgery. This led to depression and just overall not doing well. Once i told myself just to allow myself the time i needed, it all started working out better. You made me feel better that others feel the same. Thank you. And i hope youre all good now!


I’m at 3 week’s posterior hip replacement. Totally feeling the knee pain and the discomfort, although this week it’s not as bad. Still walking with a walker. Thanks for putting things in perspective for me. I’ll get there when I get there 😊


Gary THANK YOU So much for your honesty and full transparency. I just happened upon your video while laying here feeling like something must be wrong with ME because I'm not experiencing the same "fast" recovery as I've heard from others. EVERYTHING you said was like I was hearing myself. The pain was horrendous (getting better the past 2 weeks). Sleep was nonexistent (also getting a little better). And the meds make me sick. I too can't understand how anyone could get addicted- not judging at all, may God bless them. But I can't figure out what's worse, the pain and discomfort in my hip or the constant nausea, constipation and horrible feeling from the meds. I feel like I'm on a hamster's wheel. I'm 5 weeks in from a posterior right hip replacement and your video just gave me LIFE. Bless you! You are 4 years in. I can't wait for this ordeal to be behind me. I'd love to know how you're feeling now if you feel ok to share? Your story has REALLY helped me. I can see myself rewatching whenever I'm feeling down and defeated as I [was] tonight. Thank you, Again!


Thank you. I am at 12 days and progressing but much slower than some people say I should. Fortunately, I don't listen much to them. I have high hopes of a full recovery but I'm sure it will be a while.


great video, can’t lift my leg without help 2 weeks post op. but i can peddle, walk on cain. most discomfort is laying down at night


Thank you for your video. I am at the 4 week mark and tried to dive to the grocery store. It was was too much for me to do. I am going to take it easier until my 6 week mark. It helps to be patient.


I’m on day 5 of post right hip replacement. 55 yr old woman. I feel just like you. No one told me the pain would be so bad. My sciatic nerve got irritated and I could barely move on day 2. Home day 3 and all I’ve done is lay in bed. It’s torture. I found your video just at the right time. Thank you so much for your honesty. It will get me through this next week.
