7 Life Lessons I Wish I Knew Sooner

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In this video, I wanted to share 7 lessons that have been on my mind recently, that I wish I'd learned sooner. Enjoy x


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If we haven’t yet before - Hey 👋 I’m Ali, a doctor-turned-entrepreneur and I’ve somehow become the world’s most followed productivity expert. Through my videos here on this channel, my podcast Deep Dive and writing, I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you be more productive and build a life you love.

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

0:00 - Intro
0:09 - 1. The Value of Headspace
5:45 - 2. The Power of Mornings
8:46 - 3. Define Your Constraints
13:45 - 4. The Last Man Standing
18:16 - 5. Don't Optimise Away the Fun
21:48 - 6. Recognise Dream Moments
25:05 - 7. Journey Over Destination
Рекомендации по теме

Don't just learn, experience.
Don't just read, absorb.
Don't just change, transform.
Don't just relate, advocate.
Don't just promise, prove.
Don't just criticize, encourage.
Don't just think, ponder.
Don't just take, give.
Don't just see, feel.
Don’t just dream, do.
Don't just hear, listen.
Don't just talk, act.
Don't just tell, show.
Don't just exist, live


7 life lesson
1.the value of headspace
2.the power of morning
3define your constraints
4.last man standing
5.avoid optimising away the fun
6.recognise dream moment
7.journey over destination ....i am hungry for success


Ali : "I'm a productivity beast" 💪
Me: watching this video instead of being productive 👀


As a mom of 2 adult kids, when I let go of trying to pursue a career and focused on raising my kids and being present for every moment, I gained peace. I have 2 hard working kids, they are kind and overall good human beings. It is the best rewards I could have done in my life and have a 30+ year marriage in complete harmony. It is okay to have white space in your calendar. Things come in time with patience and when you are ready to handle it.


Sincerity is your strength. Thank you.


This one’s by far the most favourite episodes of yours Ali. I’m watching you from past 4-5 yrs and your smile feels more warm now. I use to watch your videos for getting inspiration for medical school and from there till now so much has changed, with you and with me as well. I didn’t pass my medical school examination and sometimes I couldn’t watch your videos because I use to feel embarrassed as here you’re doing everything from med school to business and YouTube besides all the negative comments you use to get. But with time, you open up more about your feelings and difficulties and you look normal like us just more PRDUCTIVE 😅. I know it’s nothing personal but I feel proud in knowing you and your achievements feels personal. With time I’ve also accepted my self and got enroll in a doctorate course and apart from that I’ve started to run my art business and started earning by this year. I hope to meet you someday and hug you. I know you might not know me and probably I know you only from videos but the hardship you must’ve faced and the amount of trust and faith you’ve in you, it’s something I’m seeking in myself ❤


Random: I’ve always found your videos super calming but was never able to pinpoint why. I first thought it was the tone of your voice? Or your laid back attitude? And I just now realized it’s the classical music that plays in the background!!!! 👏🏼


THANK YOU, from my heart for being honest and put yourself out there so we know we are not alone struggling with this stuff. One year ago I started as executive director in an NGO and basically the person doing everything! and Its it my dream job, I wanted for so long to work in climate change and having a platform to impact people and I MADE IT, but it is also exhausting so much responsability and the administrative stuff and getting money, etc, etc. And sometimes is not fun anymore because I forget the purpose, why accepted this in the first place and I have to remind myself that more often. So thanks for sharing your journey so we can have a better one too.


your videos are so therapeutic! please do more of these where you talk about your thoughts so candidly


I needed to hear so much of what you shared in this video. Thank you for doing the hard work and sharing the success, failures, and lessons learned.


hi ali, i’d love to see videos on these topics or something along those lines

1. your favourite newsletters
2. 13 reasons why ‘hey, you’re doing amazing, don’t lose hope and just keep going queen :)’ (where you literally talk to the audience, rather than telling us ways to overcome anxiety and stress etc)

emphasis on the second one!! please start a “therapy club” playlist. nerds that watch your videos get stressed out too, and i’d absolutely love to watch them every time i’m feeling down as well.


Oh my goodness - Headspace! You totally articulated this in a way I couldn't wrap my head around...I have times where I feel like I can't even think and then other times where I am so creative and productive but I just didn't understand what was happening - great insight!


Super amazing video!! 😭🙏🌟 seriously have changed my life as a student and the way I look at productivity and enjoying life in general. Thanks for existing Ali


I love you speaks so fast, your brain is so bright ❤❤❤


I came across your channel and really love how inspiring your story is. You shared some great tips on productivity. I'm a registered nurse who recently decided to quit my job and pursue health coaching/teaching, more in holistic nutrition. Your content is very relatable as you have a medical background and I love the idea you shared. They are so simple and applicable. Thanks for the brilliant contents you shared. I bought your book and loving every bit of it.


I love this vid Ali! Points 4 and 7 are ones that I've also been thinking about a lot and ones I try to remind myself often. Loved hearing your thoughts, thanks for this.


That was soo relieving♥️, I wished the video just kept going... I just appreciate that you keep showing into our lives with these kind of gems and wise advices let's say...


Omg this is one of my favorite videos of yours :) ! So glad you feel inspired it again ! Congrats for the book !


Ali, do you realize how many people you helped and changed their lives ?! I love you so much and I just wish I could be like you and help others


My three favorite channels: Ali Abdaal, Stock Brotha, & How Money Works. Make my week complete! 🔥 🔥 🔥
