Why I make videos as a doctor (why it's important)

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In this video, I talk about why I make videos as a doctor, my personal reasons for doing it, and why I think it can make a genuine difference in tackling important issues in our world.

I've definitely had an incredible journey getting to where I am today, and have learned so much in my time in medicine. I wanted to find way to give back to the community by sharing my experiences, and giving insight to those around me. But beyond my personal goals, I think Youtube and social media are an important platform to deliver messages and speak out against real issues. This has been highlighted during this pandemic, when there has been more misinformation than ever.

I hope this inspires some of you to want to share your story as well. I'd love to hear it 😊

Table Of Contents:
0:00 - Just one person speaking to a camera in an empty room...
0:23 - Intro
1:25 - My experiences and hardships
3:03 - Sharing my life as a doctor
4:46 - Break stigma; normalise weakness
5:24 - Addressing misinformation
7:08 - We're all experts at something - Share it!
7:49 - Moving forward

Watch more!

A bit about myself:
Hey guys! I'm Matt, a junior doctor 👨‍⚕️from Hong Kong working in London in the UK. I made this channel to share my thoughts, experiences and emotions in my journey working as a doctor, particularly during these difficult times of Covid-19. I hope to share with you all the realities of medicine in all its honesty and empower conversations, while hopefully bringing you some entertainment and making you smile.

I'd love to hear from you:

Disclaimer: All views expressed are of my own opinion and do not represent that of affiliated organisations, hospitals or trusts. No advice given should be taken as professional medical advice, and you should always seek medical care in a professional environment if required.

Edited by David Cheung
Music by Epidemic Sound
Tags: motivation to become doctor,medical student,motivation for medical students,inspiration to become doctor,why medicine,studying for medicine,medical mindset,doctor motivation,medical motivation,med student,med school,doctor vlog,uk doctor,med student vlog,why do i make videos,youtube doctor,medical school,doctor making video,why i make videos as a doctor,doctor blogger,junior doctor uk,nhs doctor,covid-19,coronavirus,covid-19 pandemic
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When I first started making videos, I was so afraid of other people's opinions and judgements. What helped was to see the bigger picture: what I wanted to achieve, and the role I could play in making medicine more accessible. As long as I'm proud of what I produce and I can continue sharing and inspiring others, then it's worth it 👍
I hope I can do this for you. If you don't find this helpful, I'd love to hear your thoughts. What could I do better?
Stay safe everyone!


Junior doctor from Malta here ! great job. :))


Matthew, you have changed lives, through you we are all able to chat to each other we have more knowledge about coronavirus virus because of you, I know we hear the news, we go online sometimes its all very daunting, its news that's all coming at you, you can't answer back, you just have to cope with what you feel is right for you, so it's wonderful we have you, whereby things are explained and therefore we can ask questions, then we can share that knowledge amongst our families, friends, online with other people, your an inspiration Matthew amazing 🙏


So inspired by you! No longer fear what my patients will think of me if they find my channel


Im a doctor from a really faraway land actually one that you might not have even heard of. Im a new doctor meaning i just finished my undergrad studies and became a Real doctor xD Anyways I do wanna work in the UK asap. And you know what keeps me going? Which videos I keep coming back to? Well, your videos. I don't know why but I feel more connected with your videos and kind of hope that Ill be working there too pretty soon if I can pass all the exams haha. And I really hope that I can really pull that off. And you know what keeps me motivated to study? Your videos, man. Please keep making videos and INSPIRE people even if its just one, like me, or a thousand others.


Love this video! I only just started my YouTube channel but have really enjoyed sharing my journey with medical students so they can be excited about being a doctor and know there’s light at the end of the tunnel!!


I love how everything in this channel is so true! And it is such a blessing to society that you're sharing your expertise and experience with the rest of the world who may not be as connected to the medical world. Keep up the good work!


I honestly really enjoy your videos Matthew, it's so refreshing to see someone creating honest content around medicine that isn't just about "productivity" and "passing exams". Glad to see how quickly your channel is growing and would love to hear you talk more about culture and social issues in medicine


Your channel has inspired a lot to the people around the world. I really enjoy your videos and your IG posts. Support you.


As an IMG looking to work in the NHS, I appreciate the content you put out as it gives me a glimpse of what being a junior doc is like. Looking forward to see your progress! I also hope to muster the courage to to start a channel to document my journey.


You seem like such a kind introspective guy. Your approachability translates through your videos. Thanks for making these quality videos, matthew!


Hey Matthew, thanks for creating a video like this. I really enjoyed listening to your thoughts because I feel like it's similar to mine at the moment. Your thoughts especially on peoples judgements and opinions, trying to open up and talk about ideas and concepts that are important to you but are not widely spoken about, and the thought of helping and inspiring others. It inspired me to continue with my channel this 2021. Thank you for all your videos, Keep it up, Excited to watch more!! 😊


I had my 1st Pfizer jab last week, left arm sore Tuesday and Wednesday for about 4 to 5 hrs injection area very sore and neck pain and headache not a migraine, took 2 paracetamol and then another 2 about 8pm. Thursday morning after a good night sleep no headache or soreness in my arm. A week has passed and no side affects.


This video was so inspiring Matt! I'm so glad you decided to share your journey with us on YouTube - it gives us a realistic insight into this career, and motivates us to do better! Keep them coming!


Making videos for a younger self is such a cool way of thinking about it.
We need more doctors like you speaking out! Keep doing what you do man :) 👊🏼


Great video, I am seriously considering also start making videos. You are inspirational!


I always appreciate ur videos..
U inspire us to go ahead in this medical field..Almighty bless u..💓


i am inspired by you a lot ... being a medical aspirant ... i will also open a youtube channel guiding many more people ... keep uploading more videos ... bruh love you


Your videos are cool. Why you stop updating ? Hope to see 👀 soon.


Tremendous bro!!
How is your health now?
