What to Plant in September, Fall Seeding, & the Fall Garden is In: Garden Ramblings Tips & Tour E-27

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Timestamps. What to plant and direct seed in September. My fall garden of cool crops are in. Tour and garden ramble, highlighting my fall garden, wellness perspective, and garden changes.

GreenStalk Vertical Gardening Towers

0:00 Introduction – Fall Gardening Time!
0:17 What are Cool Season Temperatures?
0:53 Build a New Garden in the Fall!
1:28 Nothing Fancy – Earth Beds Are Cheap
1:46 Garden Burnout is Okay!
2:23 Look at All the Forgotten Potatoes
2:34 September Planted Cool Crops #1
2:57 A Garden is Not Perfection – What’s Your Goal?
3:58 Planting Timing for Cool Crops Explained
4:41 Step Back and Look at Your Success
5:52 Fall Crops to Grow & Stagger Planting Tips
7:08 No Space? Create a Transplant Garden
7:45 Wen to Direct Seed Cabbage, Kale, & Collards
8:12 How Long is Your Fall Season? Calculation
9:35 Letting Beans Dry for Winter
10:18 Cucumber Male & Female Flowers – Brown Tips
11:26 Pea Tips – Pods Can’t Take a Frost
12:18 ‘Jet Star’ Tomato is a Great Slicer
12:30 A GMO Tomato I’m Growing
13:14 Self Seed Tomatoes & Beans – Amazing
13:48 More Cool Weather Crops to Plant – Lettuce
14:17 Using Shade Cloth for Early Lettuce Planting
14:51 Lettuce Leaf Frosting & Amazing Pictures
15:13 Beet & Spinach Tips
16:10 Final Wave of Zucchini is Producing
16:34 Celebrate What You Accomplish!
17:28 Assess Your Keeper Tomato & Plants Now
18:36 Cauliflower, Endive, & Lettuce Fall Planting
19:00 Plastic Sheets to Extend the Fall Garden
19:47 “Specialized” Cantaloupe & Melon Shelving
21:22 ‘Juliet’ A Great Grape Tomato Plant
22:08 Don’t Dwell on the Mess Right Now
22:24 Broccoli, Beets, & Napa Cabbage Planting
23:30 Now is Trellis & Garden Building Time – Examples
24:42 1st Wave of Radishes are Up!
26:00 Cutting Back Asparagus for Fall
27:22 Another Fall Planting of Kale & Kohlrabi
27:50 Don’t Over Plant & Grow – Here’s Why
28:21 Eggplant Did Really Well – Massive
29:16 Vertical Planting of Lettuce & Leafy Greens
30:28 The “Fruit Room” is Out of Control
31:00 Amazing Peppers in Metal Raised Beds
31:24 When are Muscadine Ripe?
32:13 Balance Life & The Garden - Conclusion

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I love how you let us know it doesn't have to be perfect... Just get it done a little at a time. Make small goals, but keep going. Don't stress. Balance. At least that's what I heard 😅



Cooler air came into my area Thursday. and the temperature is trending down. I took advangage of the change in weather, and did a lot of planting. I planted seeslings for red cabbbage, Dutch Cabbage, and Rainbow Swiss Chard, then sowed seeds for broccoli, cauliflower, Pak Choi, Komatsuna, Yellow Heart Winter Choy, tatsoi, Nappa Cabbage, parsnips, Danvers carrots, Deteoit Red Beets, and Purple Top turnips. All of my planted raised beds have hoops and are covered with netting to keep the deer and cats out of the garden. I have greenhouse plastic to cover them, as needed.
I had a very good pepper harvest this morning. From now through October, I harvest most of my peppers for the season. I expect to get five more harvests from them before frost hits them. Last year's first frost was a hard freeze, 24F, on November 2nd. Happy fall gardening!


Thanks so much for your support! Cheers & Thanks, Gary!
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Those “shelves” for supporting growing cantaloupe is a great idea!


Wild muscadines are everywhere in my area.. as a kid, we spent a lot of time picking those up for Muscadine jelly! Sublime


We were down to 47° last night - and have a gorgeous day in the 70's. Then we'll return to the high 80's and 90s again for the next 2 weeks (bummer). Regardless, I am forging ahead with a small fall garden. Radishes, bok choy, brocollini .. and trying cabbage again, a smaller early variety. Love the rambles - thank you!


Thanks Gary for the insight well said about us gardener we don’t have to be perfect just try the best we can to maintain a good garden but not to neglect. I myself a long time gardener I plant varieties of veggies that i can fixed and cook together in one pan. It is always inspiring to watched your videos sometimes I go back and watch your old videos also. Thank you for all you do. Longtime subscriber.


Planted some fall season crops yesterday. Fall is the best for gardening for me because zero insects, and super relaxing.


I love your honest about burn out. I don’t do much fall planting either the exception of garlic. But his video has changed my attitude! This year I will plant 😊 I m probably weird but I love fall and winter clean up ! It keeps me in my dirt waiting for spring and my raised beds are almost ready to go come spring!


Such a incredible video!! Love seeing a real garden and someone talking about burn out . Thank you for staying real.
You nailed it . We are making plans, mental notes, and planning for next year as summer dies off and fall goes in. Im loving this cooler weather we are having and gardening is so much more enjoyable now.


Hi Gary, I would love to have recipe for bean soup! Asparagus any tips on when to cut it back? Do you have to turn that "leafy greens" greenstalk? Thanks for your Fall crop inspiration and great tips!


Thanks for the honest reality of gardening and the great tips.


Wonderful garden tour! I love that wooden A-frame. You built that you have the cantaloupe going on. It's so beautiful. How just a simple wooden structure can be so lovely in the garden. And love the shelf idea! I've got to think of some more vertical ways to grow melon in my garden. It's finally a beautiful day out here in Tennessee75 and sunny! Out here working trying to take advantage of the beautiful weather in nature. Thank you for all you do.


I was subscribed and have been watching and learning from you for years. But I just noticed I was no longer subscribed! I happily resubscribe and look forward to continuing learning from your channel. I'm planting my 1st fall garden with encouragement from your video ❤


I am expanding my garden now by building a bigger space 36 x 24...I am going to keep my smaller space 16 x 20 for tomatoes and peppers exclusively. By the way, it is really cool tonight here in Northern Kentucky, zone 6b, but the heat and humidity is coming back next week with a vengeance with 88 and 89 some days.


I’m so glad that you get burn out too. This is my first year. I just planted some fall crops.


My green arrow peas got hit by slugs. Planted some more in a 5 gallon bucket the other day and they are already sprouting. My spring radishes got nibbled on by potato bugs, this time i planted them in the 5 gallon bucket. They are a couple weeks along now and looking good. I got better germination of carrots in the 5 gallon bucket too. I have cabbage, bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower and kale ready to go out. Black seeded simpson lettuce, iceberg lettuce both ready to go out. Did some direct sow of those last weekend too. So I have some succussion planting going. Thanks fro your videos Gary. You really do give us the confidence to grow better and better all the time.


You’re a beast in the garden 🤘🎃🤘Thanks Gary!


I’m so glad I found this channel today! Perfect timing for me, zone 6b


It's a little cooler, but our average high in September is still in the low 90s and nighttime low in the liw 70s. I want to do a fall garden, but i need to get motivated. Our average first frost is Nov 15 and first freeze is Nov 30.