Tree of Life Basics

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The Kabbalah Tree of Life is explained in this video overview.
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The reason most of us argue with one and other, is because internally we have not reached, some form of understanding. We are desperatly trying to convince each others, but we ourselves are not convinced yet, at least that is how I experienced it. I took the time to investigate this matter without any prejudice( which was f-ing hard in the beginning). I'm going to be very blunt about this, if you get angry or annoyed in any way whatsoever, ask yourself why do I feel angy . If you are still discussing this matter or arguing about, you lack understanding (in this case you are gaining). I did also. I knew nothing. My enviroment knew nothing. In school they taught me only a portion of what really is happening. But what most disturbed me is that I had no identity whatsoever. That was mainly because, almost everybody around me where ( or still are) ignorant of who they are. So yeah basicly I was living with a bunch of ignorant people, who in their ignorance are teaching you how to be ignorant, and not to forget I'm being deliberatly kept ignorant (not since there is internet). So when I read you guys discussing this matter you are doing exactly what you are not suppose to do.The question is, are you aware?? In most cases no. So what are going to do about it? I'll tell you what I did. I actually made an effort to understand what is going on. And this is what I found. All religions are saying the same. The symbology and terminology differs yes, but they are saying the same. Are you interpreting it correctly?? Probably not because most of the religions ( the word means to bind or to unite) are talking jackshit by taking it literrally and the majority doesnt even know and they blindley carrying on this bs. Let me tell you this. If I was alive in the middle ages they would burn my ass on the stake no questions asked. If this was the french renaissance, my head would fly off. Our ancestors where not allowed to school themselves, and the ignorant are very easy to manipulate if you control the information that is given to them. Back in the day only the royals, the aristocracy and the church where allowed to work with this knowledge, because it allowed them to rule over the ignorant. In this day and age it is not possible anymore. The Internet giveth and The Internet taketh away. We are dealing with people who are extremely cunning and have been controlling the world from the shadows. Arm yourself up with WISDOM and choose your own path. The reason why there have been so much bloodshed in the last couple of millenia, has to with the position of our sun. All scripture refer to this phenomena. Just like night and day our solarsystem has also the same cycle. this cycle takes about 24000 to 26000 thousand years. This can also be divided into four seasons each lasting about 6000 years each and like months 12 portions of about 2000 (or more) years each. According to the position of our sun we are in the constellation of Aquarius. If I take that into account and calculate back I see different cultures utilizing this knowledge to determine in what age we are in. As we speed up to sirius a, we are slowly but surely remembering what we have forgotten. As an individual it's is up to you to find your path, make your own destiny. I kid you not, for within in lies power of infinite potential waiting to be awakened, and you the operand power MUST take hold of this power.
I AM at your command,
I AM the Bread of Life.
(The text below was written by David Allen The Power Of I AM)
I AM found when all else fails; when all other means are of no avail; and when no thinking can find the way out. Lo, your extremity is my opportunity to prove to you Myself to be your All-in-all. I AM present always, the neverfailing, Self-existent One. If you make your bed in hell, lo, I AM there. If you take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, ever there I AM, for I AM with you wherever you are. I am your Self.
I AM the Self which, apparently, you have wandered away from-but only as in a dream which you can readily see, if you will, has no substance at all. No dream can ever separate us, for I AM with you wherever you are. I AM with you in your sorrow, in your failure, in your defeat. I AM with you in your joy, in your pleasure, in your success. What is darkness to you shineth as the light to me.
I AM the Self to whom you now lovingly turn. None of your delusions affect Me. Ever I AM at your side waiting only your awareness of Me, your recognition and realization of Me as your All-in-all, to set you free from any false belief in separation. When you leave all for Me, then shall you find Me. When you cry out yearningly from your heart to Me, then shall you hear My voice answering you. I AM your hope of Glory. I AM your bright and morning Star. I AM the Lord, your God. I AM YOU, your Self. 

It doesn't matter where I look I see nothing but different aspects of myself, and it is my responsbility to remind others. I dont have to but I choose to. This will reach someone and have a profound effect on the individual as it did me many times before. Seek ye the Kingdom first and the rest shall be added on to you. We are the heirs of the Universe, the Elohim spoken of in Scripture. This is the age where we are going to shine like never before. There is tuns of information out there stop arguing and start investigating this. gain wisdom and call no man master, for your are the master of your own path. Trust yourself, for your faith in God is measured by your faith in yourself. Godspeed


I am nowhere near an 'expert' on this subject but to the people who are arguing or commenting about the detail of whether this is 'jewish' or 'occult' or whatever else, remember that those are really just words that get associated with something, my feeling is that these ideas are much more universal than what you think, to me it seems like a science, it's like if you used a scientific method in search of truth, but you applied it to life, your mind, humanity, philosophy.. it seems to me that this system is not so much about any particular religion, but more like a scientific diagram/flowchart of philosophy of life, like the instruction book that most of us never received when we came into the world, a universal system, I don't know that it has an inventor as such, just like einstein figured out laws of spacetime, those laws always existed, I think the tree of life is similar..


I'd say it's amazing how Metaphysics come close to authentic KAbbalah, if studied and realized on a deeper levels one may not only understand but feel the reason behind everything that is happening on the universe and beyond


thank you for sharing this information and making it accessible and easy to understand


Great lesson and I am very thankful for it. I have a lot to learn..


I agree... most of the information I've learned about Kabbalah is congruent, but utlimately unverifiable. Then there is the issue of practical application. Most Kabbalah discourses start with vaguaries about how Kabbalah has recently been made available to the public, then there is usually an overly long-winded rhetoric on the general theory of Kabbalah, its history, etc. But I have yet to find something that actually instructs people on how to PRACTICALLY apply Kabbalah in every day life...


When you mentioned white
There's a white butterfly flying in front of me

Wow 😮🌌


im 14 and am using this and always bad things happen to me no matter how much strangers im making happy or am helping people im also a rebel


Awesome! Thank You much. I’ll be reaching out for the DVD.


Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies coming into union( balance)


great video learned a lot I think I'm going to have to learn more about this .knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom brings insight alumin


Doood thanks so much for this video, this geometry has been calling to me here as of late, much appreciated work my friend


This was one of the least convincing, informative videos I have seen yet regarding Kabbalah.


im just learning about this. and im wondering how to do the meditation correctly. please somebody give me a website to look at for it or tell me how to


yooo you snapped bro🔥🔥🔥🔥 thank you for this video you connected so many dots for me especially explaining the masculine head feminine body concept with the pillars. can you explain to me how Saturn is considered the feminine head when in astrology Saturn is associated with Father time, Cronos, paternity ect. I am not trying to check you I genuinely am wanting to understand.


You really make this complex subject simple for those of us to learn the basics, However I do wonder what the hidden 11th Sephira represents, and would sit in centre, Balance, between climbing four to three exactly?


Binah as the "masculine" head of the pillar of Mercy? Huh... interesting


your description of the three pillars is totally backwards....


Severity/Strength is the emanation you need to discipline yourself on the path to spiritual evolution. It does not mean aggression. You have to remember that you are talking here about spiritual development, aggression has nothing to do with spirituality.


Severity is not masculine. Any concepts of Gebura can testify.