ACNH SECRETS You STILL Don't Know in 2024!

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Animal Crossing New Horizons Secrets You Missed While Playing!
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Welcome to my Animal Crossing channel. Today we're taking a deep-dive into the world of Animal Crossing New Horizons! We're taking a look at some tiny secrets (and hidden details) you missed over the last 4 years of Animal Crossing New Horizons.
We breakdown some of the most well-kept secrets of Animal Crossing New Horizons, and explain everything you need to know about these hidden features and secrets in ACNH.
How many of these ACNH Secrets did you know? Let us know and thanks for watching 🥰

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Рекомендации по теме

If you like decorating without villager interruptions, leave the airport gates open for visitors and your villagers won’t come knocking at your door.


I’ve recently discovered that the curtains do have an additional feature, if you turn off all the lights in your house and close all the curtains it keeps villagers from knocking on your door! I’ve tried it out several times and it seems to work!!


Secrets. One secret I like is if you have a complete T-rex on your island (not museum), and press A, it mouth opens like it's roaring.


When Isabelle mentions her zodiac luck in the announcements, you can put in 99, 000 bells for the money tree. When it’s full grown, you’ll get 3 99, 000 bells. She’s doing it a lot less nowadays but she does bring it up sometimes.


this may be an obvious one but if there’s a bird on your bulletin board that means there’s a new post! and if there’s two then there’s two new posts, etc


I think my only secret (being a new player and all) is that if you place a football fish in your house, it basically functions the same as a lamp! You can turn it's little light on and off XD


Thank you for those great tips. Im a 60yr old gamer and new to Nintendo Switch. I have only just learned that when fishing you have to wait until the fish stop nipping at the bait because once they grab it, you will 100% get every fish you try to catch.


I didn't know about the rainbow! Cool that there's still things to learn after this long 😄


Ahhh I did not know about the haunted wallpaper! That is scary and cool at the same time. 😅


I found a pretty consistent method to catch tarantulas/ scorpions:

You approach the critter with net in hand. Hold A to ready a swing, and creep towards it. It'll flare up its front legs/ pincers, and when it does, hold still. If you do it right, it'll just flare up and hold a threatening stance, then settle down. Move ONLY when it's settled, and just lather rinse repeat until you get just close enough to catch it.


I feel like this a "no duh" moment, but if you buy 2 pipes you can fast travel around your island, and if you place one inside your house, you can fast travel to your house.


Sable starts to warm up to you if you talk to her for 5-7 consecutive days. She also gives you a new pattern.


Speaking of uncommon dialogue, there's a silly interaction if you speak to Label completely "undressed" (remove optional clothes)


If you get coffee right when the hour can see the coo-coo clock chirp.


I learned something new from It's Me Carraleigh! When a villager drops a book and you have to find who dropped it, you can click on the item in your pockets and it will give a description of the item as a hint. Had no idea you could do that, I awlays just talked to the first villager I saw, and if it wasn't their's, they would tell me who's it was. So thanks, Carraleigh! 😂


The Summersault was one of the first things I discovered, I saw it in the trailer to the summer update that included swimming. so I rebuilt my peninsula (does that land feature have a name in game?) to be a cliff. I put dirt paths down like it was well trod and decorated like it was a summer hangout to go to the jumping cliff. It is has I go swimming because just walking into the water is boring.


I knew the B button speed-up trick but end up selecting the wrong option too often. I did not know you could use the shoulder button too!! Thank you Mori!!🥰


OMGOSH!! I used to think my male villagers were Perverted!! I would see them seemingly looking into Fuchisa’s window, but after watching this I now realize they were actually looking up, at the two pine trees BESIDE her window LOL!!!


A pretty obvious tip when shaking trees is to have a net out and shake from the front of the tree and ensure that the area in front of the tree (and the squares immediately left or right) are unoccupied (including weeds, branches or flowers). If a wasps nest drops you'll automatically look towards the nest and wasps released, and simply swinging your net will catch it safely without getting stung.


I knew these but appreciate the video. So many new players are still coming to the game and these videos are so helpful.
