Can Cows Be Part of the Climate Solution?

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Cattle could become an ally in the fight against climate change — here’s how 🐮

#Cow #Earth #Environment #Cattle #ClimateCrisis #NowThis

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This is a great harm reduction strategy. Could be more possible if meat consumption reduces and prices go higher. Which I think would be best for sustainability


The meat and milk from animals that rely solely on grazing provide just 1% of the world’s protein. FCRN

If everyone in the US switched from grain-fed to pasture-fed beef, because they grow more slowly on grass, the number of cattle would have to rise by 30% and the land area used to feed them would rise by 270%. - Environmental Research Let.

Even if the US felled all its forests, drained its wetlands, watered its deserts and annulled its national parks, it would still need to import most of its beef.


of course they can but bison would be better. Rotational grazing is great and the biggest problem with cows is how much primary rainforest is destroyed from Brazil to Indonesia to raise them. Leave Ancient forests alone and raise cattle in harmony with nature


Support those indigenous groupss that know what they're doing when it comes to managing the land and the wildlife, including the buffalo herds. I've always been an advocate of, "give it back to the indians" (More aptly called the indigenous people but, the saying goes way back).


This is why the meat has to become more expensive. This kind of solution is very costly because it will not only need more grazing land, it also reduces the amount of meat we can produce.
But i love the idea. It is very important to keep cows/bisons for biodiversity, but not in the way we have them today.


Nah return the bison to their original numbers make people adapt to our original environment simple as that.


Using cows to enrich soil does not morally justify killing and eating them, and breeding more into existence.

Native animals are the best to enrich soil. Just stop destroying habitats for cows:

Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO

The most comprehensive *meta-analysis* conducted to date with 119 countries, shows avoiding animal products is the *"SINGLE BIGGEST WAY"* to reduce our environmental impact. -Oxford University


This is rotational grazing. Joe Salatin has been promoting this for years. It works, people are just slow to change, or they just don't care. This method is great for improving soil too.


Boy that's ironic. Maybe in the future we can not basically exterminate a species.


Important message and understanding, thank you 💚🙏🏼


Are you serious? Animal agriculture needs to be abolished entirely. Only then will we see real positive change in our climate.


A 4 minute vertical video.. I don't think you know how shorts work.
