how to be young and successful (ULTIMATE GUIDE) | mindset, habits, entrepreneurship

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join my fave ENTREPRENEURSHIP community: SparkTank 🚀


Limiting mindset : I wait for the perfect time.
New Mindset : I create the perfect time.


Guys it's perfectly alright to not be making 6 figures at the age of 16 or during your youth, I know it doesn't apply to everyone, but seeing these ultra successful teens can sometimes make us feel like we're lacking something and can often make us rush for success, As long as you're putting your best effort and living happily, you'll find your own way. Have a great day :D .


Limiting mindset: i used to believe that i am going to fail especially because im young, inexperienced and nothing really goes the way you want it to.
New mindset: i now believe that if i want to make something happen, ill do it no mater what and being young does not mean being vulnerable. Starting early just means that you have more time to experiment and learn!!


Limiting mindset: I have trouble finding out what I want to do and what path is for me. I can't seem to figure out or discover what is my purpose and because of this I have no routine or plan to follow.
New mindset: Instead of not doing anything, I should try new things and get out of my comfort zone and explore different options. Im still young and looking for new skills to develop. I should take things day by day, but each day should be purposeful and add meaning to my life


Since you told us to comment our limiting mindset: "Grades and schoolwork are the only factors that determine my success and worth"
New mindset: My worth is defined by how much I am learning, and my success does not solely come from a bunch of results, but from what I build for myself and what I learn in and outside of the classroom


limiting belief: life feels overwhelming because I don't know where to start, where to put the first step. I feel lost.
new mindset: instead of fearing the unknown, start somewhere, I'll figure it out during the journey but I'll get there. if i never try i will never know!


Old mindset: "I have to be 100% prepared for everything I'm going to do."
New mindset: "I am going to jump at opportunities, even if I think I don't have the exact skillset for them."
I think that it's so easy to 'not act' because you don't feel ready enough, when in actuality, you're just missing out on an opportunity to grow and expand. And just as a little piece of evidence as to how shifting your mindset can work, I started a podcast even though I wasn't 100% sure about how the logistics were going to work, what types of social media content I was going to put out and so on. But I started, and now we're at over 140k plays! Moral of the story: DO THE THING YOU'RE AFRAID OF, you won't regret it (obviously, when using common sense and when not endangering your safety).


i’ve been following your journey since you were in eighth grade and it’s so impressive to see how you’ve grown since :) i’m only a year younger than you but your journey inspires me!! keep being amazing annie


Limiting mindset: I'm going to fail if I try
New mindset: I'm going to LEARN if I try


Limiting mindset: not knowing where to start or having too much things that I want to do at a time. Also procrastination is a big thing sometime I spend way too much time on my phone when I feel stressed
New Mindset: take things one at a time and focus on what I am best at before taking on something else ❤


My limiting mindset is that I am too young to be pursuing my goals and working on myself. Instead I should stop "growing up so fast". I remember you mentioned in another video that everybody grows at their own pace and that really helped me. I'm also still worried that because of my age, I wouldn't get anywhere with my passion project or any entrepreneurship goals. But, I am working on this and you have been a big help and inspiration! <33


limiting mindset: My personality, work ethic, activities, and clubs that I participate in are dictated by what society deems as "successful" or "acceptable", whether or not they align with future plans or goals.
new mindset: My personality, work ethic, activities, and clubs that that I participate in will now align with MY longterm goals and plans. I will not let society, social media, or school define what success is supposed to look like. I define what success is to me.


I love that you mentioned just trying things. It’s such a simple concept yet we think of it as too hard to execute. We too often let fear (or laziness) stop us from trying the things we want to try. But if we simply just do it (nike is onto something), we never know how it might change the trajectory of our life in a positive way.


My old mindset was like: I wanna do it, so ill do it one day. But now i know that it is important to just do it NOW!


Limiting mindset: It’s too hard and people will judge me
New mindset : you’ll never know till you try and people will judge you no matter what you do


girl. Youre the BOMB. Fully supporting you. 21 here and spent 2 gap years after high school just to find my own direction. Now im feeling alive as ever. 🥰


so happy with where you've grown to, so glad I stuck with watching this channel because u provide so much value to my mindset 💕


To think you are one year younger than me and such a hugeee inspiration for me to be more active is still shocking to me lmao! You are so amazing and just so incredible. Thank you for making this!


Hi Annie! So my old mindset was thinking that I'm doing enough. I go to a super small school, I'm an only child, and our school is super easy so there is very little that challenges me in academics and my personal life. I want to be the kind of person (through a new mindset) that always strives to be better and learn more. I've gotten too comfortable doing the bare minimum. I love your videos :) <3
