US and China Trade - Broken Down (w/ Lori Wallach)

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China Trade and tariff deals and trade policies leave the US out on its own in international business.

Do we have allays in Europe and other parts of the world?

What is the problem and what needs to be fixed?





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I was talking to my neighbor who works for a semiconductor mfgr here in the PDX metro area about the trade war. They said that there's already been a slow down and workers are being told there will be a shut down coming this summer because the tariffs China is imposing will cause a decreased demand. This is the busiest time of year for semiconductor mfgrs because the wafers and devices are being made now to go into the products in the fall to be ready for Christmas.


What a prejudiced view of China, she does not know what she is talking about, period.


The point missing in the talks : it was the U.S companies hiring Chinese labors in China to produce U.S consumers products. It resulted the US companies took the major gain and the Chinese labors took the the minimal hardworking money. I guess the reason for these type of videos going on is to diffuse the anger of the commoners who have no idea of how international trade is being conducted.


Construction materials had 4 separate price increases from all vendors in the last 18 months. Instead of the one annual increase. American made products hit hardest so naturally Chinese brand sales are up. It keeps end user prices down for now but I can’t see how this doesn’t have long term negative effects.


Prices on goods has gone up because very little is produced in US any more. If prices havent gone up the amount that is in the bag or box or can is getting smaller. Us farmers are struggling as prices for what we need goes up and what we sell goes down.


Wow, this lady is losing, or she is explaining what the US has coming down the pipeline.


Isn't it just a matter of capitalism at work ?

1. It's the companies that decided to go to China on _their_ terms. They had an option to just _not_ do it. It's was the looming prize of that huge market that persuaded them. And they went, and sold their soul (and ip).
2. China doesn't care for workers rights, they don't care that much for a clean environment as much. The standard of life is lower, so workers are cheap. If they get too expensive, production will move on to Africa, India or whatever the lowest costs are.
3. China is in it for the long run, Xi doesn't have to worry about re-election.


Many rare earth minerals are radioactive and toxic during processing. Do you really want that in the US? Especially with increasing deregulation.


But from what I heard, these minerals to be mined it is very dangerous, highly polluting, radio active(radiation).


Tariff's for the USA are really only good, if the USA is Manufacturing Goods then Tariff's protect against the price of labor. Nowaday's Companies are outsourced and owned by US Companies and imported back into the US. When you have actually a Manufacturing in US, then tariff's can be productive and protect again slavery wages in China. China people actually are taking loans on a massive scale just to live on those slavery wages. Chinese Parents get loans from China Banks (state owned) then give the money to their Children that are being paid these 1.00 an hour wages. And Chinese Children get loans from China Banks (state owned) and then give the money to thier parents. When the Housing Bubble Crashes in China...China gonna have a huge crash.


The issues of work being done in the US sits squarely in the lap of Big Businesses. They want US spending from US consumers, but don't want to pay fair salaries and benefits to US workers. Profits are realistically due to the US Workforce in fair distribution to US workers. Equitably distribution between the actual US Workers with stock investors is the Crux of the rift. Greed on either side caused increasing failures. It wasn't the workers that deserted the US Work Force. IT'S the BUSINESS magnates that deserted US workers to minimize cost by OUTSOURCING to pay foreign workers less, thus increase profit. Makng China carry the weight of industry paying little as possible for work and services. Bid Business left US workers out in the cold for quite awhile now. Trade agreements are more about moving money from the current recipients than the US economy or Workers. Trump's Republicans are demanding the contracts be redirected to them. THE PEOPLE will suffer until these Greedy Ghouls wrench control of international monetary flow. AS US CITIZENS HALT EVERY ACT THAT IS NOT ALIGNED WITH THE US CONSTITUTION, WE, THE PEOPLE PREVAIL! OUR CONSTITUTION Is a MIRACULOUS STANDARD that leads the US to defend against anbd defeat every adversary, foreign and domestic..


You're a fool if you think that's not going to raise prices you have no idea what you're talking about.
I am deeply involved and have been for many years, there's no way that other countries to fill in the gap for sophisticated items. You're talkin to be asked about t-shirts and tennis shoes, the inflation of being real products.
Is tariffs in these conflicts are playing with fire, American consumer is going to get burnt like never before.


1. This lady believes the west need to unite to come after the elites of China to make an agreement. But in fact it is the elites who suffer the least in the trade dispute in China. Ordinary working people suffer the most. The hostility from the west will make China a more closed and undemocratic country. The Chinese public will have to be more closedly aligned with communist party. That is what communist party would love and the only direction that China could go.
2. The labour right has been much better since 2008. Chinese government does allow working people to organize unions which do NOT have an agenda of regime change. Do not let the propaganda stuff in the msm fool you.


It could be that bored people get stupid


I'm supposed to be listening this . But I'm so bored I'm just messin about with my phone


Nike sneaker sneakers fall apart are design with planned obsolescence. Build domestic shoes and export them to the free fee world. And have a value additive tax for imports.👌


I don't remeber Bush or Obama lifting a finger. They just let China get stronger.
