When IVF fails what next? | Failed IVF cycle | IVF failure | In Vitro Fertilization | IVF specialist

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Failed IVF cycle can be very heart breaking as it is your worst nightmare coming true. By taking into consideration the IVF costs, IVF risk, shots taken during the IVF treatment and doing everything possible to get pregnant through IVF and yet the process failed can be very disappointing. Please watch the video to understand what is the next step to be taken and to address all the questions.

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Dr Aniruddha Malpani,
MD Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba Mumbai- 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
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I’m grateful I came across your video 🙏🏼 I’ve just had a failed IVF with two embryos being transferred (I’m 43 & in the UK), I’m devastated but the next plan was already formed for donor egg, your empathetic video comforted and reassured me 🙏🏼🙂


A failed IVF cycle is not the end of the world. You can learn from it to improve your chances of success in your next cycle!


Thanks for the information doctor. My first ivf cycle failed despite of good quality embryo & good endometrium. The very next comment what the assistant doctor told me after seeing the hcg result was my uterus has rejected the embryo & it's not receptive- I felt devastated after hearing it as I was emotionally & physically drained at that time. Felt that everything happened because of my poor uterus! Your video has given me confidence to move forward with another cycle.


100%true dr.. My doctor said same words to me..


I’m from the U.K. and one thing I wish they put more emphasise on is the fact that an embryo may not survive the thaw stage. I asked them about this and they always seem to shrug it off like “oh that’s rare, our freezing techniques are 98% effective” well on the day of my transfer I got a phone call to say the first embryo they thawed didn’t survive and they were going to take another one out. So…really they need explain this to patients more because it does happen.


Three failed IUI. One failed ivf. And now two embryos were not able to fertilize. I’m distraught please help. I’m 40 years old


Hi Doc, I did a transfer of two Grade 4AA Day 5 embryos and the Blood test came back negative at day 12 post transfer. However after I got my period and did the scan, the Doctor said that it seems like I had an implantation but it was an early miscarriage. What could be the cause of this ?


Hi Dr, I jus had a failed IVF cycle, lost. My 2 embryos, am 41years and on Bromocryptin because I have high prolactin, should I sop bromocryptin in my nt cycle?Thanks


Hello doctor!How much endometrium thickness should be for frozen embryo transfer?


Sir My IVF Failed this month, It was a FET, 1 5day blastocyst, 1 early blastocyst and 1 8 cells Embryo was transferred, but they never told be about the grade of Embryos nor they advised to perform any blood test before transfer. why this happened ?


Hello doctor
Thank you for the information.
My sister had her frozen embryo transfer and hcg showed negative for pregnancy. She has one more embryo left .What is the best time to get next one transferred?? Her lining was 14mm and grade 5bb embryo.
She also had uti post transfer is it because of that the embryo didn't implant? Doctor put her on antibiotics


EMMA test
Atropobium 56
Gardenella 30
Lactobacillus 12
What to do??
Is that success rate will increase after antibiotics and probiotics


Thanks for your guidance doc, its been greatly helpful. Its 16 days after my fresh embryo transfer, i did a blood test on day 14 in a lab which came back negative, 😢 but im yet to bleed. Please is this normal?


I mailed for two times not yet recieved any 2nd or 1st advice...just bluff it was i consider


Great information and I am glad that I found you🙏. There were 5 embryos that were tested for PGT A and 5 were found to be Aneuploids, so our process failed before rooting only. My doctor asked to come blood screening. What are our next options??


Thank you sir... I like it ur advice.. My Ivf faild! Few days ago.. I m depressed.. How to me be happy!... Thank you sir for information...


Hi doctor. I just had a failed IVF. 2 embroyos were transferred 4AA n 3AB.
This month i am gng to try for 2nd transfer, but i have 3BB n 2AB grade embryo left. What are the chances of success.


Sir from past 2 yrs i have undergoing ivf treatment. My cycles got cancelled due to thin ENDOMETRIUM 6mm. underwent hysteroscopy after 1yr again underwent hysteroscopic prp finally got 7mm et and traferred day5 embryos last month. I got negative result. Im burst out and my doc suggested me to go for surrogacy. Im helpless pls suggest me what to do now


I have failed IVF on5 july 2021, although very rough precautions I followed but it is failed I don't know why, egg and embryos are good quality and transferred 2 embryos but cycle fail.plz tell me what should I do now,


My doctor ET at 6.5 lining after hysteroscopy but fail sir what is the next step
