Gutter Philosophy - Week 1/Part 1 Ancient: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

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Reverend Graham Long is running a six week course at Wayside called, "Gutter Philosophy", starting on Wednesday, 1 May.

This will be an excursion through the history of Western philosophy from the gutter up, rather than from the university down. Students of philosophy, street people and people of all shapes and sizes will be welcome and every contribution to discussion will be accepted and valued.

Week 1 - Wednesday, 1 May - Ancient: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
Week 2 - Wednesday, 8 May - Medieval: Augustine, Aquinas, Boethius
Wednesday, 15 May - No session this week.
Week 3 - Wednesday, 22 MayModern: English positivists (Hume, Locke, and also Romanticism)
Week 4 - Wednesday, 29 May- Post Modern: Derrida, Foucault
Week 5 - Wednesday, 5 June- Redefining the self (Buber)
Week 6 - Wednesday, 12 June- The nightmare of spirituality (Buber)
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