Qabalah Explained: Tree of Life, Sephiroth, Paths, & Supernals

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This is an overview of Hermetic Qabalah; the ancient Judaic system of spiritual illumination which has been enhanced over the ages by mystery schools.
[0:00] - What is Qabalah?
[2:10] - Structure of Tree of Life
[5:01] - Explaining the 22 Paths
[7:41] - 3 Trinities: Overview of the Sephiroth
[14:16] - End
*Books Referenced:
Music Used (YouTube royalty free library):
King Porter Stomp by Joel Cummins
#qabalah #kabbalah #spirituality #enlightenment #magick
[0:00] - What is Qabalah?
[2:10] - Structure of Tree of Life
[5:01] - Explaining the 22 Paths
[7:41] - 3 Trinities: Overview of the Sephiroth
[14:16] - End
*Books Referenced:
Music Used (YouTube royalty free library):
King Porter Stomp by Joel Cummins
#qabalah #kabbalah #spirituality #enlightenment #magick
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